Ryzen Maser Traditional Chinese Translator
RM (Ryzen Maser)'s Chinese display is not very friendly and perfectly. His default font uses mingliu.ttc, but it does not support the Chinese translation version. Therefore, we intend to provide a translation ourselves.
Translating with the New Phrase Tool.
Because RM uses QT to design the software. Therefore, we can use QT's resource editor to create and change the translated QM files for i18n.
The default installation location for RM is %ProgramFiles%\AMD\RyzenMaster. We need to get chinese_simplified.qm from RyzenMaster\bin\Languages. This is a simplified Chinese version. We will use this version as a template and translate it to our target version.
To modify QM files, we need to install qt5-tools\linguist.exe. You need to go to the QT linguist web page to download and install it. Then we can use linguist to open the compiled .qm file. And re-export the translated .qm file. For convenience, I saved the .qm file as a chinese_traditional.ts file so that we can edit it with a text editor.
To use traditional Chinese, we need to provide a translation file called: chinese_traditional.qm. and place it in RyzenMaster\bin\Languages and RyzenMaster\bin\translations.
Please use the translation file in prebuilt and copy to your Ryzen Master folder (%ProgramFiles%\AMD\RyzenMaster).
Because our translation is based on the Simplified Chinese version, some common words may not be suitable for Traditional Chinese users, so we have added a common word conversion tool. Please use powershell to run replace_zhtw_idiomatic.ps1.
.\replace_zhtw_idiomatic.ps1 .\chinese_traditional.ts .\chinese_traditional1.ts
Provide new phrase tool uses opencc and Microsoft word to convert Simplified Chinese to Traditional.
opencc setup:
- Download opencc
- Configure the opencc_conv.ps1 in folder: phrases_tools
# opencc paths $OPEN_CC_FILEPATH = "C:\opencc\bin\opencc.exe" $OPEN_CC_TW2SP_FILEPATH = "C:\opencc\data\config\s2twp.json"
Office Word setup:
- Install office word.
- We use VBScript to use Automation Word objects to call office convert API to convert chinese_traditional.ts
Convert Rules:
- Convert in opencc.
- Convert opencc result in Word convert.
- Apply replace_zhtw_idiomatic.ps1 convert. (final phrases fix)
Test It:
cd phrases_tools convert.cmd
Traditional Chinese Translation of Ryzen Master (Chinese Version)