From fead78439e0d1cbe8883544f53cf64aaf9877bc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: janrywang Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 23:28:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] chore(scripts): slice changelog counts --- | 1420 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- package.json | 2 +- 2 files changed, 1398 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4eb8c35b9c0..749f6bc0ee5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,51 +1,1425 @@ # Changelog -## v0.3.10(2019-08-10) +## v2.0.0-beta.53(2021-05-20) -### No Change Log -## v0.3.9(2019-08-07) +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(project): remove designable package]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :blush: Other Changes + +1. [chore(project): update pkg scripts]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [chore(antd/next): update resize-observer-polyfill]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + + +## v2.0.0-beta.51(2021-05-20) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(core): support value change trigger validate]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(core): add extra strategy for merge form value (#1448)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [feat(core): support controlled mode for lowcode]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(antd/next): improve code]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(vue): improve typings and docs(#1433)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [feat(.md): Form => FormLayout (#1427)]( :point_right: ( [Lyca]( ) + +1. [feat(core): createForm supports generic type (#1403)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [feat(react): support scope components api for SchemaField]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(antd/next): support text toolip style]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: url regexp support /?a=1 and ?a=1 (#1374)]( :point_right: ( [No.96]( ) + +1. [feat(shared): remove isValidElement types dependency]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(antd/next): export FormGrid props interface (#1327)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [feat(react): add context cleaner to FormProvider]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(json-schema): add registerPolyfills/enablePolyfills api]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(json-schema): add error when x-component can not found]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(json-schema): support alias style for x-reactions.dependencies]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(form-item): support string format for labelWidth/wrapperWidth]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(effects): normoalize onFieldInit]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: add build style (#1201)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [feat(project): rename fullfill=>fulfill]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(reactive): recover batch.scope]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: applicable less and scss to vite (#1187)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [feat(reactive): computed annotation]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: add logic-diagram to Next and AntD (TBD) (#1158)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [feat(FormGrid): update]( :point_right: ( [ZirkleTsing]( ) + +1. [feat: update antd message style]( :point_right: ( [quirkyshop]( ) + +1. [feat(react-logic-diagram): update docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: move param-case to shared (#1152)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [feat: add feedback layout]( :point_right: ( [quirkyshop]( ) + +1. [feat: update 'feedbackText']( :point_right: ( [quirkyshop]( ) + +1. [feat: add formitem demo]( :point_right: ( [guishu.zc]( ) + +1. [feat(vue): add vue3 compatibly (#1138)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [feat(react): connect add hoistNonReactStatics]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(json-schema): support schema v1 polyfills]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(core): add more effects]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(validator): fix url pattern]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(styles): support prefixCls]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(project): support array tabs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(antd): support form-tab and form-collapse]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: add `tooltip` into FormItem`s props (#1079)]( :point_right: ( [yezihaohao]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(react): fix SchemaField missing scope from options (#1462)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix gridSpan calculate algorithm (#1440)]( :point_right: ( [Nokecy]( ) + +1. [fix(project): fix typings]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix btn is too big in small mode (#1455)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [fix(json-schema): fix transformer patch state]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(vue): fix a type error in ISchemaMarkupFieldProps (#1454)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix layout context]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix empty checker in intialFieldValue]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix the effects of IFormProps losing generic type (#1418)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [fix(core/reactive): fix toJS and initialValue assign value]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix Form.submit miss return values (#1382)]( :point_right: ( [林法鑫](林法鑫) ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix antd form-item dark label color (#1391)]( :point_right: ( [Lind]( ) + +1. [fix(doc): fix next doc (#1385)]( :point_right: ( [Lind]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix the feedbackLayout type definition error of the form-layout (#1372)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [fix json-schema SchemaReaction type error (#1367)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix missing key in form-collapse map render (#1356)]( :point_right: ( [Lind]( ) + +1. [fix(reactive): fix action binding context]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(reactive-react): fix browser crash in strict-mode async linkages scence]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix scss variables]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(antd&next): `false` should be a valid value in `PreviewText.Select` (#1297)]( :point_right: ( [Chao Ning]( Ning) ) + +1. [fix(vue): mapProps、mapReadPretty listeners bug]( :point_right: ( [p(^-^q)](^-^q)) ) + +1. [fix(array-table): give toFieldProps an options]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(antd): fix antd time picker ref (#1282)]( :point_right: ( [Pandazki]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix textarea status map]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix form-item tooltip styles]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix validated form-item box-shadow styles (#1265)]( :point_right: ( [Fog3211]( ) + +1. [fix(react/vue): fix onChange can not pass to voidField's component props. (#1264)]( :point_right: ( [林法鑫](林法鑫) ) + +1. [fix(core): fix reset logic for ArrayField/ObjectField]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(vue): fix typings and some exceptions (#1261)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [fix(reactive): fix tojs recursive dependence stack overflow (#1245)]( :point_right: ( [gwsbhqt]( ) + +1. [Merge pull request #1242 from gwsbhqt/v2_reactive_fix_mark]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [test(reactive): add mark tests and fix docs typo]( :point_right: ( [gwsbhqt]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix editable closing being blocked by other controller]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs: fix typo (#1240)]( :point_right: ( [Aspirant Zhang]( Zhang) ) + +1. [fix(core): rollback onFieldInit behavior]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(main): fix main site docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): Prevent native events bubbles]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): Fix the problem of onChange event catching exception]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(path): fix accessor]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix multiple select small/large styles]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(all): fix lint]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix array move]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix antd styles (#1181)]( :point_right: ( [Dark]( ) + +1. [fix(core): relative query]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix: use form.setValuesIn instead of field.removeProperty (#1160)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [fix(form-grid): add mutation observer]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix observable componentProps]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(devtools): fix serialize function]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): Fix the problem that the initialValues cannot be synchronized to values repeatedly]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix month picker (#1115)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(vue): fix connect]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(validator): fix url pattern]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(styles): support prefixCls]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix: fix form help validate status error (#1071)]( :point_right: ( [Yohox]( ) + +1. [fix(antd-components): fix timepicker format (#1069)]( :point_right: ( [haipeng]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix children not rendered]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [feat(vue): improve typings and docs(#1433)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [docs(core): update docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(doc): fix next doc (#1385)]( :point_right: ( [Lind]( ) + +1. [docs(react): improve schema static declarations document (#1310)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [docs(antd): fix antd time picker ref (#1282)]( :point_right: ( [Pandazki]( ) + +1. [docs(antd/next): add useIndex api]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [test(reactive): add mark tests and fix docs typo]( :point_right: ( [gwsbhqt]( ) + +1. [docs: fix typo (#1240)]( :point_right: ( [Aspirant Zhang]( Zhang) ) + +1. [docs(site): add english doc]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(main): fix main site docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs: JOSN -> JSON (#1196)]( :point_right: ( [zkylearner]( ) + +1. [docs(all): fix lint]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [Feat vue docs (#1190)]( :point_right: ( [月落音阑](月落音阑) ) + +1. [docs(project):add build docs (#1186)]( :point_right: ( [Dark]( ) + +1. [docs(formily): add quick-start doc]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(antd): add form-layout doc]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat(react-logic-diagram): update docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [docs(react): add react docs]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(project): update lerna scripts]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [Revert "refactor(antd/next): change the way of FormLayout pass context (#1417)" (#1437)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [refactor(core): modify IFormState type (#1434)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [refactor(react-reactive): change the way of observer function pass ref (#1422)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + +1. [refactor(reactive): add benchmark scripts]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [refactor(reactive-react): improve immediate]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [refactor: adjust the umd compilation process of the ui library (#1206)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [refactor: update rollup config (#1193)]( :point_right: ( [Dark]( ) + +1. [refactor(project): remove dist npmignore]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [refactor(antd): fine adjustment (#1188)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [refactor: remove disabled, update props name, update NodeTypes enum(#1155)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(path): improve path performance]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :hammer_and_wrench: Update Workflow Scripts + +1. [build(shared): external path package]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [feat: add build style (#1201)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [docs(project):add build docs (#1186)]( :point_right: ( [Dark]( ) + + +### :construction: Add/Update Test Cases + +1. [test(core): add some tests]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [test(reactive): add mark tests and fix docs typo]( :point_right: ( [gwsbhqt]( ) + +1. [test(project): update mobx => @formily/reactive]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [test(json-schema): update snapshot]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :blush: Other Changes + +1. [chore: improve github pull request template (#1328)]( :point_right: ( [liuwei]( ) + + + +## v1.3.7(2020-11-12) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(react-schema-renderer): add componentPropsInterceptor (#1062)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: update alignment (#1060)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(core): support enableUnmountRemoveNode/disableUnmountRemoveNode API]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(react): fix form render dirty check (#1056)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix form step validate failed (#1054)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd-components): fix format nan (#1052)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix input change trigger order]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(codesandbox): update dependencies]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + + +## v1.3.4(2020-10-09) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: add registerPreviewTextComponent (#1041)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [feat: Add ja validation language (#1028) (#1029)]( :point_right: ( [Yaodong Li]( Li) ) + +1. [feat(next): support inline form (#1026)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(next-components): Replace ArrayList.Item with Table.Column. Fix #1034 (#1045)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix hasChanged return type (#1036)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix Upload preview image (#1031)]( :point_right: ( [liunian]( ) + + + +## v1.3.3(2020-09-21) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: add style lineheight (#1022)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix: docs typo (#1012)]( :point_right: ( [Tianci He]( He) ) + +1. [fix(antd-components): missing 'key' prop warning when table draggable (#1011)]( :point_right: ( [daief]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [fix: docs typo (#1012)]( :point_right: ( [Tianci He]( He) ) + + + +## v1.3.2(2020-09-07) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(shared): Fix merge undefined is not work (#1009)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: compat legal props (#1007)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + + +## v1.3.1(2020-08-20) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(layout/docs): update docs and fix layout (#1003)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [feat(layout/docs): update docs and fix layout (#1003)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [feat(layout/docs): update docs and fix layout (#1003)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + + +## v1.3.0(2020-08-17) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix schema field lazy state (#999)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix previewPlaceholder errors (#993)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(shared): update cool-path version, ensure bug to be fixed (#988)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [doc:improve validate documents (#1000)]( :point_right: ( [wangmingxu]( ) + + + +## v1.2.11(2020-08-03) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(antd/next): add stop propagation to form (#978)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): Fix expression complie perf bug (#986)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: compat ie10-11 for antd3 (#985)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: 回滚mutators.move行为 (#984)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [refactor(doc): update doc]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(doc): update doc]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): Fix expression complie perf bug (#986)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.10(2020-07-28) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix unmount remove errors (#976)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: mutator insert (#977)]( :point_right: ( [xiaowanzi]( ) + + + +## v1.2.9(2020-07-24) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(schema): add nested form polyfill (#972)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + + +## v1.2.8(2020-07-21) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix field default sync exception (#970)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(core): improve array remove node performance (#971)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.7(2020-07-14) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(layout): type typo (#962)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix move down throw errors and fix null assign merge throw errors (#961)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.5(2020-07-09) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix ci]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): use form batch to sync errors in array state exchanging]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(editor): remove import lodash/fp]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(project): update styled-component version compat]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + + +## v1.2.4(2020-07-06) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(schema): compat eva expression actions (#951)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(validator): improve validate perf (#950)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.3(2020-07-05) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(layout): compat antv3 and fix layout related issue (#949)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(components): add FormMegaLayout className (#935)]( :point_right: ( [changfuguo]( ) + +1. [feat(core): support_disable_unmount_clear_states (#938)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: add span to array-card dot for custom style (#922)]( :point_right: ( [slientcloud]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [feat(layout): compat antv3 and fix layout related issue (#949)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix array list move algorithm (#947)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix antd table get row key (#946)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(@formily/core): fix unmountClearStates flags is not right (#944)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [fix(antd,next): fix ie.tsx ssr bug (#936)]( :point_right: ( [Markey]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix reset deep children (#933)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: issue 853 and 860 (#928)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next-components): fix form step dynamic items (#926)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [bugfix (#920)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.2(2020-06-30) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(layout): support responsive gri layout for older browsers (#916)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix value is overwritten by default (#917)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.2.0(2020-06-28) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: support antd v3 (#913)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: add ie compat mode of grid(ie) (#912)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(layout): add ts type desc of MegaLayout and fix array-inc doc (#905)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(layout): add inset mode for mega layout (#900)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: update snapshot and layout test for nested grid (#894)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix event trigger order (#908)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): sync form state (#906)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(layout): add ts type desc of MegaLayout and fix array-inc doc (#905)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(react): fix ArrayTable index and FormSpy (#904)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(layout): inset mode comflict with labelAlign top (#903)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix value sync bug]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix types of errors/warnings in IFormState (#898)]( :point_right: ( [Xianming Zhong]( Zhong) ) + +1. [fix(core): fix array list mutators (#888)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [feat(layout): add ts type desc of MegaLayout and fix array-inc doc (#905)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :construction: Add/Update Test Cases + +1. [feat: update snapshot and layout test for nested grid (#894)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + + +## v1.1.7(2020-06-09) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(next/components): incorrect size #884 (#885)]( :point_right: ( [锦此](锦此) ) + +1. [fix(react-schema-renderer): fix typos (#883)]( :point_right: ( [KyLeo]( ) + +1. [fix(components): fix datepicker format and checkbox editable style (#881)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix intialValues sync (#875)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(antd): mardown special symbol escape (#882)]( :point_right: ( [kromalee]( ) + +1. [docs: add type definition of x-linkages and x-mega-props (#876)]( :point_right: ( [Empireo]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(pkg): update pkg deps version]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + + +## v1.1.6(2020-05-25) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: compile expression for array-table column title (#868)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix: megalayout columns (#871)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [doc: fix typos (#870)]( :point_right: ( [Plortinus]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix virtual box can not receive visible ant display (#869)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [doc: fix typos (#870)]( :point_right: ( [Plortinus]( ) + + + +## v1.1.5(2020-05-19) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix: remove warning of addon before (#863)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(react): fix useField/useVirtualField props assign (#858)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.1.4(2020-05-18) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(react): fix useFormEffects typings (#856)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-editor): fix dependencies (#857)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix button-group typings (#855)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(react): fix formSpy conflict with parent SchemaForm (#854)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix FormTextBox doesnot support className (#851)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix labelCol/wrapperCol can not be overwriten (#850)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix unmounteRemoveValue property is not work #827 (#847)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix onBlur throw errors #839 (#849)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix throw error when use previewPlaceholder (#846)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(antd): fix registerVirtualBox demo (#834)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(antd): fix registerVirtualBox demo (#834)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + + +## v1.1.3(2020-04-27) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(antd/next): improve useFormTableQuery (#821)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(docs): add antd TimePicker.RangePicker demo. (#811)]( :point_right: ( [ShiCheng]( ) + +1. [feat(antd-components): add default export (#810)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(react-schema-renderer): fix x-linkages typings (#823)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix labelCol and wrapperCol type (#822)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + +1. [fix(array-table): remove min-width style property (#820)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix immer autoFreeze and reset Native Object (#816)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(antd/component): fix labelAlign type and remove labelTextAlign (#817)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + +1. [fix: arrayTable style (#813)]( :point_right: ( [xiaowanzi]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(antd/component): fix labelAlign type and remove labelTextAlign (#817)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + +1. [feat(docs): add antd TimePicker.RangePicker demo. (#811)]( :point_right: ( [ShiCheng]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(react): improve form-spy (#824)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.1.2(2020-04-19) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: add formily-meet documents (#797)]( :point_right: ( [DarK-AleX-alibaba]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix destruction default value is not work and fix typings (#808)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix typo (#804)]( :point_right: ( [Robot]( ) + +1. [fix: FormTab components parseDefaultActiveKey (#802)]( :point_right: ( [xiaowanzi]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [feat: add formily-meet documents (#797)]( :point_right: ( [DarK-AleX-alibaba]( ) + + + +## v1.1.1(2020-04-14) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(core): remove initializeLazySyncState]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(core): fix ci]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(project): fix #788 #789 #790 #792 (#793)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs: fix spelling (#791)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + +1. [fix: Add default export for the antd (#787)]( :point_right: ( [Rex Guo]( Guo) ) + +1. [fix(react-schema-editor): improve SchemaEditor types (#786)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + +1. [fix: readme typo (#785)]( :point_right: ( [WanTong]( ) + +1. [fix(antd): fix FormItem type definition (#784)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs: fix spelling (#791)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(core): improve initialize performance]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + + +## v1.1.0(2020-04-05) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(schema-renderer): support relative target path (#779)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.0.11(2020-04-04) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(next): add onPageSizeChange (#777)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): add lifecycle buffer gc (#773)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next-components): fix array items (#769)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix initialValues validate (#770)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): Fix the wrong publishing sequence of initialization events (#772)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix typings (#762)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(share): fix toArr if param is a proxy (#760)]( :point_right: ( [林法鑫](林法鑫) ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs: formatted with prettier (#768)]( :point_right: ( [kenve]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [Fix devtools perf (#776)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.0.10(2020-03-28) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(docs): add service worker cache (#745)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(antd): fix error auto scroll is not work for antd4 (#750)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix onBlur/onFocus (#748)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix unmount onChange trigger and x-linkages array merge (#742)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(antd-components): update import package name (#758)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs: add introduction and support FormTab and support FieldState. unmountRemoveValue (#752)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [doc(next/antd): array item docs optimization (#749)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [Update docs.js]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [Feat docs sw (#747)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(docs): add service worker cache (#745)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(core): improve validate perf (#755)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.0.9(2020-03-22) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: add recursive-render doc and fix some bugs (#736)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(hooks): add onSubmit hook and docs (#727)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(core): support pass FormPathPattern to createMutators, and fix some typings (#728)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [feat: add recursive-render doc and fix some bugs (#736)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(core): support pass FormPathPattern to createMutators, and fix some typings (#728)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix linkage can not access expressionScope (#726)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(core): fix field notify]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs : add (#737)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: add recursive-render doc and fix some bugs (#736)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [doc(next/antd): add document of array items (#731)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [docs(practice): add (#733)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(hooks): add onSubmit hook and docs (#727)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + -### No Change Log -## v0.3.9-beta.0(2019-08-07) +## v1.0.7(2020-03-15) -### No Change Log -## v0.3.8(2019-08-06) +### :tada: Enhancements -### No Change Log +1. [feat(core): change visible behavior to fix array list delete auto assign value not work (#725)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + -## v0.3.7(2019-07-30) +### :beetle: Bug Fixes -### No Change Log +1. [feat(core): change visible behavior to fix array list delete auto assign value not work (#725)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -## v0.3.6(2019-07-26) +1. [fix x-index order algorithm (#724)]( :point_right: ( [JerryLyu]( ) + -### No Change Log -## v0.3.5(2019-07-26) +## v1.0.6(2020-03-14) -### No Change Log -## v0.3.4(2019-07-25) +### :tada: Enhancements -### No Change Log +1. [feat(prject): access unified log module (#723)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -## v0.3.3(2019-07-23) +1. [feat(core): Support form state modified property (#717)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -### No Change Log +1. [feat(shared): support BigData (#708)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + -## v0.3.2(2019-07-18) +### :beetle: Bug Fixes -### No Change Log +1. [perf(core): fix nested path update performance (#722)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -## v0.3.1(2019-07-16) +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix datepicker showTime.defaultValue will throw Errors (#719)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -### No Change Log +1. [fix(core): fix typings (#718)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix layout can not pass FormItem attributes (#715)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(schema-renderer): fix linkages (#713)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [[WIP]doc: develope array-items (#720)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(core): fix nested path update performance (#722)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + + +## v1.0.5(2020-03-08) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: add wiki (#705)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: update doc of component (#695)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [Update docs & bugfix (#707)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: doc typo of antd (#699)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(next): fix formItem (#688)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [Update docs & bugfix (#707)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [doc: add form and formitem (#700)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: doc typo of antd (#699)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: update doc of component (#695)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + + +## v1.0.3(2020-02-29) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat: url type support rtmp (#686)]( :point_right: ( [Desen Meng]( Meng) ) + +1. [feat: add components and hooks (#670)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [Support antd4 & Bugfix (#687)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(@formily/react-schema-renderer): fix docs example (#681)]( :point_right: ( [朱建](朱建) ) + +1. [fix(antd-components): fix password component bugs (#672)]( :point_right: ( [JerryLyu]( ) + +1. [fix(project): fix typings (#669)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(@formily/react-schema-renderer): fix docs example (#681)]( :point_right: ( [朱建](朱建) ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [perf(array): shorten the code (#678)]( :point_right: ( [Neil]( ) + + + +## v1.0.1(2020-02-22) + + +### :tada: Enhancements + +1. [feat(meet): add meet components (#657)]( :point_right: ( [DarK-AleX-alibaba]( ) + +1. [feat(project): update formily code and docs (#651)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: schema editor support json to schema (#639)]( :point_right: ( [大康](大康) ) + +1. [feat(@uform/devtools): update lerna config (#635)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/core): reset add clearInitialValue (#627)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/react-schema-renderer): export markup context (#625)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: use react-drag-listview instead of ReactDnD and support antd draggable table (#609)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/core)support visible cache values and intialValues sync action (#588)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: support change fieldKey]( :point_right: ( [ziyi.hzy]( ) + +1. [feat: add button]( :point_right: ( [ziyi.hzy]( ) + +1. [feat: add dragable to @uform/next table field (#561)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [Merge pull request #495 from quirkyshop/feat-fix-type]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: FieldEditor UI 优化]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [feat: update unitest and document (#476)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: json to basic schema (#450)]( :point_right: ( [大康](大康) ) + +1. [feat: 表达式value]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [feat: fix bug]( :point_right: ( [ascoders]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/next): update next features (#439)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/react): actions support clearErrors (#434)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: 规则]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [feat(@uform/react): remove raf and fix unittest (#422)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/core): support pass visible/display of register method (#421)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: support useFormEffects (#403)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: 临时交互对焦]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [feat: add docs and some test cases (#395)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: add react/actions tests]( :point_right: ( [anyuxuan]( ) + +1. [feat: 添加next components schema]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [feat: add silent option (#377)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat(shared): add unit test (#374)]( :point_right: ( [s0ngyee]( ) + +1. [feat: rename schema-editor -> react-schema-editor]( :point_right: ( [ziyi.hzy]( ) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(@formily/core): fix onChange trigger times issue#644 (#667)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(project): compat uform (#666)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(devtools): fix ui (#663)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(project): fix docs codesandbox config]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(meet): fix ci (#660)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [improve docs and bugfix (#655)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(@formily/meet): fix pacakge config (#659)]( :point_right: ( [DarK-AleX-alibaba]( ) + +1. [fix: upload children (#631)]( :point_right: ( [JeromeYangtao]( ) + +1. [refactor(project): fix typings (#629)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: fix type lint (#628)]( :point_right: ( [soulwu]( ) + +1. [fix(antd/next): fix antd/next table arr[0] path (#624)]( :point_right: ( [WingGao]( ) + +1. [fix: 616 (#622)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/core/react): fix #613 #615 (#618)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/shared): fix isValid (#604)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/core): fix submit catch error (#603)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(examples): fix FormStep examples (#593)]( :point_right: ( [常泽清](常泽清) ) + +1. [fix(@uform/antd): time picker throw errors (#589)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(uform/core): recover field visible/display state after parent changed (#567)]( :point_right: ( [小黄黄](小黄黄) ) + +1. [fix(@uform/antd/next): fix components error]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix: issue#540 (#549)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: build on windows (#539)]( :point_right: ( [WingGao]( ) + +1. [bugfix: add config files and fix the build error messages]( :point_right: ( [云数](云数) ) + +1. [fix(@uform/core): add onFormReset hook]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/core): add values to submit resolve callback params (#508)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/shared/react): fix depreated and get schema (#502)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: form effect demo (#499)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix schema property `minItems ` (#493)]( :point_right: ( [李力](李力) ) + +1. [Merge pull request #495 from quirkyshop/feat-fix-type]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: use omit to elegant &]( :point_right: ( [quirkyshop]( ) + +1. [fix: types merge error]( :point_right: ( [quirkyshop]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/antd): Warning Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `inline` (#494)]( :point_right: ( [GODI13]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/core): fix init visible can not remove value (#492)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) -## v0.3.0(2019-07-15) +1. [fix: merge uform master]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [fix: printer get api and add get form schema to doc (#482)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/validator): fix maximum rule get message logic (#468)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: Not in the browser]( :point_right: ( [jinc.cjc]( ) + +1. [fix: in miniapp, globalSelf is existing]( :point_right: ( [jinc.cjc]( ) + +1. [fix: in miniapp (worker runtime) , globalThis is not a function]( :point_right: ( [jinc.cjc]( ) + +1. [fix(@uform/antd): fix FormItem supports className (#444)]( :point_right: ( [cds803]( ) + +1. [feat: fix bug]( :point_right: ( [ascoders]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/react): remove raf and fix unittest (#422)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [core: fix remove function of object field mutator (#410)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [fix: 引入next样式]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [fix: [onFieldChange] types]( :point_right: ( [jinc.cjc]( ) + +1. [V1 fix subscribe (#358)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [docs(project): add devtools doc (#665)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs: update next/antd (#661)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [docs(project): fix docs codesandbox config]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [improve docs and bugfix (#655)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(project): update formily code and docs (#651)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [docs(examples): fix FormStep examples (#593)]( :point_right: ( [常泽清](常泽清) ) + +1. [fix: printer get api and add get form schema to doc (#482)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [feat: update unitest and document (#476)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [[WIP]doc(@uform/react): add react doc (#401)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [docs(@uform/core): improve docs (#402)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [Fix docs typo (#397)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: add docs and some test cases (#395)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(project): fix typings (#629)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [refactor(@uform/shared): update cool-path version]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [refactor(@uform/react-schema-editor): improve code (#566)]( :point_right: ( [henryybai]( ) + +1. [Schema editor refactor (#524)]( :point_right: ( [Andy]( ) + +1. [refactor:code and style refactor (#522)]( :point_right: ( [Andy]( ) + +1. [refactor(antd): adjust the handling of importing components on demand (#485)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [refactor(typings): update FormStep、dispatch、notify typings]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [refactor: update scheduler (#465)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [refactor: 代码优化]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [refactor: x-component-props]( :point_right: ( [秋逢](秋逢) ) + +1. [refactor: improve test case (#375)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [refactor(@uform/core): remove processing test case]( :point_right: ( [janryWang]( ) + + +### :rocket: Improve Performance + +1. [Improve perf (#452)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + + +### :hammer_and_wrench: Update Workflow Scripts + +1. [fix: build on windows (#539)]( :point_right: ( [WingGao]( ) + +1. [bugfix: add config files and fix the build error messages]( :point_right: ( [云数](云数) ) + + +### :construction: Add/Update Test Cases + +1. [feat: update unitest and document (#476)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [test(@uform/react): improve field and virtualField test cases (#438)]( :point_right: ( [dahuang]( ) + +1. [feat(@uform/react): remove raf and fix unittest (#422)]( :point_right: ( [quirkyvar]( ) + +1. [Fix isFn can't test async function (#411)]( :point_right: ( [dahuang]( ) + +1. [feat: add docs and some test cases (#395)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat: add react/actions tests]( :point_right: ( [anyuxuan]( ) + +1. [refactor: improve test case (#375)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [feat(shared): add unit test (#374)]( :point_right: ( [s0ngyee]( ) + +1. [refactor(@uform/core): remove processing test case]( :point_right: ( [janryWang]( ) + + + +## v0.4.4(2019-11-10) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(antd): return null while time field get falsy value (#372)]( :point_right: ( [腰花](腰花) ) + + + +## v0.4.3(2019-09-30) ### No Change Log + +## v0.4.2(2019-09-23) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [Bugfix (#323)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix window is not defined (#312)]( :point_right: ( [Neil]( ) + +1. [fix(globalThis): fix ReferenceError (#309)]( :point_right: ( [Neil]( ) + + + +## v0.4.1(2019-09-09) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [Fix bug (#303)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix: ButtonGroup missing the definition of align prop (#297)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(project): update build scripts]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :hammer_and_wrench: Update Workflow Scripts + +1. [refactor(project): update build scripts]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :blush: Other Changes + +1. [chore: unify ts dependencies (#296)]( :point_right: ( [Kevin Tan]( Tan) ) + + + +## v0.4.0(2019-09-01) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [fix(@uform/core): fix async validate prevent submit (#290)]( :point_right: ( [Janry]( ) + +1. [fix docs build errors (#282)]( :point_right: ( [Kevin Tan]( Tan) ) + +1. [fix(core): Increase lastValidateValue value processing during initialization (#276)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + +1. [fix: getSchema returning undefined doesn't break setIn (#269)]( :point_right: ( [Kiho · Cham]( · Cham) ) + +1. [fix: remove react unstable concurrent (#270)]( :point_right: ( [Kiho · Cham]( · Cham) ) + + +### :boom: Breaking Changes + +1. [fix: getSchema returning undefined doesn't break setIn (#269)]( :point_right: ( [Kiho · Cham]( · Cham) ) + + +### :memo: Documents Changes + +1. [doc: add questions(customize action) (#289)]( :point_right: ( [xiaowanzi]( ) + +1. [fix docs build errors (#282)]( :point_right: ( [Kevin Tan]( Tan) ) + +1. [refactor(build): add build docs flow in CI and remove dynamic style inject]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :rose: Improve code quality + +1. [refactor(build): add build docs flow in CI and remove dynamic style inject]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + +1. [refactor: refactoring and add typings (#243)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + + +### :hammer_and_wrench: Update Workflow Scripts + +1. [fix docs build errors (#282)]( :point_right: ( [Kevin Tan]( Tan) ) + +1. [refactor(build): add build docs flow in CI and remove dynamic style inject]( :point_right: ( [janrywang]( ) + + +### :blush: Other Changes + +1. [chore(travis): Guaranteed dependency peering (#288)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + + + +## v0.3.11(2019-08-18) + + +### :beetle: Bug Fixes + +1. [Chore fix typo (#264)]( :point_right: ( [Harry Yu]( Yu) ) + +1. [fix(antd): improve week type moment parse regex (#254)]( :point_right: ( [Wayne Zhu]( Zhu) ) + +1. [fix(examples): remove the onChange of next/Detail (#257)]( :point_right: ( [atzcl]( ) + + diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index f31305011bc..752eb7c3488 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ }, "config": { "ghooks": { - "pre-commit": "ts-node scripts/release changelog && lint-staged", + "pre-commit": "ts-node scripts/release changelog && git add -A && lint-staged", "commit-msg": "node ./scripts/validate-commit-msg.js" }, "commitizen": {