problems of the past, solutions of the future
turning pessimists to optimists
- replace facebook
- replace polluting institutions
It's about Blockchain, and its potential not about chains and differences.
Emotional is key!
What is How does it change things?
Even if there isn't an evil cabal of people printing money for themselves and friends, obviously being close to where monetary policy is set and controlled brings a lot of power. If only because you're the one guarding the system from bad or selfish decisions. We trust you. There are plenty examples of this going wrong.
Money is the system we have to keep track of who owes what. Who provided services or goods and did not get anything in return yet? Fudging with the numbers on that ledger is not only far from desirable, it causes problems for everything you're trying to do on top.
Check your facts on this one. Canadian trucker protest example. Assume for a moment that there will be some point in your life, any point where you disagree with those in power. Canada recently demonstrated that those in power will use an emergency act not only to shut down the bank accounts of those protesting and receiving support, but shut down or threaten to shut down even the accounts of those supporting. Now consider for a moment what it means to lose access to your bank account one day to the next. How will you pay rent? What about food? I have fifty bucks in my wallet. [It]
Ukraine raising money
single point of failure, costs
free speech, free support with your money
If free speech is necessary and narrative control evil, free money is like being free to spend your stored energy
If you think media control is bad, what do you
Money is how we carry our effort through time and space and exchange it, once we all agree you earned your money earnestly, should anyone control how you spend it?
Cost, trusting someone with the power to create and destroy billions is expensive. (Weak argument, no personal connection)
Feel free to ignore crypto until your bank account gets frozen.
Crypto is not a must use for everyone, but it should be an option for anyone.
Inflation too high? People covert their money to crypto.
Apple blocking an app from the app store, except it's a bank blocking you from buying anything at all.
Many of these things won't change the negative experiences you've had, they'll grant you the positive ones you didn't know you wanted.
Let's be on the side that tried an optimistic solution instead of rejecting any suggestion of improvement in favor of a status quo.
Many live in countries with stable economies, but many also don't. Argentina is a great example of an economy hurting from a money that is terrible at holding its value. When your default money does its job bad enough crypto alternatives become interesting as the rules around how its managed are far more strict and focussed only on providing a network within which people can interact around value.
Think of people with lots of power. Now ask how close they are lots of money. Money and power tend to move in close proximity. Having power over the rules around money grants huge powers. As long as its your team in control of the money you're happy. When this switches it can be a major source of trouble. Now consider even within countries we see examples of election cycles dramatically shifting those wielding power and how they use it. People simply having the option to opt-out of a money system puts that power back in the hands of ordinary people.
In Canada a group of protesters caused mayhem in a city. Forgetting for a moment what side you're on, using an emercencies act a government granted itself the power to freeze bank accounts, and freezed a few hundred, during the height of tensions during the pandemic. You were not polled for what to do here. Most people currently have zero recourse when those in-power decide to do something like that.
Arguments that come from a place of ETH simply being a better money. In which context?
But isn't it good to be able to sanction Russia?
- Practice answers
When power sways and people have no recourse, they need another option. Meaning, small groups have lots of power over our monetary system. This is great when your people are at the controls, but in many countries every election cycle the power shifts. Which increasingly liberal application of available power, how far do we go with this until we decide its better neither party applies these powers or pulls those levers for their teams benefit?
Imagine you're caught in a big conflict but instead of being on the side of the good guys, you find yourself amongst the bad guys, vehemently opposing the actions of your own government. However, your life savings are in a currency your government controls, and most of the world just banned anyone from your country from converting your savings to their currencies. What do you do?
We want a world where if enough people oppose a decision from those in power they have the option to take their value out of the system. To take what they earned by years of work and saving, and go join a different group they do agree with. Not for it to work the other way, and have your earned savings be held as ransom against you stepping out of line.
The dangers of runaway opague capital markets. As crypto money is programmable, you can get interesting guarantees. For example, the possibility to make sure someone has more capital than the loan they're taking out.
You are free to ignore crypto, until they freeze your bank account. Until the person you strongly feel is spreading the actual truth gets silent, and any money sent in support blocked, or worse, confiscated.
(Money can be seen as a ledger of who did what for whom. I do something for you, my number goes up, which I can use to receive some service or good from someone else. I do not consider it a feature for anyone to be able to change their number. I'm not against monetary policy, or even the government expecting all citizens to contribute their hard earned money towards common, government decided goals, but can we do that transparently?)