Group 4 Members
- Alfin Najeehah binti Zahid 2019618
- Nur Faizah binti Mhd Kamil 2016834
- Nur Najua Binti Abdul Rahim 1919230
- Muhammad Firdaus bin Shahrum 2013803
- Muhammad Amir Hamzah bin Abdul Aziz 2011685
Task Assignments
- Homepage (Homepage.php) - Nur Faizah binti Mhd Kamil 2016834
- Bus Selection (Bus.php) - Nur Najua Binti Abdul Rahim 1919230
- Seat Selection (Seat.php & selectSeat3.php) - Muhammad Firdaus bin Shahrum 2013803 - Muhammad Amir Hamzah bin Abdul Aziz 2011685
- Passenger Details (Passenger.php) - Alfin Najeehah binti Zahid 2019618
- Payment (Payment.php) - Alfin Najeehah binti Zahid 2019618
Brief Description
- For this case study, our group is assigned to create a bus booking system written in php programming language.
- This system allows the user to select their destination, origin, date, bus operator, time and seat number.
- There are two types of seats , double (aisle and window), both cost RM21 while single seat costs RM25.
- The system will calculate the price the user need to pay based on their seat selection.
- Each user is able to book only one seat per booking.
- The system will display the details of the booking at the end of the transaction.