- local Ubuntu (16.04) install, R 3.2.3
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 3 NOTES:
checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer: ‘Andras Sali andras.sali@alphacruncher.com’ New submission
checking installed package size ... NOTE installed size is 93.6Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: libs 93.4Mb
checking compiled code ... NOTE File ‘Rlibcmaes/libs/Rlibcmaes.so’: Found ‘rand’, possibly from ‘rand’ (C) Object: ‘cmasolutions.o’
Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R nor write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor the system RNG.
This is due to the libcmaes using the Random() method from the Eigen library (referenced from RcppEigen)