Description of the content of the meditations in the Waking Up app. This is not a replacement for doing the meditations, or even understanding their contents. The descriptions are here to refresh my memory when conversing about experiences during a specific meditation.
5 minutes of paying attention the breath. Non-judgement of mind wandering. Suggestion to stay with observation. Long conclusion making a beautiful analogy using the night sky and its stars to explain the wisdom of meditation is hard to transfer through words. You have to see for yourself.
Focus on the breath. Try not to control the breath. Great explanation of how your experience happens by the grace of your mind, and yet we don't understand or look at it. Training your mind could be one of the most significant things you do.
Focus on the breath. Watch the appearance of sensations in consciousness. Notice they simply appear. Notice you simply notice what you notice all by itself. If you feel the shape of your hands, pay close attention to the raw sensations. If you notice an emotion or frustration, try to practice for a moment.
Sound as the object of meditation. Sounds are not an obstacle but a great object of meditation that tends to highlight the spacious and uncontrollable qualities of awareness.