This Module allows reading and writing to GATT descriptors on devices such as fitness trackers, sensors, and anything implementing standard GATT Descriptor behavior.
pygatt wraps BlueZ's gatttool command-line utility with a Pythonic API.
gatttool has an interactive mode but it is difficult to use programatically. Ideally we could use BlueZ directly, but that's a much bigger task.
- Currently only tested under Linux as it requires gatttool which is included with BlueZ which is a Linux library.
- BlueZ >= 5.5
- Tested on 5.18 and 5.21
- Ubuntu is stuck on BlueZ 4.x and does not work - you need to build BlueZ from source.
- Install via pip: $ pip install pygatt
Connect to a bGeigie Nano using BLEBee and decode sensor data (NMEA-like):
import pygatt
str_buf = ''
def print_str_buf(x,y):
global str_buf
str_y = "%s" % y
if str_y == '$':
print str_buf
sb = str_y
str_buf = str_buf + str_y
bgn = pygatt.pygatt.BluetoothLEDevice('00:07:80:71:D5:89')
bgn.char_write(32, bytearray([0x03, 0x00]))
bgn.subscribe('a1e8f5b1-696b-4e4c-87c6-69dfe0b0093b', print_str_buf)
This should print something like:
Greg Albrecht <>
Derived from the work of several others, see NOTICE.
Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.
Copyright 2015 Orion Labs, Inc.