Property "code" does not exist in class "Sylius\Component\Currency\Model\CurrencyInterface"
while clearing the cache:-
Introduced by
symfony/doctrine-bridge v4.3.0
Will be fixed in
symfony/doctrine-bridge v4.3.1
(see the pull request with fix) -
Could be avoided by adding a conflict with
symfony/doctrine-bridge v4.3.0
to yourcomposer.json
:{ "conflict": { "symfony/doctrine-bridge": "4.3.0" } }
Argument 1 passed to Sylius\Behat\Context\Api\Admin\ManagingTaxonsContext::__construct() must be an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Client, instance of Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\KernelBrowser given
while running Behat scenarios:-
Introduced by
symfony/framework-bundle v4.3.0
Will be fixed in
symfony/framework-bundle v4.3.1
(see the pull request with fix) -
Could be avoided by adding a conflict with
symfony/framework-bundle v4.3.0
to yourcomposer.json
:{ "conflict": { "symfony/framework-bundle": "4.3.0" } }
Require upgraded Sylius version using Composer:
composer require sylius/sylius:~1.5.0
Copy a new migration file and run new migrations:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate