- Avatar component
- Snap Card component
- Title component
- Dismiss in cards
- Text-preset from 5 to 10 in Movistar now are bold (the rest of brands keeps light)
- Tokens are connected with Figma (internal improvement)
- Figma components now use the last features to improve the way to manage instances
- Button colors in Movistar brand frm green → blue
- Border radius in boxed components frm 4 → 8 (desktop bigger components have 16)
- Small buttons paddings frm 8 → 12
- Card paddings in desktop
- Empty state card icon frm 64 → 48 (desktop 80 → 56)
- Feedback screens description weight frm light → regular
- Password input icon now is using a Mística icon
- A lot of improvement in Figma autolayout
- Section title component is deprecated by Title component
- Some colors have been renammed (+ info)
- TextAmount color has been removed