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{: #sample_vpc_config}
Use {{}} Provider plug-in for Terraform on {{}} to provision a VPC, and set up networking for your VPC, and provision a virtual server for VPC in your {{}} account. {: shortdesc}
A VPC allows you to create your own space in {{}} so that you can run an isolated environment in the public cloud with custom network policies. The example in this topic provisions the following VPC infrastructure resources for you:
- 1 VPC where you provision your VPC virtual server instance
- 1 security group and a rule for this security group to allow SSH connection to your virtual server instance
- 1 subnet to enable networking in your VPC
- 1 VPC virtual server instance
- 1 floating IP address that you use to access your VPC virtual server instance over the public network
Keep in mind that a VPC virtual server instance is an {{}} VPC infrastructure resource that incurs costs. Be sure to review the available plans before you proceed. {: important}
Before you begin:
- Install the latest Terraform on {{}} and the latest {{}} Provider plug-in for Terraform on {{}}.
- Retrieve your {{}} credentials, upload an SSH key, and configure the {{}} Provider plug-in forTerraform on {{}} provider plug-in.
To create a VPC and a VSI:
Make sure that you have the required permissions to create and work with VPC infrastructure.
In the same directory where you stored the
files, create an Terraform on {{}} configuration file and name
. The configuration file includes the following definition blocks:- locals: Use this block to specify variables that you want to use multiple times throughout this configuration file.
- resource: Every resource block specifies the {{}} resource that you want to provision. To find more information about supported configurations for each resource, see the {{}} provider plug-in reference.
- data: Use this block to retrieve information for an existing resource in your {{}} account.
- output: This block specifies commands that you want to run after your resources are provisioned.
Example configuration file:
variable "ssh_key" { } locals { BASENAME = "<name>" ZONE = "us-south-1" } resource "ibm_is_vpc" "vpc" { name = "${local.BASENAME}-vpc" } resource "ibm_is_security_group" "sg1" { name = "${local.BASENAME}-sg1" vpc = } # allow all incoming network traffic on port 22 resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "ingress_ssh_all" { group = direction = "inbound" remote = "" tcp { port_min = 22 port_max = 22 } } resource "ibm_is_subnet" "subnet1" { name = "${local.BASENAME}-subnet1" vpc = zone = local.ZONE total_ipv4_address_count = 256 } data "ibm_is_image" "ubuntu" { name = "ubuntu-18.04-amd64" } data "ibm_is_ssh_key" "ssh_key_id" { name = var.ssh_key } resource "ibm_is_instance" "vsi1" { name = "${local.BASENAME}-vsi1" vpc = zone = local.ZONE keys = [] image = profile = "cc1-2x4" primary_network_interface { subnet = security_groups = [] } } resource "ibm_is_floating_ip" "fip1" { name = "${local.BASENAME}-fip1" target = ibm_is_instance.vsi1.primary_network_interface[0].id } output "sshcommand" { value = "ssh root@ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1.address" }
{: codeblock}
Understanding the configuration file components Parameter Description locals.BASENAME
Enter a name that you want to append to the name of all VPC infrastructure resources that you create with this configuration file. locals.ZONE
Enter a supported VPC zone where you want to create your resources. To find available zones, run ibmcloud is zones
Enter a name for your VPC. In this example, you use locals.BASENAME
to create part of the name. For example, if your base name is `test`, the name of your VPC is set to `test-vpc`. Keep in mind that the name of your VPC must be unique within your {{}}
Enter a name for the security group that you create for your VPC. In this example, you use locals.BASENAME
to create part of the name. For example, if your base name is `test`, the name of your security group is set to `test-sg1`.resource.ibm_is_security_group.vpc
Enter the ID of the VPC for which you want to create the security group. In this example, you reference the ID of the VPC that you create with the ibm_is_vpc
resource in the same configuration
Enter the ID of the security group for which you want to create a security group rule. In this example, you reference the ID of the security group that you create with the ibm_is_security_group
resource in the same configuration file.resource.ibm_is_security_group_rule.direction
Specify if the security group rule is applied to incoming or outgoing network traffic. Choose inbound to specify a rule for incoming network traffic, and outbound to specify a rule for outgoing network traffic. resource.ibm_is_security_group_rule.remote
Enter the IP address range, for which the security group rule is applied. In this example,
allows network traffic from all IP addresses.resource.ibm_is_security_group_rule.tcp
Enter the TCP port range that you want to open in your security group rule. If you want to open up a single port, enter the same port number in port_min
Enter a name for your subnet. In this example, you use locals.BASENAME
to create part of the name. For example, if your base name is `test`, the name of your subnet is set to `test-subnet1`.resource.ibm_is_subnet.vpc
Enter the ID of the VPC for which you want to create the subnet. In this example, you reference the ID of the VPC that you create with the ibm_is_vpc
resource in the same configuration
Enter the zone in which you want to create the subnet. In this example, you use locals.ZONE
as the name for your zone.resource.ibm_is_subnet.
Enter the number of IPv4 IP addresses that you want to have in your subnet.
Enter the name of the Operating System that you want to install on your VPC virtual server instance. For supported image names, run ibmcloud is images
Enter the name of the SSH key that you uploaded to your {{}} account.
Enter the name of the VPC virtual server instance that you want to create. In this example, you use locals.BASENAME
to create part of the name. For example, if your base name is `test`, the name of your VPC virtual server instance is set to `test-vsi1`.resource.ibm_is_instance.vpc
Enter the ID of the VPC in which you want to create the VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you reference the ID of the VPC that you create with the ibm_is_vpc
resource in the same configuration
Enter the zone in which you want to create the VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you use locals.ZONE
as the name for your zone.resource.ibm_is_instance.keys
Enter the UUID of the SSH key that you uploaded to your {{}} account. In this example, you retrieve the UUID from the ibm_is_ssh_key
data source of this configuration file. Terraform on {{}} uses the name of the SSH key that you define in your data source object to look up information about the SSH key in your {{}} account.resource.ibm_is_instance.image
Enter the ID of the image that represents the Operating System that you want to install on your VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you retrieve the ID from the ibm_is_image
data source of this configuration file. Terraform on {{}} uses the name of the image that you define in your data source object to look up information about the image in the {{}} infrastructure portfolio.resource.ibm_is_instance.profile
Enter the name of the profile that you want to use for your VPC virtual server instance. For supported profiles, run ibmcloud is instance-profiles
Enter the ID of the subnet that you want to use for your VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you use the ibm_is_subnet
resource in this configuration file to retrieve the ID of the subnet.resource.ibm_is_instance.
Enter the ID of the security group that you want to apply to your VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you use the ibm_is_security_group
resource in this configuration file to retrieve the ID of the security
Enter a name for your floating IP resource. In this example, you use locals.BASENAME
to create part of the name. For example, if your base name is `test`, the name of your floating IP resource is set to `test-fip1`
Enter the ID of the network interface where you want to allocate the floating IP addresses. In this example, you use the ibm_is_instance
resource to retrieve the ID of the primary network interface.output.ssh_command.value
Build the SSH command that you need to run to connect to your VPC virtual server instance. In this example, you use the ibm_is_floating_ip
resource to retrieve the floating IP address that is assigned to your VPC virtual server instance. -
Initialize Terraform on {{}}.
terraform init
{: pre}
Example output:
Initializing provider plugins... The following providers do not have any version constraints in configuration, so the latest version was installed. To prevent automatic upgrades to new major versions that may contain breaking changes, it is recommended to add version = "..." constraints to the corresponding provider blocks in configuration, with the constraint strings suggested. * version = "~> 0.11" Terraform on {{}} has been successfully initialized! You may now begin working with Terraform on {{}}. Try running "terraform plan" to see any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform on {{}} commands should now work. If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform on {{}}, rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other commands detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
{: screen}
Generate an Terraform on {{}} execution plan. When you execute this command, Terraform on {{}} validates the syntax of your configuration file and resource definitions against the specifications that are provided by the {{}} Provider plug-in.
terraform plan
{: pre}
Example output:
Refreshing Terraform on {{}} state in-memory prior to plan... The refreshed state be used to calculate this plan, but not be persisted to local or remote state storage. An execution plan has been generated and is shown. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform on {{}} performs the following actions: + ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1 id: <computed> address: <computed> name: "newvpc-fip1" status: <computed> target: "${}" zone: <computed> + ibm_is_instance.vsi1 id: <computed> boot_volume.#: <computed> cpu.#: <computed> generation: "gc" gpu.#: <computed> image: "cfdaf1a0-5350-4350-fcbc-97173b510843" keys.#: "1" keys.3772860677: "<ssh_key_UUID>" memory: <computed> name: "newvpc-vsi2" primary_network_interface.#: "1" <computed> <computed> primary_network_interface.0.primary_ipv4_address: <computed> primary_network_interface.0.security_groups.#: <computed> primary_network_interface.0.subnet: "${}" profile: "cc1-2x4" resource_group: <computed> status: <computed> vpc: "${}" zone: "us-south-2" + ibm_is_security_group.sg1 id: <computed> name: "newvpc-sg1" rules.#: <computed> vpc: "${}" + ibm_is_security_group_rule.ingress_ssh_all id: <computed> direction: "ingress" group: "${}" ip_version: "ipv4" remote: "" rule_id: <computed> tcp.#: "1" tcp.0.port_max: "22" tcp.0.port_min: "22" + ibm_is_subnet.subnet1 id: <computed> available_ipv4_address_count: <computed> ip_version: "ipv4" ipv4_cidr_block: <computed> ipv6_cidr_block: <computed> name: "newvpc-subnet1" network_acl: <computed> status: <computed> total_ipv4_address_count: "256" vpc: "${}" zone: "us-south-2" + ibm_is_vpc.vpc id: <computed> classic_access: "false" default_network_acl: <computed> default_security_group: <computed> is_default: "false" name: "newvpc" resource_group: <computed> status: <computed> Plan: 6 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. **Note** You didn't specify an "-out" parameter to save this plan, so Terraform on {{}} can't guarantee that exactly these actions be performed if "terraform apply" is subsequently run.
{: screen}
Create the VPC infrastructure resources. Confirm the creation by entering
when prompted.terraform apply
{: pre}
Example output:
ibm_is_vpc.vpc: Creating... classic_access: "" => "false" default_network_acl: "" => "<computed>" default_security_group: "" => "<computed>" is_default: "" => "false" name: "" => "newvpc" resource_group: "" => "<computed>" status: "" => "<computed>" ibm_is_vpc.vpc: Creation complete after 8s (ID: 7fe1b2d1-cad1-4058-b7fa-700527c86394) ibm_is_security_group.sg1: Creating... name: "" => "newvpc-sg1" rules.#: "" => "<computed>" vpc: "" => "<vpc_ID>" ibm_is_subnet.subnet1: Creating... available_ipv4_address_count: "" => "<computed>" ip_version: "" => "ipv4" ipv4_cidr_block: "" => "<computed>" ipv6_cidr_block: "" => "<computed>" name: "" => "newvpc-subnet1" network_acl: "" => "<computed>" status: "" => "<computed>" total_ipv4_address_count: "" => "256" vpc: "" => "<vpc_ID>" zone: "" => "us-south-2" ibm_is_security_group.sg1: Creation complete after 4s (ID: <security_group_ID>) ibm_is_security_group_rule.ingress_ssh_all: Creating... direction: "" => "ingress" group: "" => "<security_group_ID>" ip_version: "" => "ipv4" remote: "" => "" rule_id: "" => "<computed>" tcp.#: "" => "1" tcp.0.port_max: "" => "22" tcp.0.port_min: "" => "22" ibm_is_security_group_rule.ingress_ssh_all: Creation complete after 2s (ID: <security_group_rule_ID>) ibm_is_subnet.subnet1: Still creating... (10s elapsed) ibm_is_subnet.subnet1: Still creating... (20s elapsed) ibm_is_subnet.subnet1: Creation complete after 21s (ID: <subnet_ID>) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Creating... boot_volume.#: "" => "<computed>" cpu.#: "" => "<computed>" generation: "" => "gc" gpu.#: "" => "<computed>" image: "" => "cfdaf1a0-5350-4350-fcbc-97173b510843" keys.#: "" => "1" keys.3772860677: "" => "<ssh_key_ID>" memory: "" => "<computed>" name: "" => "newvpc-vsi2" primary_network_interface.#: "" => "1" "" => "<computed>" "" => "<computed>" primary_network_interface.0.primary_ipv4_address: "" => "<computed>" primary_network_interface.0.security_groups.#: "" => "1" primary_network_interface.0.security_groups.152758714: "" => "<security_group_ID>" primary_network_interface.0.subnet: "" => "<subnet_ID>" profile: "" => "cc1-2x4" resource_group: "" => "<computed>" status: "" => "<computed>" vpc: "" => "<vpc_ID>" zone: "" => "us-south-2" ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (10s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (20s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (30s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (40s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (50s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (1m0s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (1m10s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (1m20s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (1m30s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Still creating... (1m40s elapsed) ibm_is_instance.vsi1: Creation complete after 1m44s (ID: <vsi_ID>) ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1: Creating... address: "" => "<computed>" name: "" => "newvpc-fip1" status: "" => "<computed>" target: "" => "<primary_subnet_ID>" zone: "" => "<computed>" ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1: Still creating... (10s elapsed) ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1: Still creating... (20s elapsed) ibm_is_floating_ip.fip1: Creation complete after 24s (ID: <floating_ip_ID>) Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. Outputs: sshcommand = ssh root@
{: screen}
Log in to your VPC VSI by using the
command that is listed at the end of your command line output of the previous step.ssh root@
{: pre}
Example output:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:a1B0aaBCA12V3/AbC2AbcAA/a1Bab1CAAB1aABBabbC. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-30-generic x86_64) * Documentation: * Management: * Support: System information as of Fri Jun 28 19:06:48 UTC 2019 System load: 0.15 Processes: 105 Usage of /: 0.9% of 98.06GB Users logged in: 0 Memory usage: 3% IP address for eth0: Swap usage: 0% Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest: 0 packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates. The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. root@newvpc-vsi2:~#
{: screen}
Optional: If you don't want to work with your VPC infrastructure resources anymore, remove them.
terraform destroy
{: pre}
What's next?
Explore other {{}} resources that you can provision with Terraform on {{}}.