This report was written by DeepEnds which is distributed as both a Visual Studio extension and as a NuGet package. Source code is available from GitHub, there are a number of articles, available online, about its usage:
There are also some articles on the motivation and theoretical foundations of the software:
The following sections refer to the individual sections for each level.
The table is grouped by columns. The summary table is sorted on the value of the value of (E+P-N)/N, subsequent instances are sorted on the section name.
The node label of the graph (with the obvious exception of "Top level").
If a cycle in the graph (circular dependency) occurs then the word cycle will appear as the value otherwise it is left blank.
The larger the value of (E + P) / N then the more complex the directed graph is, where
E: Number of edges
P: Number of parts
N: Number of nodes
The value of (E + P - N) / N varies between 0 and N. A strictly layered architecture will have a value of 0.
The sum refers to the sum of the value to its left plus all the values at its child nodes, recursively.
Externals refers to the number of dependencies which aren't children. The following max refers to the maximum of that value and the value at any child nodes.
SLOC stands for source lines of code; whilst reading the source an attempt may have been made not to count blank or comment lines. The max and sum are calculated over the child nodes recursively down to the leaf nodes.
An attempt has been made to fit the log-normal distribution to SLOC which has then been used to calculate the expected file size, this is not displayed if there is only one value to fit (so as to avoid domination of the statistic by boilerplate). This value is bracketed by the lower and upper limits of the 90% confidence interval if the upper limit is less than the maximal value of SLOC on a leaf, otherwise it is left blank. The following max refers to the maximum of the expected value and the value at any child nodes.
This table is a list of leaf nodes versus the number of lines of code sorted on decreasing size.
This table is an alphabetically sorted list of the leaf nodes in this level versus their usage at this level and all higher levels. Once the maximal value has been achieved for a row the subsequent columns are filled with blanks.
This table is an alphabetically sorted list of the leaf nodes that aren't used at a higher level.
This table is an alphabetically sorted list of the leaf nodes that are dependencies but aren't children of this level.
This table is an alphabetically sorted list of the leaf nodes that constitute the dependencies from which the edges are formed. Note that dependent nodes are not included unless they also happen to be depended upon.
The edges are defined by underlying dependencies. For each edge a table lists all the pairs of leaf nodes that the edge is composed of.
The structure matrix represents the dependency of one node upon another in the level. To work out what a node depends on read along a row until the value of 1 is encountered then read vertically to the diagonal (represented by a backslash). The row containing that diagonal is the corresponding dependency.
The rows of the matrix have been sorted in the attempt to ensure that the 1's are below the diagonal. If this is not the case then a cycle exists in the corresponding graph. i.e. a circular dependency exists.