1.0.3 (2022-10-03)
- server: console.log fatal error along with logger (dd450c7)
- handle channel timeout (c101135)
- maintain node logs (c7e4e3a)
- server: console.log error before using logger (560a4a3)
1.0.2 (2022-09-30)
- re-implement mobile (647a7bf)
- main: update release tag (e933465)
1.0.1 (2022-09-28)
- add channelCreateTx fee (#126) (a3ffa12)
- add debug status endpoint (0f3a42b)
- handle running out of coins (#164) (f281165)
- optimize performance (#143) (69c15de)
- release 1.0.1 (eeef526)
- release follow package.json version tag (b40b0e3)
- seperate nodes per env config (cdd0f63)
- specify release tag in workflow (8a81d65)
- update twitter sharing text (5f18d01)
- build: add argument to server Dockerfile (3815176)
- client: remove channel proxy (dace82d)
- decode contract events instead of decoding w compiler (#124) (a66c862)
- drop usage of HTTP compiler (#163) (7bec539)
- save results via transferFunds instead of sending an extra tx (#147) (d069ce9)
- use a 2 minute timeout idle (#142) (1edfc95)
- use node api to check if channel is open before reconnection (759da65)
- add .5 second delay on faucet retry (f036414)
- add .gitattributes for persistent line endings (333a121)
- add contract project (9c80848)
- add favicon (1a65121)
- add front skeleton code (929647b)
- add gh actions pipelines (185d931)
- add link to users aenalytics page (d612f98)
- add loader (cfab740)
- add more delay to funding retry (c2be08d)
- add option to fund through faucet (a2e4b21)
- add pino as server logger (071b1ff)
- add rock-paper-scissor buttons (d051e38)
- add sdk docker config (d5236eb)
- add shadow to landing page (df61fc9)
- add timeout idle (3d18067)
- bot should send its balance back to the faucet on channel termination (feb1ff3)
- change wording for signed transaction (5bf87a3)
- clicking logo on end-screen resets app (9748050)
- client should retry with a new account if given is greylisted (#54) (0a35a51)
- client: display contract locked in amount (0c9adc6)
- compare proposed bytecode (e936ecd)
- configure eslint and prettier (781740e)
- contract service (c5423ce)
- create route for channel initialization (f49ac3e)
- create user selection transaction (61ebdf9)
- display balances (d99e017)
- display open state channel and contract deployment tx (41f6185)
- display user and bot selection tx logs (806d90c)
- export contract as string an typescript declarations (441b62b)
- finish a game round (#70) (780ff69)
- group transaction logs (cc4e812)
- ignore all node_module folders (96f391d)
- implement autoplay (166b4d4)
- implement game landing page (8255335)
- implement Open State Channel button (2d6cfd0)
- implement sharing results feature (13fb65c)
- initialize channel connection and connect to ws (2255295)
- only save the last 5 rounds when reconnecting (998c500)
- open state channel connection on button click (535bfc1)
- play another round (71bd795)
- popup: add tooltip (fa68416)
- process end-game tx and show ending screen (e2bfc12)
- replace text with icons (01caed2)
- retry funding when faucet throws an error diff than 425 (2203491)
- Run all apps through docker (5db9cc4)
- Run all apps through docker (081b557)
- save state to localstorage (2c8211d)
- server:testnet: handle multiple genesis funds (5ce3c3b)
- server: add cors options for prd (4ff0cce)
- server: add cors origin options (39a0bde)
- server: check whether if a greylisted account has enough coins (d59eb58)
- server: complete a rock-paper-scissors game (d9079ac)
- server: deploy contract (05c89a0)
- server: return text on get request (27d28f8)
- server: use lockPeriod:0 for channelSettle (9ca2150)
- setup husky to run commitlint, linter and tests (fe7a5b2)
- setup vitest testing library (bb12e72)
- show account-funding status message (5b50693)
- split game screen in two (7916a3a)
- update autoplay results (20726d1)
- update terminal design (0abc9a1)
- use different docker stages (63a5046)
- use rock papers scissors contract (dc49f6d)
- user returns his remaining coins to the faucet (4b9a588)
- ci: remove extra slash form VITE_BOT_SERVICE_URL (190b855)
- ci: set the correct VITE_BOT_SERVICE_URL (ec482b5)
- ci: use builder stage for local dev (915d113)
- ci: use the correct backend url on stg env (75fcc7e)
- clear local storage on channel close (66431ba)
- client: remove reconnecting prefix showing on reload (d7e45b2)
- client: replace commonjs import post build (14d185e)
- client: sdk not re-initializing new keypair (ed96b5f)
- client: wait for contract to be deployed before enabling picks (3032107)
- eol issue (e1c1a4f)
- fix server hangup and error message showing when retrying (67ad152)
- hack for devmode crash at rollback (2caffc7)
- hot reload issue (900240e)
- husky: make scripts executable (06ff6a9)
- inform user of channel died and reset (6251caf)
- responsiveness issues (2e63208)
- server: do not retry only if player is greylisted (81717f8)
- server: handle cases where maxRetries is undefiend (bcafc3a)
- server: test promise not resolving (dfa99e8)
- speed up uat env using minimumDepth options (ab84f83)
- wait for contract to be ready before allowing user to make selection (39b1b96)
- bot-service: unit test core functions (2ad6895)
- controller: open channel controller (5395c77)
- server: unit test contract methods without channel dep (7c51fc5)
- server: use waitForChannelReady util function (c8e90d3)
- state persistence (6802d18)
- state resets and disputes (909b979)
- build: add contract folder in the build process (b6fc2b1)
- build: fix develop backend build (c7095ea)
- build: update path to package json file (3eb37a8)
- build: update path to package json file for backend (9ea23a0)
- build: update release please plugin (83a0820)
- run server before tests (#59) (f9562d4)
- client: remove sdk proxy (2f441ab)
- client: use channel in store (69c04c4)
- load fonts locally (1ef494e)
- move channel instance to App component (d31f244)
- remove popup (2f530dc)
- rename controller to route (f5b88e4)
- rename core folders to server client (c122e59)
- run server & client without docker-compose (#53) (1b1efe6)
- server: have a gamesession state for each game' (8ced8b1)
- server: move sdk related services from bot to sdk service (b78be79)
- server: update configuration (4b9a981)
- simplify bot-service (5434141)
- use new node url (3603716)
- use new node url in .env.testnet (5691bc7)
- add .dockerignore (03d466b)
- add env config for testnet (e017754)
- add responder port and host in config (5306190)
- client: deactive test parallelization (aba7a9a)
- client: update @aeternity/aepp-sdk to 12.1.1 (0bc5662)
- develop: release 1.0.0 (#113) (0b0c59b)
- pass env vars through .env file (4e68cda)
- revert devmode changes and introduce gh-action for contract tests if needed (3bb4cd9)
- server: add custom message on funding error (b623199)
- server: pump @aeternity/aepp-sdk to 12.1.1 (65b4b67)
- server: replace deprecated function sha256hash (6fc8f3f)
- update bot-service structure (62e3403)
- update packagelocks (c6c6a32)
- add .5 second delay on faucet retry (f036414)
- add .gitattributes for persistent line endings (333a121)
- add contract project (9c80848)
- add favicon (1a65121)
- add front skeleton code (929647b)
- add gh actions pipelines (185d931)
- add link to users aenalytics page (d612f98)
- add loader (cfab740)
- add more delay to funding retry (c2be08d)
- add option to fund through faucet (a2e4b21)
- add pino as server logger (071b1ff)
- add rock-paper-scissor buttons (d051e38)
- add sdk docker config (d5236eb)
- add shadow to landing page (df61fc9)
- add timeout idle (3d18067)
- bot should send its balance back to the faucet on channel termination (feb1ff3)
- change wording for signed transaction (5bf87a3)
- clicking logo on end-screen resets app (9748050)
- client should retry with a new account if given is greylisted (#54) (0a35a51)
- client: display contract locked in amount (0c9adc6)
- compare proposed bytecode (e936ecd)
- configure eslint and prettier (781740e)
- contract service (c5423ce)
- create route for channel initialization (f49ac3e)
- create user selection transaction (61ebdf9)
- display balances (d99e017)
- display open state channel and contract deployment tx (41f6185)
- display user and bot selection tx logs (806d90c)
- export contract as string an typescript declarations (441b62b)
- finish a game round (#70) (780ff69)
- group transaction logs (cc4e812)
- ignore all node_module folders (96f391d)
- implement autoplay (166b4d4)
- implement game landing page (8255335)
- implement Open State Channel button (2d6cfd0)
- implement sharing results feature (13fb65c)
- initialize channel connection and connect to ws (2255295)
- only save the last 5 rounds when reconnecting (998c500)
- open state channel connection on button click (535bfc1)
- play another round (71bd795)
- popup: add tooltip (fa68416)
- process end-game tx and show ending screen (e2bfc12)
- replace text with icons (01caed2)
- retry funding when faucet throws an error diff than 425 (2203491)
- Run all apps through docker (5db9cc4)
- Run all apps through docker (081b557)
- save state to localstorage (2c8211d)
- server:testnet: handle multiple genesis funds (5ce3c3b)
- server: add cors options for prd (4ff0cce)
- server: add cors origin options (39a0bde)
- server: check whether if a greylisted account has enough coins (d59eb58)
- server: complete a rock-paper-scissors game (d9079ac)
- server: deploy contract (05c89a0)
- server: return text on get request (27d28f8)
- server: use lockPeriod:0 for channelSettle (9ca2150)
- setup husky to run commitlint, linter and tests (fe7a5b2)
- setup vitest testing library (bb12e72)
- show account-funding status message (5b50693)
- split game screen in two (7916a3a)
- update autoplay results (20726d1)
- update terminal design (0abc9a1)
- use different docker stages (63a5046)
- use rock papers scissors contract (dc49f6d)
- user returns his remaining coins to the faucet (4b9a588)
- ci: remove extra slash form VITE_BOT_SERVICE_URL (190b855)
- ci: set the correct VITE_BOT_SERVICE_URL (ec482b5)
- ci: use builder stage for local dev (915d113)
- ci: use the correct backend url on stg env (75fcc7e)
- clear local storage on channel close (66431ba)
- client: remove reconnecting prefix showing on reload (d7e45b2)
- client: replace commonjs import post build (14d185e)
- client: sdk not re-initializing new keypair (ed96b5f)
- client: wait for contract to be deployed before enabling picks (3032107)
- eol issue (e1c1a4f)
- fix server hangup and error message showing when retrying (67ad152)
- hack for devmode crash at rollback (2caffc7)
- hot reload issue (900240e)
- husky: make scripts executable (06ff6a9)
- inform user of channel died and reset (6251caf)
- responsiveness issues (2e63208)
- server: do not retry only if player is greylisted (81717f8)
- server: handle cases where maxRetries is undefiend (bcafc3a)
- server: test promise not resolving (dfa99e8)
- speed up uat env using minimumDepth options (ab84f83)
- wait for contract to be ready before allowing user to make selection (39b1b96)
- bot-service: unit test core functions (2ad6895)
- controller: open channel controller (5395c77)
- server: unit test contract methods without channel dep (7c51fc5)
- server: use waitForChannelReady util function (c8e90d3)
- state persistence (6802d18)
- state resets and disputes (909b979)
- add .dockerignore (03d466b)
- add env config for testnet (e017754)
- add responder port and host in config (5306190)
- client: deactive test parallelization (aba7a9a)
- client: update @aeternity/aepp-sdk to 12.1.1 (0bc5662)
- pass env vars through .env file (4e68cda)
- revert devmode changes and introduce gh-action for contract tests if needed (3bb4cd9)
- server: add custom message on funding error (b623199)
- server: pump @aeternity/aepp-sdk to 12.1.1 (65b4b67)
- server: replace deprecated function sha256hash (6fc8f3f)
- update bot-service structure (62e3403)
- update packagelocks (c6c6a32)
- build: add contract folder in the build process (b6fc2b1)
- build: fix develop backend build (c7095ea)
- build: update path to package json file (3eb37a8)
- build: update path to package json file for backend (9ea23a0)
- build: update release please plugin (83a0820)
- run server before tests (#59) (f9562d4)
- client: remove sdk proxy (2f441ab)
- client: use channel in store (69c04c4)
- load fonts locally (1ef494e)
- move channel instance to App component (d31f244)
- remove popup (2f530dc)
- rename controller to route (f5b88e4)
- rename core folders to server client (c122e59)
- run server & client without docker-compose (#53) (1b1efe6)
- server: have a gamesession state for each game' (8ced8b1)
- server: move sdk related services from bot to sdk service (b78be79)
- server: update configuration (4b9a981)
- simplify bot-service (5434141)
- use new node url (3603716)
- use new node url in .env.testnet (5691bc7)