Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
LOOPBACK | 0x0 | 0x0 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Loopback register |
CLOCK_RATE | 0x1 | 0x4 | [31:0] | r | System clock frequency | |
FB_CLOCK_RATE_0 | 0x2 | 0x8 | [31:0] | r | Feedback clock frequency | |
FB_CLOCK_RATE_1 | 0x3 | 0xc | [31:0] | r | Feedback clock frequency | |
FB_CLOCK_RATE_2 | 0x4 | 0x10 | [31:0] | r | Feedback clock frequency | |
FB_CLOCK_RATE_3 | 0x5 | 0x14 | [31:0] | r | Feedback clock frequency | |
FB_CLOCK_RATE_4 | 0x6 | 0x18 | [31:0] | r | Feedback clock frequency | |
DSI_ON | 0x7 | 0x1c | [4:0] | rw | 0x1F | Bitmask 1 = enable DSI |
FORCE_TRIGGER | 0x8 | 0x20 | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to generate a trigger |
TRIG_GEN_RATE | 0x9 | 0x24 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Rate of generated triggers f_trig = (1/clk_period) * rate/0xffffffff |
RESYNC | 0xa | 0x28 | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to resync |
ANY_TRIG_IS_GLOBAL | 0xb | 0x2c | 0 | rw | 0x0 | 1 makes the ANY trigger read all paddles. |
TRACK_TRIG_IS_GLOBAL | 0xb | 0x2c | 1 | rw | 0x0 | 1 makes the TRACK trigger read all paddles. |
TRACK_CENTRAL_IS_GLOBAL | 0xb | 0x2c | 2 | rw | 0x0 | 1 makes the TRACK central read all paddles. |
TRACK_UMB_CENTRAL_IS_GLOBAL | 0xb | 0x2c | 3 | rw | 0x0 | 1 makes the TRACK UMB central read all paddles. |
EVENT_CNT_RESET | 0xc | 0x30 | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to reset the event counter |
EVENT_CNT | 0xd | 0x34 | [31:0] | r | Event Counter | |
TIU_EMULATION_MODE | 0xe | 0x38 | 0 | rw | 0x0 | 1 to emulate the TIU |
TIU_USE_AUX_LINK | 0xe | 0x38 | 1 | rw | 0x0 | 1 to use J11; 0 to use J3 |
TIU_EMU_BUSY_CNT | 0xe | 0x38 | [31:14] | rw | 0xC350 | Number of 10 ns clock cyles that the emulator will remain busy |
TIU_BAD | 0xf | 0x3c | 0 | r | 1 means that the tiu link is not working | |
TIU_BUSY_STUCK | 0xf | 0x3c | 1 | r | 1 means the TIU has been stuck high for a long time | |
TIU_BUSY_IGNORE | 0xf | 0x3c | 2 | rw | 0x0 | 1 means the the MTB should ignore the TIU busy flag (e.g. because it is stuck) |
LT_INPUT_STRETCH | 0xf | 0x3c | [7:4] | rw | 0xF | Number of clock cycles to stretch the LT inputs by |
RB_INTEGRATION_WINDOW | 0xf | 0x3c | [12:8] | rw | 0x1 | Number of 100MHz clock cycles to integrate the LTB hits to determine which RBs to read out. |
RB_READ_ALL_CHANNELS | 0xf | 0x3c | 13 | rw | 0x1 | Set to 1 to read all channels from RB for any trigger |
DAQ Buffer
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
RESET | 0x10 | 0x40 | 0 | w | Pulse | DAQ Buffer Reset |
DATA | 0x11 | 0x44 | [31:0] | r | DAQ Read Data | |
FULL | 0x12 | 0x48 | 0 | r | DAQ Buffer Full | |
EMPTY | 0x12 | 0x48 | 1 | r | DAQ Buffer Empty | |
NUM_EVENTS | 0x13 | 0x4c | [13:0] | r | DAQ Buffer Number of Events | |
SIZE | 0x13 | 0x4c | [31:16] | r | DAQ Buffer Head Event Size |
Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
INNER_TOF_THRESH | 0x14 | 0x50 | [7:0] | rw | 0x3 | Inner TOF hit threshold |
OUTER_TOF_THRESH | 0x14 | 0x50 | [15:8] | rw | 0x3 | Outer TOF hit threshold |
TOTAL_TOF_THRESH | 0x14 | 0x50 | [23:16] | rw | 0x8 | Total TOF hit threshold |
GAPS_TRIGGER_EN | 0x14 | 0x50 | 24 | rw | 0x0 | Enable the gaps trigger. |
REQUIRE_BETA | 0x14 | 0x50 | 25 | rw | 0x1 | Require beta in the gaps trigger |
HIT_THRESH | 0x14 | 0x50 | [29:28] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
CONFIGURABLE_TRIGGER_EN | 0x14 | 0x50 | 31 | rw | 0x0 | Enable the configurable trigger |
CUBE_SIDE_THRESH | 0x15 | 0x54 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
CUBE_TOP_THRESH | 0x15 | 0x54 | [15:8] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
CUBE_BOT_THRESH | 0x15 | 0x54 | [23:16] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
CUBE_CORNER_THRESH | 0x15 | 0x54 | [31:24] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
UMBRELLA_THRESH | 0x16 | 0x58 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
UMBRELLA_CENTER_THRESH | 0x16 | 0x58 | [15:8] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
CORTINA_THRESH | 0x16 | 0x58 | [23:16] | rw | 0x0 | Threshold for the hit bitmap. Threshold must be > this number. |
TRIGGER_RATE | 0x17 | 0x5c | [23:0] | r | Rate of triggers in Hz | |
LOST_TRIGGER_RATE | 0x18 | 0x60 | [23:0] | r | Rate of lost triggers in Hz | |
LT_LINK_READY0 | 0x1a | 0x68 | [9:0] | r | DSI 0 RX Link OK | |
LT_LINK_READY1 | 0x1b | 0x6c | [9:0] | r | DSI 1 RX Link OK | |
LT_LINK_READY2 | 0x1c | 0x70 | [9:0] | r | DSI 2 RX Link OK | |
LT_LINK_READY3 | 0x1d | 0x74 | [9:0] | r | DSI 3 RX Link OK | |
LT_LINK_READY4 | 0x1e | 0x78 | [9:0] | r | DSI 4 RX Link OK |
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
LT0 | 0x20 | 0x80 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=0 | |
LT1 | 0x21 | 0x84 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=1 | |
LT2 | 0x22 | 0x88 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=2 | |
LT3 | 0x23 | 0x8c | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=3 | |
LT4 | 0x24 | 0x90 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=4 | |
LT5 | 0x25 | 0x94 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=5 | |
LT6 | 0x26 | 0x98 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=6 | |
LT7 | 0x27 | 0x9c | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=7 | |
LT8 | 0x28 | 0xa0 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=8 | |
LT9 | 0x29 | 0xa4 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=9 | |
LT10 | 0x2a | 0xa8 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=10 | |
LT11 | 0x2b | 0xac | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=11 | |
LT12 | 0x2c | 0xb0 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=12 | |
LT13 | 0x2d | 0xb4 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=13 | |
LT14 | 0x2e | 0xb8 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=14 | |
LT15 | 0x2f | 0xbc | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=15 | |
LT16 | 0x30 | 0xc0 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=16 | |
LT17 | 0x31 | 0xc4 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=17 | |
LT18 | 0x32 | 0xc8 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=18 | |
LT19 | 0x33 | 0xcc | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=19 | |
LT20 | 0x34 | 0xd0 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=20 | |
LT21 | 0x35 | 0xd4 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=21 | |
LT22 | 0x36 | 0xd8 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=22 | |
LT23 | 0x37 | 0xdc | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=23 | |
LT24 | 0x38 | 0xe0 | [23:0] | r | hit count on LT=24 | |
RESET | 0x39 | 0xe4 | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to reset hit counters. |
SNAP | 0x3a | 0xe8 | 0 | rw | 0x1 | 1 to snap the hit counters. |
Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
ETH_RX_BAD_FRAME_CNT | 0x3d | 0xf4 | [15:0] | r | Ethernet MAC bad frame error | |
ETH_RX_BAD_FCS_CNT | 0x3d | 0xf4 | [31:16] | r | Ethernet MAC bad fcs | |
ANY_TRIG_PRESCALE | 0x40 | 0x100 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Prescale value for the ANY trigger. 0 == 0% (off), 2**32-1 == 100% |
TRACK_TRIGGER_PRESCALE | 0x41 | 0x104 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Prescale value for the Inner + Outer Track Trigger. 0 == 0% (off), 2**32-1 == 100% |
TRACK_CENTRAL_PRESCALE | 0x42 | 0x108 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Prescale value for the Umbrella + Cube Top Track Trigger. 0 == 0% (off), 2**32-1 == 100% |
1 to mask a channel
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
LT0 | 0x50 | 0x140 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=0 |
LT1 | 0x51 | 0x144 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=1 |
LT2 | 0x52 | 0x148 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=2 |
LT3 | 0x53 | 0x14c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=3 |
LT4 | 0x54 | 0x150 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=4 |
LT5 | 0x55 | 0x154 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=5 |
LT6 | 0x56 | 0x158 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=6 |
LT7 | 0x57 | 0x15c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=7 |
LT8 | 0x58 | 0x160 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=8 |
LT9 | 0x59 | 0x164 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=9 |
LT10 | 0x5a | 0x168 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=10 |
LT11 | 0x5b | 0x16c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=11 |
LT12 | 0x5c | 0x170 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=12 |
LT13 | 0x5d | 0x174 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=13 |
LT14 | 0x5e | 0x178 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=14 |
LT15 | 0x5f | 0x17c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=15 |
LT16 | 0x60 | 0x180 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=16 |
LT17 | 0x61 | 0x184 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=17 |
LT18 | 0x62 | 0x188 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=18 |
LT19 | 0x63 | 0x18c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=19 |
LT20 | 0x64 | 0x190 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=20 |
LT21 | 0x65 | 0x194 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=21 |
LT22 | 0x66 | 0x198 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=22 |
LT23 | 0x67 | 0x19c | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=23 |
LT24 | 0x68 | 0x1a0 | [7:0] | rw | 0x0 | 1 to mask a channel of LT=24 |
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
LT0 | 0xc0 | 0x300 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 0 |
LT1 | 0xc1 | 0x304 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 1 |
LT2 | 0xc2 | 0x308 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 2 |
LT3 | 0xc3 | 0x30c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 3 |
LT4 | 0xc4 | 0x310 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 4 |
LT5 | 0xc5 | 0x314 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 5 |
LT6 | 0xc6 | 0x318 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 6 |
LT7 | 0xc7 | 0x31c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 7 |
LT8 | 0xc8 | 0x320 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 8 |
LT9 | 0xc9 | 0x324 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 9 |
LT10 | 0xca | 0x328 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 10 |
LT11 | 0xcb | 0x32c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 11 |
LT12 | 0xcc | 0x330 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 12 |
LT13 | 0xcd | 0x334 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 13 |
LT14 | 0xce | 0x338 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 14 |
LT15 | 0xcf | 0x33c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 15 |
LT16 | 0xd0 | 0x340 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 16 |
LT17 | 0xd1 | 0x344 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 17 |
LT18 | 0xd2 | 0x348 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 18 |
LT19 | 0xd3 | 0x34c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 19 |
LT20 | 0xd4 | 0x350 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 20 |
LT21 | 0xd5 | 0x354 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 21 |
LT22 | 0xd6 | 0x358 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 22 |
LT23 | 0xd7 | 0x35c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 23 |
LT24 | 0xd8 | 0x360 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 24 |
LT25 | 0xd9 | 0x364 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 25 |
LT26 | 0xda | 0x368 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 26 |
LT27 | 0xdb | 0x36c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 27 |
LT28 | 0xdc | 0x370 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 28 |
LT29 | 0xdd | 0x374 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 29 |
LT30 | 0xde | 0x378 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 30 |
LT31 | 0xdf | 0x37c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 31 |
LT32 | 0xe0 | 0x380 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 32 |
LT33 | 0xe1 | 0x384 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 33 |
LT34 | 0xe2 | 0x388 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 34 |
LT35 | 0xe3 | 0x38c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 35 |
LT36 | 0xe4 | 0x390 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 36 |
LT37 | 0xe5 | 0x394 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 37 |
LT38 | 0xe6 | 0x398 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 38 |
LT39 | 0xe7 | 0x39c | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 39 |
LT40 | 0xe8 | 0x3a0 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 40 |
LT41 | 0xe9 | 0x3a4 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 41 |
LT42 | 0xea | 0x3a8 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 42 |
LT43 | 0xeb | 0x3ac | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 43 |
LT44 | 0xec | 0x3b0 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 44 |
LT45 | 0xed | 0x3b4 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 45 |
LT46 | 0xee | 0x3b8 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 46 |
LT47 | 0xef | 0x3bc | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 47 |
LT48 | 0xf0 | 0x3c0 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 48 |
LT49 | 0xf1 | 0x3c4 | [3:0] | rw | 0x0 | Integer clock delay of LT LINK 49 |
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
CNTS_0 | 0xf2 | 0x3c8 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=0 | |
CNTS_1 | 0xf2 | 0x3c8 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=1 | |
CNTS_2 | 0xf2 | 0x3c8 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=2 | |
CNTS_3 | 0xf2 | 0x3c8 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=3 | |
CNTS_4 | 0xf3 | 0x3cc | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=4 | |
CNTS_5 | 0xf3 | 0x3cc | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=5 | |
CNTS_6 | 0xf3 | 0x3cc | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=6 | |
CNTS_7 | 0xf3 | 0x3cc | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=7 | |
CNTS_8 | 0xf4 | 0x3d0 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=8 | |
CNTS_9 | 0xf4 | 0x3d0 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=9 | |
CNTS_10 | 0xf4 | 0x3d0 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=10 | |
CNTS_11 | 0xf4 | 0x3d0 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=11 | |
CNTS_12 | 0xf5 | 0x3d4 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=12 | |
CNTS_13 | 0xf5 | 0x3d4 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=13 | |
CNTS_14 | 0xf5 | 0x3d4 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=14 | |
CNTS_15 | 0xf5 | 0x3d4 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=15 | |
CNTS_16 | 0xf6 | 0x3d8 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=16 | |
CNTS_17 | 0xf6 | 0x3d8 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=17 | |
CNTS_18 | 0xf6 | 0x3d8 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=18 | |
CNTS_19 | 0xf6 | 0x3d8 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=19 | |
CNTS_20 | 0xf7 | 0x3dc | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=20 | |
CNTS_21 | 0xf7 | 0x3dc | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=21 | |
CNTS_22 | 0xf7 | 0x3dc | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=22 | |
CNTS_23 | 0xf7 | 0x3dc | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=23 | |
CNTS_24 | 0xf8 | 0x3e0 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=24 | |
CNTS_25 | 0xf8 | 0x3e0 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=25 | |
CNTS_26 | 0xf8 | 0x3e0 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=26 | |
CNTS_27 | 0xf8 | 0x3e0 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=27 | |
CNTS_28 | 0xf9 | 0x3e4 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=28 | |
CNTS_29 | 0xf9 | 0x3e4 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=29 | |
CNTS_30 | 0xf9 | 0x3e4 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=30 | |
CNTS_31 | 0xf9 | 0x3e4 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=31 | |
CNTS_32 | 0xfa | 0x3e8 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=32 | |
CNTS_33 | 0xfa | 0x3e8 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=33 | |
CNTS_34 | 0xfa | 0x3e8 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=34 | |
CNTS_35 | 0xfa | 0x3e8 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=35 | |
CNTS_36 | 0xfb | 0x3ec | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=36 | |
CNTS_37 | 0xfb | 0x3ec | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=37 | |
CNTS_38 | 0xfb | 0x3ec | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=38 | |
CNTS_39 | 0xfb | 0x3ec | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=39 | |
CNTS_40 | 0xfc | 0x3f0 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=40 | |
CNTS_41 | 0xfc | 0x3f0 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=41 | |
CNTS_42 | 0xfc | 0x3f0 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=42 | |
CNTS_43 | 0xfc | 0x3f0 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=43 | |
CNTS_44 | 0xfd | 0x3f4 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=44 | |
CNTS_45 | 0xfd | 0x3f4 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=45 | |
CNTS_46 | 0xfd | 0x3f4 | [23:16] | r | Readout count on RB=46 | |
CNTS_47 | 0xfd | 0x3f4 | [31:24] | r | Readout count on RB=47 | |
CNTS_48 | 0xfe | 0x3f8 | [7:0] | r | Readout count on RB=48 | |
CNTS_49 | 0xfe | 0x3f8 | [15:8] | r | Readout count on RB=49 | |
RESET | 0xff | 0x3fc | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to reset hit counters. |
SNAP | 0x100 | 0x400 | 0 | rw | 0x1 | 1 to snap the hit counters. |
LTB Channel Pulser
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
FIRE | 0x100 | 0x400 | 0 | w | Pulse | Write 1 to Fire the Pulser. |
CH_0_24 | 0x101 | 0x404 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 0 to 24 |
CH_25_49 | 0x102 | 0x408 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 25 to 49 |
CH_50_74 | 0x103 | 0x40c | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 50 to 74 |
CH_75_99 | 0x104 | 0x410 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 75 to 99 |
CH_100_124 | 0x105 | 0x414 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 100 to 124 |
CH_125_149 | 0x106 | 0x418 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 125 to 149 |
CH_150_174 | 0x107 | 0x41c | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 150 to 174 |
CH_175_199 | 0x108 | 0x420 | [24:0] | rw | 0x0 | Set fire bits for channels 175 to 199 |
Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
TIU_BUSY_LENGTH | 0x11f | 0x47c | [31:0] | r | Length in 10ns cycles of the last TIU busy flag |
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
CALIBRATION | 0x120 | 0x480 | [11:0] | r | XADC Calibration | |
VCCPINT | 0x120 | 0x480 | [27:16] | r | XADC vccpint | |
VCCPAUX | 0x121 | 0x484 | [11:0] | r | XADC Calibration | |
VCCODDR | 0x121 | 0x484 | [27:16] | r | XADC vccoddr | |
TEMP | 0x122 | 0x488 | [11:0] | r | XADC Temperature | |
VCCINT | 0x122 | 0x488 | [27:16] | r | XADC vccint | |
VCCAUX | 0x123 | 0x48c | [11:0] | r | XADC VCCAUX | |
VCCBRAM | 0x123 | 0x48c | [27:16] | r | XADC vccbram |
HOG Parameters
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
GLOBAL_DATE | 0x200 | 0x800 | [31:0] | r | HOG Global Date | |
GLOBAL_TIME | 0x201 | 0x804 | [31:0] | r | HOG Global Time | |
GLOBAL_VER | 0x202 | 0x808 | [31:0] | r | HOG Global Version | |
GLOBAL_SHA | 0x203 | 0x80c | [31:0] | r | HOG Global SHA | |
TOP_SHA | 0x204 | 0x810 | [31:0] | r | HOG Top SHA | |
TOP_VER | 0x205 | 0x814 | [31:0] | r | HOG Top Version | |
HOG_SHA | 0x206 | 0x818 | [31:0] | r | HOG SHA | |
HOG_VER | 0x207 | 0x81c | [31:0] | r | HOG Version |
Implements various control and monitoring functions of the DRS Logic
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
TRIG_CYCLIC_EN | 0x240 | 0x900 | 0 | rw | 0x0 | Interval of cyclic triggers |
TRIG_CYCLIC_INTERVAL | 0x241 | 0x904 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Interval of cyclic triggers |
LT_LINK_EN0 | 0x242 | 0x908 | [9:0] | rw | 0x3FF | DSI 0 RX Link Enable |
LT_LINK_EN1 | 0x243 | 0x90c | [9:0] | rw | 0x3FF | DSI 1 RX Link Enable |
LT_LINK_EN2 | 0x244 | 0x910 | [9:0] | rw | 0x3FF | DSI 2 RX Link Enable |
LT_LINK_EN3 | 0x245 | 0x914 | [9:0] | rw | 0x3FF | DSI 3 RX Link Enable |
LT_LINK_EN4 | 0x246 | 0x918 | [9:0] | rw | 0x3FF | DSI 4 RX Link Enable |
LT_LINK_AUTOMASK | 0x247 | 0x91c | 0 | rw | 0x1 | 1 to enable automatic LT link masking |
GAPS_TRIG_PRESCALE | 0x248 | 0x920 | [31:0] | rw | 0xFFFFFFFF | Prescale value for the GAPS trigger. 0 == 0% (off), 2**32-1 == 100% |
TRACK_UMB_CENTRAL_PRESCALE | 0x249 | 0x924 | [31:0] | rw | 0x0 | Prescale value for the Umbrella Center + Cube Top Track Trigger. 0 == 0% (off), 2**32-1 == 100% |
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
d0 | 0x1000 | 0x4000 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Data reg 0 |
d1 | 0x1001 | 0x4004 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Data reg 1 |
d2 | 0x1002 | 0x4008 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Data reg 2 |
d3 | 0x1003 | 0x400c | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Data reg 3 |
ctrl | 0x1004 | 0x4010 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Control reg |
divider | 0x1005 | 0x4014 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Clock divider reg |
ss | 0x1006 | 0x4018 | [31:0] | rw | ~~ | Slave select reg |
I2C master controller
I2C master controller
Node | Adr | Adr8 | Bits | Perm | Def | Description |
ps_lo | 0x1100 | 0x4400 | [7:0] | rw | ~~ | Prescale low byte |
ps_hi | 0x1101 | 0x4404 | [7:0] | rw | ~~ | Prescale low byte |
ctrl | 0x1102 | 0x4408 | [7:0] | rw | ~~ | Control |
data | 0x1103 | 0x440c | [7:0] | rw | ~~ | Data |
cmd_stat | 0x1104 | 0x4410 | [7:0] | rw | ~~ | Command / status |