The registry provides a Rest API and UI to publish, update, and retrieve micro frontends, templates and routes configuration.
It's available at 4001
port by default (use for locally launched ILC).
Currently Registry supports authentication only, all authenticated entities will receive all permissions possible.
As for now we support 3 authentication providers:
- OpenID Connect. Turned off by default.
- Locally configured login/password. Default credentials: root / pwd
- Locally configured Bearer token for API machine-to-machine access.
Default credentials:
Bearer cm9vdF9hcGlfdG9rZW4=:dG9rZW5fc2VjcmV0
(after base64 decode it'sBearer root_api_token:token_secret
Default credentials can be changed via "Auth entities" page through UI (or via API).
See auth.openid.*
keys at "Settings" page in Registry to configure OpenID.
Sample configuration (note that values are JSON encoded):
key | value |
baseUrl |
"" |
auth.openid.enabled |
true |
auth.openid.discoveryUrl |
"" |
auth.openid.clientId |
"ba34c345-e543-6554-b0be-3e1097ddd32d" |
auth.openid.clientSecret |
Attention: OpenID Connect returnURL should be specified at provider as follows:
Currently there is no documentation for each API endpoint. However you can use network tab to see how UI
communicates with API or feel free to explore code starting from here /registry/server/app.ts
It's a usual pattern to store JS/CSS files of the micro-frontend apps at CDN using unique URLs
). While following this approach we need to update
links to the JS/CSS bundles in registry after every deployment.
To do so we have at least 3 options:
- Manually via UI (not recommended)
- Using Registry API (see API endpoints for more info)
- Using App Assets Discovery mechanism
While registering micro-frontend in ILC Registry it's possible to set "Assets discovery url" which will be examined periodically by Registry. The idea is that this file will contain actual references to the JS/CSS bundles and updated at CDN right after every deploy.
Example file:
"spaBundle": "",
"cssBundle": "./app.81340a47f3122508fd76.css", //It's possible to use relative links which will be resolved against manifest URL
"dependencies": {
"react": ""