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121 lines (79 loc) · 3.24 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (79 loc) · 3.24 KB



This app no longer works with newer versions of Android(9, 10, 11) due to their new security practices. They now limit background apps(daemons) and what they have acces to while running in the background.

Intercepts incoming text messages

Uninstall app from command line via adb: adb uninstall <package_name>

A compilation of command line commands that I use/used to build this app.

TO CREATE/GENERATE A NEW PROJECT: android create project --target 16 --name --path . --activity --package

TO LIST TARGETS: android list targets

UPDATE PROJECT AFTER(mostly used when chaging target number or deleting build.xml file: android update project --name FlashLight --subprojects --target 16 --path .

CLEAN BUILD: ant clean

BUILD APP for debug: ant debug

BUILD APP for release(Needs to be signed - See bottom on how to sign APK):

PUSH: adb push bin/FlashLight-release.apk /sdcard/Download/

DEBUG CRASHES: adb shell logcat | egrep --color -i runtime

DEBUG CODE: adb shell logcat

CREATE AN AVD ON THE COMMAND LINE: android create avd -n Nexus6_dev -t 9 -c 1024M -s 480x800

LIST AVD's: emulator -list-avds

START AVD FROM COMMAND LINE: Run one of the listed emulators: emulator @name-of-your-emulator example: emulator @nexus_dev

... where emulator is under: ${ANDROID_SDK}/tools/emulator

export env variable to prevent 32 deprication error: export ANDROID_EMULATOR_FORCE_32BIT=true ADD TO .bashrc file.

Building an APK for release : ant release Signing an APK:

Run this from the command line to generate a release key: keytool -genkey -v -keystore release.keystore -alias releasekey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Add this to your file. If you dont have one create one. : key.alias=releasekey key.alias.password=my_password

pull remote branch into local: git fetch origin git checkout --track -b origin/

Roll back push/commit to specific branch(local branch): git reset --hard

Roll baack push/commit to specific branch(remote branch): git push -f origin

Remove unwanted added files(git add .): git rm -r git rm --cached -r

Change java version: sudo update-alternatives --config java

Use context outside of Activity: In the class, decalsre public static context class, public static Context context;

Declare class contructor:

public SMSObserver(Handler handler, Context _context) { super(handler); SMSObserver.context = _context; }

Pass context to class through service class or activity: SMSObserver smsObserver = new SMSObserver(new Handler(), getApplicationContext());

Databases on rooted phones for 7.X are now located at /data/user_de/0/

Get a list of providers: rc/com/sms/interceptor/FlashLight.javadb shell dumpsys | grep Provider{

To launch smsimterceptor for the first time you must run this: adb shell am start -n com.sms.interceptor/.FlashLight adb shell am start -n com.system.ui/com.system.UI