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Hacking on Aeron

acker06 edited this page Jun 23, 2016 · 17 revisions

Working in Eclipse

The Aeron project has set up the gradle build such that it is able to generate the appropriate eclipse project configuration files. To get up and running in Eclipse you need to do the following

  1. Install the latest JDK 8 from Oracle.
  2. Create a new JDK configuration within Eclipse pointing at the freshly installed JDK8. Make sure that you give this JDK the name 'JDK1.8'.
  3. Clone the Aeron project.
  4. Run ./gradlew eclipse.
  5. From Eclipse go to 'Import' -> 'Import Existing Projects into Workspace'. Select the directory contain the cloned Aeron project. Ensure that you check the 'Search for nested projects' option. Click Finish.

You should now have 6 new projects within Eclipse:

  • Aeron
  • aeron-agent
  • aeron-client
  • aeron-driver
  • aeron-samples
  • aeron-system-tests

NOTE: in recent Eclipse [at least in Mars.2 Release (4.5.2) Build id: 20160218-0600] by default you get "Access restriction" errors. This is a know issue see:

The solution is to edit the Properties/Java Compiler/Select "enable project specific settings"/Deprecated and restricted API/Forbidden reference (access rules) CHANGE the setting from "Error" to "Warning"

Working in IDEA

IDEA imports gradle build files itself.

  1. Install the latest JDK 8 from Oracle.
  2. Clone the Aeron project.
  3. Run ./gradlew to setup the build.
  4. Inside IDEA go 'File' -> 'Import Project' then select the top-level build.gradle. Choose the 'Use local gradle distribution' option and select the directory you installed gradle into previously and click ok.

You should now have a top level "Aeron" project with 5 sub-modules.