Changelog for version 1.1.1:
- Some minor improvements, particularly in how Promises are handled in both native and web
Changelog for version 1.1.0:
- Migrated Gradle DSL from Groovy to Kotlin
- Replaced deprecated Object.finalize() implementation with a implementation based on PhantomReference for auto cleanup
- Enhanced JSFunction to implement AutoCloseable, allowing for use with try-with-resources statements or AutoCloseable.use {} blocks
- Introduced exception handling for JSFunction in case of web reload, providing better error management
- Promises resolved by the web are executed on the main thread
- Refactored code to improve maintainability, readability, and performance
- Simplified project structure by removing the SimpleAndroidBridgeLibJS subproject, reducing complexity
- Added ProGuard consumer rules
- Changed minSdk to 24 and compileSdk to 35