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A Collision Tutorial

This is a collision tutorial demonstrating some basic collision optimizations, with the primary goal of being approachable to new blind programmers. Put another way, there's no graphics here. I got tired of having this conversation over and over, so figured I'd finally just get sample code with explanations going on. The rest of this README explains what's going on here and all the optimizations performed.

If you're trying to use Python and you need axis-aligned bounding box collision, you can drop this tutorial into your project and use it as-is. It has full test coverage and is reasonably efficient.

people are always like "What's better than the two nested for loops". What's better than the two nested for loops is this, and a number of more advanced optimizations not described here.

there are benchmarks at the bottom of this file proving that the code here is fast enough for most practical use cases. Note that if you try to feed a tilemap to it without some preprocessing, it's going to be unhappy. You can either process collisions with a tilemap yourself, or see the notes at the bottom of the file as to how you might go about extending this for that use case.

You'll want to clone this repository and follow along in the code. I don't paste most of it here because this README is already going to be long enough. There's actually not that much code, just enough that trying to put little 5 line examples inline isn't going to cut it.

I don't intend to maintain this, but am happy enough if someone else wants to turn it into a real package. In practice, though, properly building a quadtree functions much better than what is presented here. This code would make a good stepping stone to being able to understand quadtrees, as this is something like half the implementation of one.

Code was developed against Python 3.7 on Windows. If you want to run the tests, create a virtualenv and do:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Preliminaries, Motivation, and Defining terms

Defining the Problem

You've got:

  • Some number of axis-aligned bounding boxes, hereafter AABB. This means boxes that can't rotate. The sides are always either north-south or east-west.
  • They're spread out pretty evenly, and all generally around the same size.
  • You want it to be fast.

This doesn't work on anything but AABB. Spheres, no. Rotating boxes, no. More complex polygons, no. The basic idea does generalize, but the code here doesn't get into it for simplicity.

What's Wrong with nested for loops?

most people wanting to do AABB collisions start with something like this:

for a in boxes:
    for b in boxes:
        check(a, b)

Check will be something like "for all corners of box a, see if they're in box b". I'm not going to write pseudocode for that here because it's lengthy and wrong, as we will see below.

The above is something called O(n^2), which means in the worst case it takes n^2 checks to figure out if the list of boxes has collisions. Additionally, the above is Omega(n^2), which means that it always takes n^2 operations. Put another way, 5 boxes is 25 checks, 100 boxes is 10000 checks, and 1000 boxes is 1000000 checks. We can do significantly better.

This tutorial will talk heavily about how many operations things take in the worst case, because that's important here. Much of this code looks at first glance as though it should be slower, but one of the primary lessons this tutorial should teach is that code complexity doesn't at all equate to performance. What I am about to present is an order of magnitude faster than the above algorithm.

What's Wrong with the Basic Box Check

As stated above, many developers start by checking if all the corners of box a are inside box b and vice versa. But consider two boxes overlapping to form a cross, for example:

a = Box(x = -100, y = 0, width  = 200, height = 1)
b = Box(x = 0, y = -100, width = 1, height = 200)

These boxes intersect at the origin, but don't have any corners inside thew other box.

Additionally, the naive check is 16 comparisons without optimization. There's nothing like slow and incorrect to really cause a problem.

Some Basic Python Performance Tips

Before we get started, it's worth noting the following. I don't have sources handy for these; they just come from my experience. I don't even promise they're all correct:

  • Local variables are the fastest kind of variable.
  • Attribute lookups are faster than attribute lookups and computing with the attribute.
  • Allocation is heavily optimized. You can make lists and throw them out all day long, and Python will mostly be fine with this. There are other problems with lists, but continually asking the OS for memory isn't one of them.
  • Python won't inline or anything like that unless it's Cython. Cython won't inline a lot. Pypy will be very good at inlining, but running Pypy everywhere isn't practical.

Anyway, with this out of the way, let's get started.

Defining Your Box

Every box in this code ( has the following:

  • x and y, the bottom left corner.
  • x2 and y2, the upper right corner.
  • cx and cy, the center of the box.
  • width and height, the width and height.
  • half_width, half_height: half the width and height (see below).
  • stationary, whether or not we expect the box to move around.
  • manager, an internal property that lets boxes link to a BoxManager, which we'll discuss near the bottom of this document,.

Each of x, cx, x2, etc. are used as part of a different optimization, below. We cache the values on the object to prevent the cost of recomputing. half_width and half_height are two very useful values for the collision check. stationary and manager are used in the stationary box optimization, which can be used to make levels with mostly stationary objects function much faster.

To use this code correctly, always go through the public methods. Don't manipulate the properties. If you read the box module, you can see that there's some basic math going on to recompute them when it moves. Just doing box.x = 12 will not work. Also, you can't change a box from stationary to not stationary after creation. We'll talk about stationary later.

For completeness, the box constructor is:

class Box:
    def __init__(
        x: float,
        y: float,
        width: float,
        height: float,
        userdata: Any = None,
        stationary: bool = False,
    ) -> None:

Userdata can be used to associate the box with something in your app.

A Better Collision Check

This is a bit hard to explain without a graphic, but the correct collision check for boxes is:

abs( - <= (a.half_width + b.half_width)
and abs( - <= (a-half_height + b.half_height)

It is easy to see how this works by considering what happens on the x axis when two boxes overlap left to right. Continue the vertical sides downward, and you'll get two line segments on the X axis, like a shadow. These line segments won't overlap if the boxes collide, because that means they're far apart enough in the x direction to not be touching. You can easily tell if two line segments on the X axis intersect by just finding out if their centers are close enough.

But that's not enough. It's possible that two boxes with the same X don't collide in Y, so we do the same check on the Y axis. If they're close enough together that both the X axis and Y axis show them as colliding, they have to be colliding--there's no third dimension they can be apart on.

You might have to work at visualizing this. If there's any part of this tutorial that you might want to take my word for, it's probably this section.

Optimization 0: A Digression Into Generators

Assume that you have 100 objects and they're all colliding for some reason. This is going to generate 10000 (or 5000, we'll get to that) pairs. Naively, you might do:

list.append((a, b))
return list

But this will build lists of 10000 items that you immediately throw away. Fortunately, we can do better. This function is a generator:

def gen():
    yield 1
    yield 2
    yield 3

And the following:

for i in gen():

Will print the numbers 1 to 3. At no point does this build an in-memory list. In fact, if you just do:


Nothing much happens. Generators stop at the yield statements and wait for you to ask for more values. If you don't, they just stop. In addition, they never build stuff up in memory: if gen() wanted to yield 10000 items, it'd use the same amount of memory as it did for 3.

If you want to know more, look up a tutorial on generators. The two most important facts for using this code are these:

  • The only thing you can do with a generator is for i in gen() or other operations that access the next item. You can't index them, etc.
  • You can get from a generator to a list (or set, or whatever else) by just doing list(gen()).

Most of the code here uses generators to avoid large lists.

Optimization 1: Get Good Base Algorithms

no matter what we do, we'll eventually have to check a list of boxes and there won't be any choice but to use the inefficient algorithm. Most of the trick here is making those lists smaller. But since we have no choice, we'll need the inefficient algorithms in here somewhere so that we can handle that. Additionally, we probably want tests. To get that, we can test against the boring algorithm that we know is right. I'll say more on testing later.

In collision_tutorial.base_algorithms, you will find two functions:

  • check_exhaustive is the naive check where you do 2 nested for loops.
  • check_deduplicated is a better version that cuts the comparisons in half.

Let's first consider check_exhaustive:

def check_exhaustive(boxes: List[Box]) -> Iterable[Tuple[Box, Box]]:
    for a in boxes:
        for b in boxes:
            # If the centers of the boxes are close enough together that they overlap in the x and y axis both, they overlap.
            # See the readme for the edge cases with box detection: in particular, it's not sufficient to check if one of the corners
            # is inside the other box.
            if (
                a is not b
                and abs( - <= (a.half_width + b.half_width)
                and abs( - <= (a.half_height + b.half_height)
                yield (a, b)

This is the boring algorithm with the 2 nested loops. If boxes 1 and 2 collide, you get (1, 2) and (2, 1). It's also the worst algorithm you'll see here: for x items, it takes x^2 checks. But it's even worse than that: we also have to check to make sure that we're not going to return (2, 2) for example--we're also checking boxes against themselves.

It might seem like there's no point to this function. But we can point at it and easily say "Yes, this one works". If the output of the others doesn't match it, something is broken. Unfortunately, "match" is one of those funny words with more complexity: as I keep saying, testing is near the end of this document, and I'll cover it there.

Next, we have:

def check_deduplicated(boxes: List[Box]) -> Iterable[Tuple[Box, Box]]:
    # Save the len function call.
    l = len(boxes)
    for i in range(l):
        # The inner loop only does l to the end of the boxes.
        for j in range(i + 1, l):
            a = boxes[i]
            b = boxes[j]
            if abs( - <= (a.half_width + b.half_width) and abs(
            ) <= (a.half_height + b.half_height):
                yield (a, b)

Which cuts the comparisons in half. It is worth considering why this works. Suppose we have boxes a, b, and c. The loop will first check a against b and c. When the outer loop gets to b, we've already checked b against a (because we checked a against b last time). So we avoid doing that. And when the outer loop gets to c, we've checked c against b and a already, when we did a and b against c previously. The same pattern holds for bigger examples.

Additionally, we get to drop the check to make sure that we aren't going to return (a, a).

Now our 100 objects case is only 5000 checks. This is the version that we use moving forward: if we have to check a list of boxes and can't use any other tricks, it's the best we've got to throw at the problem.

So How Can We Do Better: An introduction To Partitioning

The big trick of this entire thing is to divide the list of boxes into smaller sublists. Suppose that we have 100 objects, with our 5000 comparisons from the above optimized function, but we can somehow divide our 100 objects into two lists of 50 each. Then we have:

2 * (50 * 50 / 2) = 2500

Which is again half the comparisons. But this gets even better--what if we can divide it into 4 lists of 25? In that case:

4 * (25 * 25 / 2) = 2 * 25 * 25 = 1250

Which is a 4th of the original checks. But how about an extreme case? What if we can get it down to just 5? Well:

20 * (5 * 5 / 2) = 10 * 5 * 5 = 250

In the genral case, we can do exactly this. To understand how, we'll use one of those really lame analogies that textbooks love to come up with in order to supposedly hold your interest, only in this case it's to make up for a diagram.

Suppose that you've got the standard archetypical medieval town with 4 gates and two really boring roads that meet in the middle, and it's under siege from the west and the east with two really big armies of boxes. For the sake of argument, let's say they're 500 boxes each. Our naive collision detection algorithm would check the west army against everyone in the west army, then against everyone in the east army. Then it'll check everyone in the east army against themselves, then against the west army.

But hang on, there's a big town in the middle. There's no way the west army can collide with the east unless the town goes away first. The town divides the world into two partitions: everything to the west of it, and everything to the east. So instead of checking everything with everything else, we can handle the partitions separately. In doing so, we split the list.

In practice, what we actually want to do, though, is split based on a point. To do this, consider that the two main streets of this town actually divide the world into 4 quadrants: the northwest, northeast, southwest, and southeast. Anyone that's not standing on one of those streets has to be in one of those 4 partitions. Everyone in the northwest partition only needs to be checked against the people in that partition.

But there is one really important edge case. Anyone in the center is going to be in all 4 partitions. And anyone standing on one of the roads is going to be in at least two of them. To understand why, consider a really tall box standing on the west street. It's going to have part of itself in the southwest and part of itself in the northwest. So what we're about to do must account for this, and allow objects to be in more than one partition at once.

Optimization 2: partition the world

This is where I stop pasting code because it's too much. To see this in practice, read collision_tutorial.partitioner.

To partition the world well, we want to pick a center point of all the boxes, then divide the world into 4 quadrants.

To get the center, you can just do an average of all the x values for the x coordinate, then all the y values for the y coordinate. This isn't perfect, but it's good enough to be going on with in most cases.

Then, build 4 lists, where some boxes can be in up to all of them, as described above. After that, check the lists individually and combine the pairs, and you've got a useful subdivision.

it's worth taking a moment to point out that this can go wrong, however. Imagine that for some reason every box is colliding with every other box. In that case, what actually happens is you get 4 partitions containing all the boxes, then check them all. One of the key insights for optimizing is to realize that in the general case you only care about the usual cases. While the worst case might happen and it's bad if it does, any game which has every object clumped together colliding with every other object in such a fashion as to make partitioning useless probably has other problems.

Optimization 3: Partition Recursively

You've partitioned once, but all the partitions are still really big. You can just re-run your partitioning algorithm over and over until they're small enough, or until you give up.

The way this tutorial does this is by fixing the number of iterations and the minimum partition size. I didn't put a lot of thought into optimizing these numbers. In particular, more than 2 or 3 repetitions is probably much better, and playing around with the maximum partition size is probably also a good way to get more or less performance. But this is only a demo, so I didn't put in the time.

It's important to note that raising the number of iterations makes the worst case of everything overlapping and not being able to partition at all worse. Again, this shouldn't ever happen in practice without other problems, but if it does then iterating deeper into the tree without dealing with this will magnify the problem. There are a lot of ways to deal with this, for example you can detect that partitions didn't shrink because one of them is the same length as the input, or you could say "any partition which doesn't divide equally doesn't get partitioned further". Or any other number of heuristics. But again, this is a tutorial, though admittedly one that can be used as-is, not a fully featured library.

Stateful can be Better: an Introduction to BoxManager

So far, we've just had a big list of boxes that you get from somewhere and pass to this tutorial code. But that's kind of inefficient, in the sense that we're rebuilding the partitions every time and we aren't really taking advantage of any information we have. There's a lot that can be done if we take one step further and introduce something that can hold state. For example, we might avoid repartitioning on every tick, cache some of the collisions, only run things close to the player, and keep statistics on what's going on in order to change behavior at runtime. Most of these aren't implemented here because this is a tutorial, at this point a refrain in these later parts of the document.

The way the manager works is as follows: you .register() your boxes and .remove(box) them to get rid of it. This has the downside that your boxes won't be garbage collected unless you remember to remove them. But it lets the manager be aware of movement when it happens via box.move, which lets us implement:

Optimization 4: The Stationary Box Optimization

let's say that your level has lots of power-ups and scenery, none of which moves often, for example platforms. It's really a shame that we're checking them against everything including all the other stationary stuff. Here's how to do better (see box_manager.BoxManager).

For the first run, and any run where something stationary has moved, execute the normal partitioning algorithm. Then, for every item that run would return, add the pair to the stationary cache if a.stationary and b.stationary. The stationary cache is a cache of all pairs of stationary objects which have collided with each other. We invalidate it whenever a stationary object moves because stationary objects shouldn't move often.

Next, if the stationary cache is valid, start by yielding everything in the stationary cache. Then, modify the partitioning algorithm as follows.

We know that we want to check every nonstationary box against every stationary box as well as every nonstationary box against any other nonstationary box. Consider the optimized base algorithm check_deduplicated. if we have a list that looks like:

n, n, n, s, s

Where n is nonstationary and s is stationary, then by the time we get to the first stationary box, we've checked all the n against all the s as well as all the other n. We can thus stop at the first stationary box and abort the algorithm early.

To get the list in this order you simply do a sort partition.sort(key=lambda o: o.stationary) since true : false in Python. This puts all the stationary ones at the right end and lets the above trick function.

This actually means that we can consider all stationary boxes free in the grand scheme of things. This leads to the second-to-last tweak to this algorithm: we can raise the partition size so that the average number of nonstationary boxes in the partition is of a specificed size. For example, if 30% of boxes are stationary and we want a partition size of 10 disregarding this algorithm, we can use a partition size of around 15. See the code for specifically how this is done, but as an overview, if 30% of boxes are stationary, 70% aren't, and 70% of 15 is 10.5.

The last optimization here is that we maintain a count of stationary boxes. If there currently aren't any, we don't bother with any of this and fall back to the partitioner. One good future direction for the bored and/or interested is to modify this so that you can specify a minimum number of stationary boxes before the optimization kicks in. In particular, a very good way of doing this would be to specify a percent, and then to tweak the code in a real project to find the number that optimizes the most. The reason you'd not want to use an absolute value here is that there's a big difference between 10 out of 100 stationary boxes and 10 out of 1000: in the latter case not optimizing at all might be better.

So How Fast is it?

Obviously there's no point to any of this if it isn't fast. Consequently I've prepared some benchmarks. To duplicate these, either run or against a Python interpreter of your choice. I've run these on a machine with an Intel I7-8700 at 3.20 GHZ. They work by producing lists of random boxes (fixed using a seed, or put another way every run uses the same list), then running them through one of the above algorithms. We report 3 values for each combination: the number of objects, the average time per iteration, and the estimate of how many times you can run it in a second. Results follow:

CPython 3.7:

Benchmarking exhaustive

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.230000000000349e-06 108342.36186348453
100 0.0014479800000000002 690.6172737192502
200 0.00560564 178.391762581971
300 0.012880220000000001 77.63842543062152
400 0.023779629999999996 42.052798971220334
500 0.035957275 27.81078377046092
600 0.054175835000000006 18.458414161959848
700 0.070621715 14.159950661067917
800 0.09308099999999997 10.74333107723381
900 0.11951879500000002 8.366884890363895
1000 0.14509465000000005 6.892052877208083

Benchmarking deduplicated

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.715000000021234e-06 102933.6078227292
100 0.0008335899999999619 1199.630513801804
200 0.0033079450000000677 302.3024868914022
300 0.007542199999999966 132.58730874280775
400 0.013775004999999929 72.59525495635066
500 0.02166019000000006 46.16764672886052
600 0.03151497499999998 31.730946954582723
700 0.04350998499999994 22.983230171189472
800 0.057080239999999983 17.519197536660677
900 0.07478089000000007 13.37240035522443
1000 0.09146961999999999 10.932591608011492

Benchmarking partitioned

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.326999999999856e-05 75357.950263761
100 0.0001422749999999695 7028.641714990084
200 0.0003944650000001104 2535.0791578459944
300 0.0008490050000000693 1177.8493648446338
400 0.0014417249999999272 693.6135532088647
500 0.0020571550000001437 486.1082417221503
600 0.0029712799999998653 336.55528930294196
700 0.00376171499999991 265.8361943953819
800 0.004964475000000057 201.4311684518481
900 0.006271730000000098 159.44563940092837
1000 0.007463165000000061 133.99140981071594

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability of 0.1

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.1761999999997386e-05 85019.55449755333
100 0.00015824099999999674 6319.474725260967
200 0.0004183280000000167 2390.4687231071316
300 0.0008947649999999996 1117.6118869200297
400 0.0014634570000000124 683.3135514060143
500 0.0021618819999999774 462.55993620373846
600 0.0030425200000000173 328.67491421584555
700 0.0038541129999999767 259.46307230743
800 0.005040613999999976 198.38852965134896
900 0.006513566999999974 153.52571025983215
1000 0.007667062999999991 130.42804004610386

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.5

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.511999999993747e-06 105130.36164851318
100 0.00013020600000000825 7680.137628065809
200 0.0003160649999999876 3163.9061585434615
300 0.0007253090000000029 1378.7227236943097
400 0.0011827139999999758 845.5129473397799
500 0.0016807730000000022 594.9643408122326
600 0.002458053000000007 406.8260529777011
700 0.0031407310000000164 318.3972138970179
800 0.004085332999999984 244.7780878572209
900 0.004965090999999973 201.40617765112572
1000 0.0061083219999999725 163.71108137390343

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.9

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.2840999999994551e-05 77875.55486336144
100 7.873599999999925e-05 12700.670595407557
200 0.0002289689999999922 4367.4034476284305
300 0.0005707089999999937 1752.20646599232
400 0.0005970499999999745 1674.901599531099
500 0.0008111219999999975 1232.8601616033138
600 0.0010551440000000057 947.7379390869821
700 0.0013082740000000114 764.3658744269101
800 0.0016301750000000225 613.4310733510121
900 0.002132263999999999 468.985078770734
1000 0.002292611999999998 436.18370661934983

Python 3.7, using Cython's pyximport:

Benchmarking exhaustive

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.3274999999990379e-05 75329.56685504518
100 0.0007397850000000039 1351.7440878092889
200 0.0030827599999999843 324.38464233349504
300 0.006709530000000008 149.04173615737596
400 0.012212230000000001 81.88512663125407
500 0.01931741499999997 51.76676071824318
600 0.027751294999999974 36.034354432829204
700 0.03781276999999998 26.44609215352381
800 0.049791145000000016 20.083892427057055
900 0.06384556 15.662796285285932
1000 0.08037423499999993 12.441798046351556

Benchmarking deduplicated

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.905000000021146e-06 100959.11155960274
100 0.0004466349999999508 2238.9647027217084
200 0.0017581250000000103 568.7877710629188
300 0.004134990000000016 241.83855341850793
400 0.007526799999999945 132.85858532178446
500 0.011958670000000015 83.62133916229804
600 0.01811227000000004 55.21119108758857
700 0.024654759999999953 40.56011901961333
800 0.032300044999999944 30.959709189259698
900 0.04143498499999998 24.13419481146187
1000 0.05161202499999993 19.37532968334417

Benchmarking partitioned

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.7850000000399e-06 102197.24067408506
100 8.562999999996989e-05 11678.150181015433
200 0.00022785499999997683 4388.756007110231
300 0.0005175649999999976 1932.1244674582026
400 0.0008622500000000421 1159.7564511452028
500 0.001243015000000014 804.4955209711779
600 0.0017815149999999668 561.3200001122744
700 0.002223234999999946 449.7950059260602
800 0.0029538050000000203 338.5463833936205
900 0.0036914900000000195 270.89332491757926
1000 0.004461195000000018 224.15518711914544

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability of 0.1

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.353000000000834e-06 106917.56655617565
100 9.707999999999828e-05 10300.782859497505
200 0.00024975200000000087 4003.9719401646294
300 0.0005561900000000009 1797.9467448174157
400 0.0009100670000000122 1098.8201967547297
500 0.0013459169999999964 742.987866265158
600 0.0019186559999999986 521.1981720537714
700 0.002395215000000004 417.4990554083865
800 0.0030832639999999857 324.3316174028577
900 0.003758543000000003 266.06054526980245
1000 0.004506795999999991 221.8871233577029

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.5

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.721000000002533e-06 102870.075095128
100 8.009299999999442e-05 12485.485622964174
200 0.0001933430000000058 5172.155185344026
300 0.00046717299999999185 2140.5346627480985
400 0.0007585399999999965 1318.322039707866
500 0.0010443330000000017 957.5489810242503
600 0.0015038229999999864 664.9718750145523
700 0.001967157999999998 508.34757553790854
800 0.0024634839999999867 405.9291637372134
900 0.0030715640000000023 325.5670401137659
1000 0.003707680999999994 269.71036612912536

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.9

objects time/iteration number per second
0 9.867999999997323e-06 101337.65707339595
100 4.6362000000002014e-05 21569.38872352264
200 0.0001318279999999916 7585.641897017808
300 0.00035880399999999924 2787.036933813453
400 0.0004086799999999968 2446.9022217872366
500 0.000555228999999997 1801.0586622816988
600 0.000746380000000002 1339.8001018248042
700 0.0009029269999999912 1107.509244933433
800 0.0011542209999999998 866.3852069924219
900 0.0014966019999999958 668.1803178132883
1000 0.0016205809999999942 617.0626460510173


Benchmarking exhaustive

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.5499999999999998e-06 645161.2903225807
100 0.00026720499999999996 3742.4449392788315
200 0.00023393500000000006 4274.691687862012
300 0.0005238 1909.1256204658264
400 0.0007029999999999998 1422.4751066856334
500 0.00111719 895.1028920774444
600 0.0015581500000000006 641.7867342682024
700 0.002094955 477.3372220405689
800 0.0026505649999999993 377.2780520379618
900 0.00345516 289.42219752486136
1000 0.0042033750000000005 237.90406518571382

Benchmarking deduplicated

objects time/iteration number per second
0 2.6250000000005436e-06 380952.3809523021
100 0.0002515599999999979 3975.194784544476
200 0.00014030999999999904 7127.075760815386
300 0.00034418999999999975 2905.3720328888135
400 0.000597735000000002 1672.9821743749264
500 0.00069129 1446.5709036728435
600 0.0009737350000000005 1026.9734578709808
700 0.0013067949999999995 765.2309658362639
800 0.0017704700000000019 564.8217704903212
900 0.0026494650000000036 377.43468964489006
1000 0.0026495250000000024 377.4261424217545

Benchmarking partitioned

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.7700000000009374e-06 564971.7514121302
100 0.0006927599999999978 1443.50135689128
200 0.0002728499999999967 3665.0174088327367
300 0.0006761300000000025 1479.0055166905718
400 0.001389275000000001 719.7998956290146
500 0.0006088599999999999 1642.4136911605297
600 0.0003543650000000009 2821.9491202573545
700 0.0010669499999999999 937.2510426917851
800 0.0004573299999999947 2186.604858636021
900 0.0005697950000000008 1755.0171552926906
1000 0.000500624999999999 1997.5031210986306

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability of 0.1

objects time/iteration number per second
0 1.8980000000001773e-06 526870.3898840393
100 0.0004328080000000001 2310.493336537217
200 0.0003857350000000004 2592.453368245036
300 0.000630016000000001 1587.2612759041015
400 0.00034040700000000036 2937.6599188618297
500 0.0003599770000000002 2777.955258252609
600 0.00047627399999999984 2099.6317245955065
700 0.0005002019999999996 1999.1923263001763
800 0.0006608860000000005 1513.1202658249672
900 0.0007052329999999985 1417.971081897759
1000 0.0008280869999999996 1207.6025828204047

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.5

objects time/iteration number per second
0 4.627000000001491e-06 216122.75772631896
100 0.00030355700000000096 3294.274221974775
200 0.0002589279999999983 3862.0774887227594
300 0.00030192100000000057 3312.124694870506
400 0.00021982900000000027 4548.990351591458
500 0.00037080400000000013 2696.842536757963
600 0.00041008399999999947 2438.5247900430186
700 0.000402610000000001 2483.793249049943
800 0.0004770540000000012 2096.1987531809764
900 0.0006977089999999997 1433.2622912990953
1000 0.0005837969999999992 1712.9241842626827

Benchmarking manager, stationary probability 0.9

objects time/iteration number per second
0 4.5849999999991734e-06 218102.50817888338
100 0.0001258009999999987 7949.0624080890475
200 0.0001323019999999997 7558.464724645148
300 0.00012952100000000134 7720.755707568577
400 0.00023696799999999962 4219.9790689038255
500 0.0002718149999999997 3678.972830785649
600 0.00023967599999999978 4172.299270682091
700 0.00028168199999999865 3550.102597965098
800 0.0003523999999999994 2837.6844494892216
900 0.0005640990000000001 1772.7384732112623
1000 0.00040585300000000045 2463.9463056821037

Testing: How Do We Know if it Works?

For something like this, I like to use a tool called Hypothesis, which can intelligently generate tests with input data for you, and even go so far as to hunt for and print example broken programs. I'm not going to provide a full overview of it here, but if you look at the tests directory, it's pretty straightforward stuff.

The one complexity we have with the tests is that we need to deal with the fact that we might get (a, b) from one algorithm, then have the other report (b, a). There's a few ways of dealing with this, two of which are used here. For the case of testing the check_exhaustive we duplicate the pairs returned by check_deduplicated and then check that test. For the BoxManager tests, we flip the pairs so that id(a) <= ~id(b)`. Either case yields sets which are equal if the collisions are equal.

By linking this to the base algorithm check_exhaustive, we can verify that this works, even better than if a human tested it by hand. The only point of failure is if check_exhaustive itself isn't working. AAdmittedly, I should probably introduce more manual testing around that, but haven't for lack of time. Though i'm not generally interested in maintaining this code, if you uncovera bug and submit a PR with a fix and/or better tests, i'll be happy to accept it.

Future Directions

I've mentioned a few future directions above. I'll go ahead and reiterate some of them here, as well as provide a few more, in case someone wants to turn this into a proper library.

  • Cythonize the entire thing properly. pyximport isn't redistributable and has horrible performance. This code is already fast enough to be used in many practical projects, but cythonizing it properly by converting it to pyx with proper Cython typing and etc. can probably get an order of magnitude performance improvement out of it.
  • Figure out how to deal with the worst cases of partitioning.
  • Figure out better values for some of the parameters, in particular the maximum partitionsize and the number of iterations.
  • Figure out better heuristics for stopping partitioning early, since iteration count is really kind of a hack.
  • Optimize the partitioner to not create as many lists.
  • Figure out better heuristics for when to apply and when not to apply the stationary object optimization.
  • Some better manual tests for the base case probably won't uncover bugs, but they certainly can't hurt anything.

Bonus: tilemaps

You have two choices with tilemaps. The first, and easiest, is to simply handle it yourself.

The second is to combine impassable rectangles into boxes, for example a 2 by 2 square of dirt becomes a 2 by 2 box. Then you pass those boxes to this code. I'm not going to provide an algorithm for that: it's a bit hard to write and I don't have the time. But essentially you find all impassable tiles that aren't part of a box yet, and then you keep trying to extend the rectangle in the x and/or y direction as much as possible in a loop. You'd want to cache the output: this is as slow as it sounds.

But at runtime, as the above benchmarks show, you're not going to get more than 1000 boxes or so. It's practical, but not if you throw thousands of 1-tiel boxes at it.

You might be saying "but other languages can", but that's not exactly true: you'll be able to push it a bit further, but not far enough. You'll also have ram issues, since boxes are actually 6 or 7 values.