This is a extension of Emacs that provides a interface of guide-key.el using pos-tip.el.
- guide-key.el can not work in mini-buffer
2014/04/07 It’s available by using melpa.
2014/04/07 It’s available. But, master branch only.
(auto-install-from-url "")
- In this case, you need to install each of the following dependency.
Download guide-key-tip.el and put it on your load-path.
- In this case, you need to install each of the following dependency.
- guide-key.el
- pos-tip.el
(require 'guide-key-tip)
(setq guide-key-tip/enabled t)
- You can switch to enable/disable this function by M-x
- Emacs … GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.4.2) of 2014-02-22 on chindi10, modified by Debian
- guide-key.el … 1.2.3
- pos-tip.el … 0.4.5