We maintain our own plurals.rb configuration file. This is used for plural rules that don't exist in rails-i18n.
If there is a missing plural rule (fails plural validator) then we can add the rule to our plurals.rb file. Plural rules for most languages can be found on the unicode website (cardinal type).
Keys with incorrect plural forms are more complex to adjust. If there are keys with additional unnecessary plural forms, they can be deleted:
sed -i '' '/^ *one:/d' config/locales/xx.yml
Keys which need a plural form added can be automated with caution. If every key of a specific translation needs the new plural added, it can be done by adding a blank key before every other:
perl -0777 -p -i -e 's/\n(\s+)other:/\n\1many:\n\1other:/g' config/locales/xx.yml
Or if only a specific key needs the plural added:
perl -0777 -p -i -e 's/(key_with_missing_plural:\n)(\s+)/\1\2zero:\n\2/g' config/locales/xx.yml