#!/bin/sh if [ "X$1" = "X-w" ] then webapp=$1 else webapp=../webapp fi if ! test -d "$webapp" then echo "Could not find webapp at $webapp" >&2 echo "Use -w [location] to set webapp location" >&2 exit 1 fi case $1 in -h | --help | help) echo "Use -w as an initial option to change the webapp path" echo "Command: get-css, put-js, put-css" exit 0 ;; get-css) pwd=$(pwd) cd "$webapp" make css cd "$pwd" manifest="$webapp/genfiles/stylesheets-packages-compressed.json" shared=$(node stylesheets/get_css_name.js "$manifest") cp "$webapp/stylesheets/shared-package/$shared" stylesheets/shared.css ;; put-js) cp build/perseus.min.js "$webapp/javascript/perseus-package" ;; put-css) pap="stylesheets/perseus-admin-package" files=$(find $pap -maxdepth 1 -type f) cp $files "$webapp/$pap" files=$(find stylesheets/exercise-content-package -maxdepth 1 -type f) cp $files "$webapp/stylesheets/exercise-content-package" ;; esac