We need to determine the each view that is required for our app. Views of our app
- is located at the home route (/)
- shows tweets sorted from most recently added at the top, to oldest at the bottom
- each tweet will show:
- the author
- the time stamp
- who the author is replying to
- the text of the tweet
- a reply button - with the number of replies (if higher than 0)
- a like button - with the number of likes (if higher than 0)
- is located at
- shows an individual tweet
- the author
- the time stamp
- a reply button - with the number of replies (if higher than 0)
- a like button - with the number of likes (if higher than 0)
- has a reply form
- shows all replies
- is located at
- has a textbox for adding a new tweet
In this step we'll break each view's elements into components and group them all
- App - the overall container for the project
- Navigation - displays the navigation
- Tweets List - responsible for the entire list of tweets
- Tweet - in charge of display the content for a single tweet
- App - the overall container for the project
- Navigation - displays the navigation
- Tweet Container - displays a list of tweets
- Tweet - displays the content for a single tweet
- New Tweet - display the form to create a new tweet (reply)
- App - the overall container for the project
- Navigation - displays the navigation
- New Tweet - display the form to create a new tweet
After identifying all the components from multiple pages/views these are the components we need for our app.
- App
- Navigation
- Tweets List
- Tweet Container
- Tweet
- New Tweet
We need to take a look at what is happening in each component. Let's determine what actions the app or the user is performing on the data. Is the data being set, modified, or deleted?...then we'll need an action to keep track of that event!
Let's italicize the action and bold the data.
For the Tweets List component, the only information that we see is that we'll have to get a list of all of the tweets. So for this component, we just need to:
- get the tweets
So the action type for event this will probably be something like GET_LIST_OF_TWEETS
- We get a particular tweet from a list of tweets.
- We get the authedUser (user that is currently logged in) so the user can toggle the likes on each tweet.
- We get the authedUser so the user can reply to a tweet.
- We get a specific tweet from a list of tweets.
- We get the replies to a specific tweet from a list of tweets.
- We get the authedUser so the user can create a new tweet.
- We set the text of the new tweet.