Author: Augustin Lafanechere
Date: 2023-09-08
This notebook contains an analysis of our certified python connectors Dockerfiles. We originally had a lot of false certitudes that all our Python connectors are built the same. This is an attempt at analyzing how similar, and different, our connector images are.
The Connector Operations team wants to consolidate our Python connector build process to have a single way of building connector images. This will be achieved via the definition of:
- a common base image which will contain the majority of the system needs of our connectors
- a common build procedure for our Python connectors (no per connector Dockerfile, we'll remove them)
- a simple framework of hooks that will allow connector developers to customize the connector image only if needed
- Determine the Dockerfile variants we have: scan our certified connectors dockerfile and identify families (variant) of Dockerfile that exists in our codebase. This will hopefully help us narrow down the analysis to a reduce number of images instead of analyzing all our connector images.
- Analyze the different python base images use by the variants.
- Analyze the environments variables set in these variants: we'll check which env var is common and static for all connectors, which env var common to all images but with different values and which env var is set on only a portion of Dockerfiles.
- Analyze the system dependencies installed in the variants: assess if any connector is installing a custom system dependency and if we should make this dependency join the base image.
- Given the conclusion of the previous steps, suggest a base image defintion and a build procedure for certified Python connectors.
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from connector_ops.utils import ConnectorLanguage, get_all_connectors_in_repo, Connector
import os
import git
import hashlib
import sys
import anyio
import dagger
# Changing current working directory to airbyte repo root
ALL_CONNECTORS = get_all_connectors_in_repo()
The function below parses the connectors dockerfiles and tries to remove the connector specifics instructions to determine a "variant". This will help us identify the different kind (variant) of Dockerfile existing in our codebase, instead of analysing each Dockerfile separatly. It will help narrow down our analysis.
def get_dockerfile_variant(connector):
dockerfile = Path(connector.code_directory / "Dockerfile").read_text()
dockerfile = dockerfile.replace(connector.technical_name, "connector-technical-name")
dockerfile = dockerfile.replace(connector.technical_name.replace("-", "_"), "connector_technical_name")
for line in dockerfile.splitlines():
# Remove dockerfile comments
if line.startswith("#"):
dockerfile = dockerfile.replace(line, "")
# Remove connnector version label
if line.startswith("LABEL io.airbyte.version"):
dockerfile = dockerfile.replace(line, "")
# Remove empty lines
dockerfile = "\n".join([line for line in dockerfile.split("\n") if line.strip() != ""])
# Remove extra spaces
dockerfile = "\n".join([line.strip() for line in dockerfile.split("\n")])
return hashlib.sha256(dockerfile.encode()).hexdigest()[:7]
def get_connectors_for_analysis(languages, support_levels):
return pd.DataFrame([
"dockerfile_variant": get_dockerfile_variant(c),
"technical_name": c.technical_name,
"support_level": c.support_level,
"docker_image": f'{c.metadata["dockerRepository"]}:{c.metadata["dockerImageTag"]}',
"dockerfile_path": Path(c.code_directory / "Dockerfile")
} for c in ALL_CONNECTORS if c.language in languages and c.support_level and c.support_level in support_levels
SELECTED_LANGUAGES = (ConnectorLanguage.PYTHON, ConnectorLanguage.LOW_CODE)
f"{len(CONNECTORS_FOR_ANALYSIS)} connectors selected for analysis"
'47 connectors selected for analysis'
DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS = CONNECTORS_FOR_ANALYSIS.groupby("dockerfile_variant").agg(dockerfile_example=("dockerfile_path", "first"), docker_image_example=("docker_image", "first"), total_count=("dockerfile_variant", "size")).sort_values("total_count", ascending=False)
print(f"Found {len(DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS)} Dockerfile variants")
Found 14 Dockerfile variants
We have identified 14 variants of Dockerfiles among our certified connectors.
The rest of this analysis aims at:
- identifying the differences between these variants
- understanding the reason of these differences
- deciding whether these differences should be consolidated inside the future python base image
for i, example in enumerate(DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS[:3]["dockerfile_example"]):
print(f"# -----VARIANT {i + 1}-----")
# -----VARIANT 1-----
FROM python:3.9-slim
# Bash is installed for more convenient debugging.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y bash && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
WORKDIR /airbyte/integration_code
COPY source_instagram ./source_instagram
RUN pip install .
ENV AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT "python /airbyte/integration_code/"
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/airbyte/integration_code/"]
LABEL io.airbyte.version=1.0.11
# -----VARIANT 2-----
FROM python:3.9.11-alpine3.15 as base
# build and load all requirements
FROM base as builder
WORKDIR /airbyte/integration_code
# upgrade pip to the latest version
RUN apk --no-cache upgrade \
&& pip install --upgrade pip \
&& apk --no-cache add tzdata build-base
# install necessary packages to a temporary folder
RUN pip install --prefix=/install .
# build a clean environment
FROM base
WORKDIR /airbyte/integration_code
# copy all loaded and built libraries to a pure basic image
COPY --from=builder /install /usr/local
# add default timezone settings
COPY --from=builder /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC /etc/localtime
RUN echo "Etc/UTC" > /etc/timezone
# bash is installed for more convenient debugging.
RUN apk --no-cache add bash
# copy payload code only
COPY source_notion ./source_notion
ENV AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT "python /airbyte/integration_code/"
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/airbyte/integration_code/"]
LABEL io.airbyte.version=1.1.2
# -----VARIANT 3-----
FROM python:3.9-slim
# Bash is installed for more convenient debugging.
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y bash && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
WORKDIR /airbyte/integration_code
RUN pip install .
COPY source_twilio ./source_twilio
ENV AIRBYTE_ENTRYPOINT "python /airbyte/integration_code/"
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/airbyte/integration_code/"]
LABEL io.airbyte.version=0.10.0
- The base image used are slightly differents:
- Variant 1 and 3 are not explicitely setting the system timezone to UTC. Variant 2 is.
- Variant 2 is using a multi stage build that can improve build speed and image size
- Vairant 1 and 3 are pretty similar but have a different approach at installing the connector python package. Variant 3 copies
in a specific layer to cache dependency install. Variant 3 is better than variant 1 for build speed.
Takeaways for building our future base image:
- We should explicitely set the timezone to UTC on it
- We should leverage dependency install caching with smart docker layering
- The multi-staging operations can be reproduced in Dagger via the creation of multiple containers (one per stage) and exchange of their filesytems with
all_base_images = {example.read_text().splitlines()[0].replace(" as base", "").replace("FROM ", "") for example in DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS["dockerfile_example"]}
We are using 4 different Python base image in our certified connectors:
- python:3.9-slim
- python:3.9.11-slim
- python:3.9.11-alpine3.15
- python:3.9.16-alpine3.18
The most concerning difference is the fact we have slim
and alpine
The use of the alpine
images can be explained by the willingness of optimizating the image size.
But some connector depends on Python packages like NumPy that do not work well under alpine
because of the lack of some system dependencies, hence the use of the slim
Takeaways for building our future base image:
I suggest using a broad image like python:3.9.18-bookworm
as the base of our base image as it will guarantee:
- That we are running the latest python 3.9 version
- That we have a maximum of system packages that some connector dependencies might need
It is best for maintenance and consolidation, not optimal for image size: but image size is not something we're currently trying to optimize.
- Pull connector image corresponding to each variant
- Call
on each image - Gather results in a list of env vars per variant
docker_variants_env_vars = []
async with dagger.Connection(dagger.Config(log_output=sys.stderr)) as dagger_client:
for connector_image in DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS["docker_image_example"]:
printenv_output = await dagger_client.container().from_(connector_image).with_exec(["printenv"], skip_entrypoint=True).stdout()
env_vars = {}
for env_var in printenv_output.splitlines():
k, v = env_var.split("=")
env_vars[k] = v
def get_common_env_vars_values(env_vars_per_variant):
tuplized_kv = [{(k,v) for k, v in variant.items()} for variant in env_vars_per_variant]
common_env_var_values = tuplized_kv[0]
for env_var_set in tuplized_kv[1:]:
common_env_var_values = common_env_var_values.intersection(env_var_set)
return pd.DataFrame(common_env_var_values, columns=["Env var name", "Env var value"])
common_env_var_values = get_common_env_vars_values(docker_variants_env_vars)
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
Env var name | Env var value | |
0 | LANG | C.UTF-8 |
2 | HOME | /root |
3 | PATH | /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:... |
5 | GPG_KEY | E3FF2839C048B25C084DEBE9B26995E310250568 |
6 | OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT | unix:///dev/otel-grpc.sock |
Takeaways for building our future base image:
This list of static env var is interesting to know as it will allow us to write tests on our future connector images that will check that:
- these env var are set
- these env var values are always with the same values
These env vars are not set on our Dockerfiles and are coming from the Python base image:
async with dagger.Connection(dagger.Config(log_output=sys.stderr)) as dagger_client:
for base_image in all_base_images:
base_image_container = dagger_client.container().from_(connector_image)
base_env_vars_raw = (await base_image_container.with_exec(["printenv"], skip_entrypoint=True).stdout()).splitlines()
base_env_vars = {}
for base_env_var in base_env_vars_raw:
k, v = base_env_var.split("=")
base_env_vars[k] = v
for _, common_env_var in common_env_var_values.iterrows():
assert base_env_vars[common_env_var["Env var name"]] == common_env_var["Env var value"]
def get_common_env_vars(env_vars_per_variant):
env_var_keys_per_variant = [set(variant.keys()) for variant in env_vars_per_variant]
common_env_var = env_var_keys_per_variant[0]
for env_var_set in env_var_keys_per_variant[1:]:
common_env_var = common_env_var.intersection(env_var_set)
return pd.Series(list(common_env_var))
common_env_var = get_common_env_vars(docker_variants_env_vars)
common_env_var_key_different_values = set(common_env_var) - set(common_env_var_values["Env var name"])
def get_unique_values_for_env_vars(docker_variants_env_vars):
unique_values_for_env_vars = {}
for docker_variant_env_vars in docker_variants_env_vars:
for k, v in docker_variant_env_vars.items():
if k not in unique_values_for_env_vars:
unique_values_for_env_vars[k] = set()
return unique_values_for_env_vars
are not expected. We want all python connector to have it set to python /airbyte/integration_code/
A single connector, source-zendesk-chat
, has its entrypoint set to python /airbyte/integration_code/
. It looks like a legacy thing that we should correct. But as the base image project is not targetted at fixing connectors we'll handle this custom env var with a post build hook.
{'python /airbyte/integration_code/',
'python /airbyte/integration_code/'}
All certified connectors are running Python 3.9 but with subtle differences in the patch version:
- 3.9.18
- 3.9.17
- 3.9.16
- 3.9.11
This can be explained the use of python:3.9-slim
base image tag. This tag is updated to the latest python 3.9 version when a new version get released. Some connectors that had not been built for a while can stay behind the latest Python 3.9 version until they're not rebuilt.
Another reason for this difference is that some connector use python:3.9.11-slim
which is pinning Python 3.9.11.
For reproductible built our base image will be based on a sha256
docker tag, it will make sure we're always using the same image as a base.
different_python_version = get_unique_values_for_env_vars(docker_variants_env_vars)["PYTHON_VERSION"]
print(f"Different Python version in use: {', '.join(different_python_version)}")
Different Python version in use: 3.9.17, 3.9.11, 3.9.16
Two different pip
version are in used in our connectors:
- 23.0.1
- 22.0.4
This can be explained by:
- The use of different base images that might bundle different pip version
- The
pip install --upgrade pip
instruction in our Dockerfile that might upgradepip
on rebuild of the image
Takeaways for building our future base image:
For reproductible build we likely want to pin the pip version.
This will be naturaly achieved by using a static base python image which comes with pip pre-installed.
If we want to use a custom pip version we should pin it by running pip install pip==<pip-version>
in our future base image.
different_pip_version = get_unique_values_for_env_vars(docker_variants_env_vars)["PYTHON_PIP_VERSION"]
print(f"Different Python Pip version in use: {', '.join(different_pip_version)}")
Different Python Pip version in use: 22.0.4, 23.0.1
We have 4 different value for these env vars.
This matches the 4 different Python images we use:
These env var are probably set at build time of the python base images and match a version of the pip
installation script.
Takeaways for building our future base image: As we'll use a single base image for all certified connectors, this base image will be built on a base python image: all our connector will have the same value for these env vars. No action needed.
On these env var we have a different value for each connector image. I believe these are set at build time by the Docker engine. These Ids can be used for tracing. I don't know if they are actively use in our current infrastructure.
On connector build in airbyte-ci
we should verify that these env var are set.
Some connector are setting custom environment variables.
These variables are used in the CDK to override some default behavior in the connector entrypoint. source-zendesk-chat
is setting these env var. I can't assess if it's rightfully doing so. We'll support this by custom pre/post build hooks for this connector.
is setting these two env vars. These are only used in the Dockerfile context and can likely be discarded as this logic will be declared with the common build process in airbyte-ci
. :
ENV WORKDIR=/airbyte/integration_code
RUN pip install .
for variant_env_vars in docker_variants_env_vars:
for k, v in variant_env_vars.items():
if k not in set(common_env_var):
print(f"Connector specific env var: {k}={v}")
Connector specific env var: CODE_PATH=source_slack
Connector specific env var: WORKDIR=/airbyte/integration_code
Connector specific env var: CODE_PATH=source_zendesk_chat
Connector specific env var: AIRBYTE_IMPL_MODULE=source_zendesk_chat
Connector specific env var: AIRBYTE_IMPL_PATH=SourceZendeskChat
async def get_installed_system_packages(container, dagger_client):
output = await container.with_exec(["dpkg", "--get-selections"], skip_entrypoint=True).stdout()
except dagger.ExecError:
# Use apk info for alpine
output = await container.with_exec(["apk", "info", "-q"], skip_entrypoint=True).stdout()
return set(output.replace("\t", "").replace("install", "").splitlines())
docker_variants_env_vars = []
base_pkgs = set()
images_with_custom_pkgs = set()
async with dagger.Connection(dagger.Config(log_output=sys.stderr)) as dagger_client:
for base_image in all_base_images:
base_image_container = dagger_client.container().from_(base_image)
base_pkgs.update(await get_installed_system_packages(base_image_container, dagger_client))
for connector_image in DOCKERFILE_VARIANTS["docker_image_example"]:
connector_image_container = dagger_client.container().from_(connector_image)
connector_image_pkgs = await get_installed_system_packages(connector_image_container, dagger_client)
custom_pkgs = connector_image_pkgs - base_pkgs
if custom_pkgs:
print(f"{connector_image} is installing custom system packages: {', '.join(custom_pkgs)}")
airbyte/source-instagram:1.0.11 is installing custom system packages: libcrypt-dev:arm64, libtirpc-dev:arm64, libc6-dev:arm64, rpcsvc-proto, libnsl-dev:arm64, linux-libc-dev:arm64, libc-dev-bin
airbyte/source-twilio:0.10.0 is installing custom system packages: libcrypt-dev:arm64, libtirpc-dev:arm64, libc6-dev:arm64, rpcsvc-proto, libnsl-dev:arm64, linux-libc-dev:arm64, libc-dev-bin
airbyte/source-gitlab:1.6.0 is installing custom system packages: libcrypt-dev:arm64, libtirpc-dev:arm64, libc6-dev:arm64, rpcsvc-proto, libnsl-dev:arm64, linux-libc-dev:arm64, libc-dev-bin
airbyte/source-google-analytics-v4:0.2.1 is installing custom system packages: libcrypt-dev:arm64, libtirpc-dev:arm64, libc6-dev:arm64, rpcsvc-proto, libnsl-dev:arm64, linux-libc-dev:arm64, libc-dev-bin
airbyte/source-salesforce:2.1.4 is installing custom system packages: libcrypt-dev:arm64, libtirpc-dev:arm64, libc6-dev:arm64, rpcsvc-proto, libnsl-dev:arm64, linux-libc-dev:arm64, libc-dev-bin
The images listed above have extra system packages compared to there base image. But no instruction in the dockerfile installs these system packages. My current hypothesis is that the base image they use had these system packages in previous versions. Let's rebuild these connector and see if the "custom packages" are still there.
async with dagger.Connection(dagger.Config(log_output=sys.stderr)) as dagger_client:
for connector_image in images_with_custom_pkgs:
connector = Connector(connector_image.split(":")[0].replace("airbyte/", ""))
connector_container =
connector_container_pkgs = await get_installed_system_packages(connector_container, dagger_client)
custom_pkgs = connector_container_pkgs - base_pkgs
assert not custom_pkgs
print(f"No custom packages found after local build of {connector}")
No custom packages found after local build of source-instagram
No custom packages found after local build of source-twilio
No custom packages found after local build of source-gitlab
No custom packages found after local build of source-google-analytics-v4
No custom packages found after local build of source-salesforce
- We don't have any certified python connector that is installing a custom system dependency
- The use of base images tag that can change the underlying image in use (like python3.9-slim: it might get updated on each patch version of python 3.9) proves again that we can't achieve reproductible build with these images. We should definitely be targetting tag with their
: e.gpython:3.9@sha256:0596c508fdfdf28fd3b98e170f7e3d4708d01df6e6d4bffa981fd6dd22dbd1a5
. This will ensure that on rebuild the same base image will be used.
We want to use a python image with 3.9 in its latest patch version: 3.9.18
We want to use debian as it has proven its good fit for our existing connector image.
We want to use a debian image that has a maximum of system package to avoid connector specific package install: let's use bookworm
, the latest debian version release name.
- For AMD64:
- For AMR64:
We must set the timezone to UTC
This env vars will likely be set by the python base image we'll use. But we must add a test that ensure they are set, to avoid any regression on new connector versions.
: this should default topython /airbyte/integration_code/
has set it topython /airbyte/integration_code/
(we should handle this edge case with pre/post build hook).OTEL_TRACE_PARENT
: We believe these are set at build time by the docker engine, but we should make sure our dagger build still set these (or understand there purpose)
: These are set bysource-zendesk-chat
, we must implement a pre/post build hook for this connector to set these env var at build time.
No certified connector is installing a custom system dependency. The system packages bundled with the python base image I suggest to use should guarantee all system requirements are met for all our connectors.
All our connector images set the following labels. We should continue to use these, but I'm not sure of their actual usefulness.
LABEL io.airbyte.version=<semver-connector-version>
- Declare a first base image version in a new python package under
- Declare a common build procedure for connector images in
- Implement a light pre/build hook framework to customize connector build process if needed
A "prototype" of these steps is available in this PR. This PR has not been yet updated to capture the conclusion of this analysis.