- Android: Add support for local (non-biometric) storage (#28, thanks @killalad)
- iOS: Add support for customizing prompt strings.
- Breaking Change: due to the introduction of iOS prompt info there is now a wrapper object
which containsAndroidPromptInfo
- Android
- compatibility with kotlin 1.5.20
- Remove jcenter() references.
- androidx.core:core:1.3.2 to 1.6.0
- moshi from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 (this is the kotlin 1.5.20 compatibility problem)
- Android upgrade dependencies:
- androidx.security:security-crypto from 1.1.0-alpha02 to 1.1.0-alpha03
- androidx.biometric:biometric from 1.1.0-beta01 to 1.2.0-alpha03
- Update README to clarify minSdkVersion and kotlin version
- Handle android
response on older devices (Android 9/API 28(?))
- Null safety stable release.
- Null safety migration.
- upgrade android moshi dependency.
- Upgrade to latest Android dependencies (gradle plugin, androidx.*, gradle plugin)
- androidx.security:security-crypto 1.0.0-rc02 to 1.1.0-alpha02
- androidx.biometric:biometric 1.0.1 to 1.1.0-beta01
- Workaround to not load win32 when compiling for web.
- Fix windows plugin config.
- Support for web support: Warning: Unencrypted - stores into local storage on web!
- Updated README to add details about windows.
- Windows: Initial support for windows. only unauthenticated storage in Credential Manager.
- Linux: Improve snap compatibility by detecting AppArmor error to prompt users to connect to password-manager-service.
- Linux: Initial support for Linux - only unauthenticated storage in Keyring.
- Android: androidx.security 1.0.0-rc02 needs another proguard rule. tink-crypto/tink#361
- Android: Upgrade to androidx.security 1.0.0-rc02 which should fix protobuf incompatibilities #6 https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/security#security-crypto-1.0.0-rc02
- Android: fix PromptInfo deserialization with minification.
- Android: add proguard setting to fix protobuf exceptions.
- Android: updated dependencies to androidx.security, biometric, gradle tools.
- Android: on error send stack trace to flutter. also fixed a couple of warnings.
- Android: allow customization of the PromptInfo (labels, buttons, etc). @patrickhammond
- ios: added swift 5 dependency to podspec to fix compile errors authpass#3
- android: fingerprint failures don't cancel the dialog, so don't trigger error callback. #2 (fixes crash)
- Use android v2 plugin API.
- Use new plugin format for Mac OS format. Not compatible with flutter 1.9.x
- Use legacy plugin platforms structure to be compatible with flutter stable.
- fixed home page link, updated example README.
- Android: Use codegen instead of reflection for json serialization. (Fixes bug that options aren't assed in correctly due to minification)
- Android: Fix for having multiple files with different configurations.
- Correctly handle UserCanceled events.
- Define correct default values on dart side (10 seconds validity timeout).
- MacOS Support
- iOS Support
- Support for non-authenticated storage (ie. secure/encrypted storage, without extra biometric authenticatiton prompts)
- delete()'ing files.
- Android Support.