diff --git a/packages/path/src/index.ts b/packages/path/src/index.ts
index 822d06a3f8b..1623128e60e 100644
--- a/packages/path/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/path/src/index.ts
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ import {
} from './destructor'
import { Segments, Node, Pattern } from './types'
-import { LRUMap } from './lru'
import { Matcher } from './matcher'
-const pathCache = new LRUMap(10000)
+const pathCache = new Map()
const isMatcher = Symbol('PATH_MATCHER')
@@ -248,8 +247,8 @@ export class Path {
this.isRegExp = isRegExp
this.haveExcludePattern = haveExcludePattern
this.tree = tree as Node
- this.matchCache = new LRUMap(200)
- this.includesCache = new LRUMap(200)
+ this.matchCache = new Map()
+ this.includesCache = new Map()
toString() {
diff --git a/packages/path/src/lru.ts b/packages/path/src/lru.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ac27f0fe373..00000000000
--- a/packages/path/src/lru.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-/* istanbul ignore file */
- * A doubly linked list-based Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. Will keep most
- * recently used items while discarding least recently used items when its limit
- * is reached.
- *
- * Licensed under MIT. Copyright (c) 2010 Rasmus Andersson
- * See README.md for details.
- *
- * Illustration of the design:
- *
- * entry entry entry entry
- * ______ ______ ______ ______
- * | head |.newer => | |.newer => | |.newer => | tail |
- * | A | | B | | C | | D |
- * |______| <= older.|______| <= older.|______| <= older.|______|
- *
- * removed <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- added
- */
-/* eslint-disable */
-const NEWER = Symbol('newer')
-const OLDER = Symbol('older')
-export function LRUMap(limit: number, entries?: any) {
- if (typeof limit !== 'number') {
- // called as (entries)
- entries = limit
- limit = 0
- }
- this.size = 0
- this.limit = limit
- this.oldest = this.newest = undefined
- this._keymap = new Map()
- if (entries) {
- this.assign(entries)
- if (limit < 1) {
- this.limit = this.size
- }
- }
-function Entry(key: any, value: any) {
- this.key = key
- this.value = value
- this[NEWER] = undefined
- this[OLDER] = undefined
-LRUMap.prototype._markEntryAsUsed = function (entry: any) {
- if (entry === this.newest) {
- // Already the most recenlty used entry, so no need to update the list
- return
- }
- // HEAD--------------TAIL
- // <.older .newer>
- // <--- add direction --
- // A B C E
- if (entry[NEWER]) {
- if (entry === this.oldest) {
- this.oldest = entry[NEWER]
- }
- entry[NEWER][OLDER] = entry[OLDER] // C <-- E.
- }
- if (entry[OLDER]) {
- entry[OLDER][NEWER] = entry[NEWER] // C. --> E
- }
- entry[NEWER] = undefined // D --x
- entry[OLDER] = this.newest // D. --> E
- if (this.newest) {
- this.newest[NEWER] = entry // E. <-- D
- }
- this.newest = entry
-LRUMap.prototype.assign = function (entries: any) {
- let entry: any
- let limit = this.limit || Number.MAX_VALUE
- this._keymap.clear()
- const it = entries[Symbol.iterator]()
- for (let itv = it.next(); !itv.done; itv = it.next()) {
- const e = new Entry(itv.value[0], itv.value[1])
- this._keymap.set(e.key, e)
- if (!entry) {
- this.oldest = e
- } else {
- entry[NEWER] = e
- e[OLDER] = entry
- }
- entry = e
- if (limit-- === 0) {
- throw new Error('overflow')
- }
- }
- this.newest = entry
- this.size = this._keymap.size
-LRUMap.prototype.get = function (key: any) {
- // First, find our cache entry
- const entry = this._keymap.get(key)
- if (!entry) {
- return
- } // Not cached. Sorry.
- // As was found in the cache, register it as being requested recently
- this._markEntryAsUsed(entry)
- return entry.value
-LRUMap.prototype.set = function (key: any, value: any) {
- let entry = this._keymap.get(key)
- if (entry) {
- // update existing
- entry.value = value
- this._markEntryAsUsed(entry)
- return this
- }
- // new entry
- this._keymap.set(key, (entry = new Entry(key, value)))
- if (this.newest) {
- // link previous tail to the new tail (entry)
- this.newest[NEWER] = entry
- entry[OLDER] = this.newest
- } else {
- // we're first in -- yay
- this.oldest = entry
- }
- // add new entry to the end of the linked list -- it's now the freshest entry.
- this.newest = entry
- ++this.size
- if (this.size > this.limit) {
- // we hit the limit -- remove the head
- this.shift()
- }
- return this
-LRUMap.prototype.shift = function () {
- // todo: handle special case when limit == 1
- const entry = this.oldest
- if (entry) {
- if (this.oldest[NEWER]) {
- // advance the list
- this.oldest = this.oldest[NEWER]
- this.oldest[OLDER] = undefined
- } else {
- // the cache is exhausted
- this.oldest = undefined
- this.newest = undefined
- }
- // Remove last strong reference to and remove links from the purged
- // entry being returned:
- entry[NEWER] = entry[OLDER] = undefined
- this._keymap.delete(entry.key)
- --this.size
- return [entry.key, entry.value]
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Following code is optional and can be removed without breaking the core
-// functionality.
-LRUMap.prototype.find = function (key: any) {
- const e = this._keymap.get(key)
- return e ? e.value : undefined
-LRUMap.prototype.has = function (key: any) {
- return this._keymap.has(key)
-LRUMap.prototype.delete = function (key: any) {
- const entry = this._keymap.get(key)
- if (!entry) {
- return
- }
- this._keymap.delete(entry.key)
- if (entry[NEWER] && entry[OLDER]) {
- // relink the older entry with the newer entry
- entry[OLDER][NEWER] = entry[NEWER]
- entry[NEWER][OLDER] = entry[OLDER]
- } else if (entry[NEWER]) {
- // remove the link to us
- entry[NEWER][OLDER] = undefined
- // link the newer entry to head
- this.oldest = entry[NEWER]
- } else if (entry[OLDER]) {
- // remove the link to us
- entry[OLDER][NEWER] = undefined
- // link the newer entry to head
- this.newest = entry[OLDER]
- } else {
- // if(entry[OLDER] === undefined && entry.newer === undefined) {
- this.oldest = this.newest = undefined
- }
- this.size--
- return entry.value
-LRUMap.prototype.clear = function () {
- // Not clearing links should be safe, as we don't expose live links to user
- this.oldest = this.newest = undefined
- this.size = 0
- this._keymap.clear()
-function EntryIterator(oldestEntry: any) {
- this.entry = oldestEntry
-EntryIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
- return this
-EntryIterator.prototype.next = function () {
- const ent = this.entry
- if (ent) {
- this.entry = ent[NEWER]
- return { done: false, value: [ent.key, ent.value] }
- } else {
- return { done: true, value: undefined }
- }
-function KeyIterator(oldestEntry) {
- this.entry = oldestEntry
-KeyIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
- return this
-KeyIterator.prototype.next = function () {
- const ent = this.entry
- if (ent) {
- this.entry = ent[NEWER]
- return { done: false, value: ent.key }
- } else {
- return { done: true, value: undefined }
- }
-function ValueIterator(oldestEntry) {
- this.entry = oldestEntry
-ValueIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
- return this
-ValueIterator.prototype.next = function () {
- const ent = this.entry
- if (ent) {
- this.entry = ent[NEWER]
- return { done: false, value: ent.value }
- } else {
- return { done: true, value: undefined }
- }
-LRUMap.prototype.keys = function () {
- return new KeyIterator(this.oldest)
-LRUMap.prototype.values = function () {
- return new ValueIterator(this.oldest)
-LRUMap.prototype.entries = function () {
- return this
-LRUMap.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
- return new EntryIterator(this.oldest)
-LRUMap.prototype.forEach = function (
- fun: (value: any, key: any, ctx: object) => void,
- thisObj: any
-) {
- if (typeof thisObj !== 'object') {
- thisObj = this
- }
- let entry = this.oldest
- while (entry) {
- fun.call(thisObj, entry.value, entry.key, this)
- entry = entry[NEWER]
- }
-/** Returns a JSON (array) representation */
-LRUMap.prototype.toJSON = function () {
- const s = new Array(this.size)
- let i = 0
- let entry = this.oldest
- while (entry) {
- s[i++] = { key: entry.key, value: entry.value }
- entry = entry[NEWER]
- }
- return s
-/** Returns a String representation */
-LRUMap.prototype.toString = function () {
- let s = ''
- let entry = this.oldest
- while (entry) {
- s += String(entry.key) + ':' + entry.value
- entry = entry[NEWER]
- if (entry) {
- s += ' < '
- }
- }
- return s