diff --git a/src/htmlContent/search-summary-find.html b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-find.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9e4ce24e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-find.html
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/htmlContent/search-summary.html b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-paging.html
similarity index 55%
rename from src/htmlContent/search-summary.html
rename to src/htmlContent/search-summary-paging.html
index e74b562853a..5d4a88d9f6d 100644
--- a/src/htmlContent/search-summary.html
+++ b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-paging.html
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
@@ -11,4 +6,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/htmlContent/search-summary-replace.html b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-replace.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e44c7091435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/htmlContent/search-summary-replace.html
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/src/search/FindInFiles.js b/src/search/FindInFiles.js
index 456b1108e9a..1f80aa2a615 100644
--- a/src/search/FindInFiles.js
+++ b/src/search/FindInFiles.js
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
* - Handle matches that span multiple lines
* - Refactor UI from functionality to enable unit testing
define(function (require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
@@ -56,49 +54,29 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
DocumentManager = require("document/DocumentManager"),
EditorManager = require("editor/EditorManager"),
FileSystem = require("filesystem/FileSystem"),
- FileUtils = require("file/FileUtils"),
- FileViewController = require("project/FileViewController"),
LanguageManager = require("language/LanguageManager"),
FindReplace = require("search/FindReplace"),
+ SearchResults = require("search/SearchResults").SearchResults,
PerfUtils = require("utils/PerfUtils"),
InMemoryFile = require("document/InMemoryFile"),
- PanelManager = require("view/PanelManager"),
KeyEvent = require("utils/KeyEvent"),
AppInit = require("utils/AppInit"),
StatusBar = require("widgets/StatusBar"),
ModalBar = require("widgets/ModalBar").ModalBar;
var searchDialogTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/findinfiles-bar.html"),
- searchPanelTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-panel.html"),
- searchSummaryTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-summary.html"),
- searchResultsTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-results.html");
+ searchSummaryTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-summary-find.html");
/** @const Constants used to define the maximum results show per page and found in a single file */
- var RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 100,
+ var FIND_IN_FILE_MAX = 300,
/** @const @type {!Object} Token used to indicate a specific reason for zero search results */
- /**
- * Map of all the last search results
- * @type {Object., collapsed: boolean}>}
- */
- var searchResults = {};
- /** @type {Array.} Keeps a copy of the searched files sorted by name and with the selected file first */
- var searchFiles = [];
- /** @type {Panel} Bottom panel holding the search results. Initialized in htmlReady() */
- var searchResultsPanel;
- /** @type {Entry} the File selected on the initial search */
- var selectedEntry;
- /** @type {number} The index of the first result that is displayed */
- var currentStart = 0;
+ /** @type {FindInFilesResults} The find in files results. Initialized in htmlReady() */
+ var findInFilesResults;
/** @type {string} The current search query */
var currentQuery = "";
@@ -115,30 +93,10 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
/** @type {boolean} True if the matches in a file reached FIND_IN_FILE_MAX */
var maxHitsFoundInFile = false;
- /** @type {string} The setTimeout id, used to clear it if required */
- var timeoutID = null;
- /** @type {$.Element} jQuery elements used in the search results */
- var $searchResults,
- $searchSummary,
- $searchContent,
- $selectedRow;
/** @type {FindInFilesDialog} dialog having the modalbar for search */
var dialog = null;
- /**
- * Updates search results in response to FileSystem "change" event. (Declared here to appease JSLint)
- * @type {Function}
- **/
- var _fileSystemChangeHandler;
- /**
- * Updates the search results in response to (unsaved) text edits. (Declared here to appease JSLint)
- * @type {Function}
- **/
- var _documentChangeHandler;
* @private
* Returns a regular expression from the given query and shows an error in the modal-bar if it was invalid
@@ -191,524 +149,6 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
- /** Remove listeners that were tracking potential search result changes */
- function _removeListeners() {
- $(DocumentModule).off(".findInFiles");
- FileSystem.off("change", _fileSystemChangeHandler);
- }
- /** Add listeners to track events that might change the search result set */
- function _addListeners() {
- // Avoid adding duplicate listeners - e.g. if a 2nd search is run without closing the old results panel first
- _removeListeners();
- $(DocumentModule).on("documentChange.findInFiles", _documentChangeHandler);
- FileSystem.on("change", _fileSystemChangeHandler);
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Hides the Search Results Panel
- */
- function _hideSearchResults() {
- if (searchResultsPanel.isVisible()) {
- searchResultsPanel.hide();
- }
- _removeListeners();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Searches through the contents an returns an array of matches
- * @param {string} contents
- * @param {RegExp} queryExpr
- * @return {Array.<{start: {line:number,ch:number}, end: {line:number,ch:number}, line: string}>}
- */
- function _getSearchMatches(contents, queryExpr) {
- // Quick exit if not found
- if (contents.search(queryExpr) === -1) {
- return null;
- }
- var match, lineNum, line, ch, matchLength,
- lines = StringUtils.getLines(contents),
- matches = [];
- while ((match = queryExpr.exec(contents)) !== null) {
- lineNum = StringUtils.offsetToLineNum(lines, match.index);
- line = lines[lineNum];
- ch = match.index - contents.lastIndexOf("\n", match.index) - 1; // 0-based index
- matchLength = match[0].length;
- // Don't store more than 200 chars per line
- line = line.substr(0, Math.min(200, line.length));
- matches.push({
- start: {line: lineNum, ch: ch},
- end: {line: lineNum, ch: ch + matchLength},
- line: line
- });
- // We have the max hits in just this 1 file. Stop searching this file.
- // This fixed issue #1829 where code hangs on too many hits.
- if (matches.length >= FIND_IN_FILE_MAX) {
- queryExpr.lastIndex = 0;
- maxHitsFoundInFile = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- return matches;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Searches and stores the match results for the given file, if there are matches
- * @param {string} fullPath
- * @param {string} contents
- * @param {RegExp} queryExpr
- * @return {boolean} True iff the matches were added to the search results
- */
- function _addSearchMatches(fullPath, contents, queryExpr) {
- var matches = _getSearchMatches(contents, queryExpr);
- if (matches && matches.length) {
- searchResults[fullPath] = {
- matches: matches,
- collapsed: false
- };
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Sorts the file keys to show the results from the selected file first and the rest sorted by path
- */
- function _sortResultFiles() {
- searchFiles = Object.keys(searchResults);
- searchFiles.sort(function (key1, key2) {
- if (selectedEntry === key1) {
- return -1;
- } else if (selectedEntry === key2) {
- return 1;
- }
- var entryName1, entryName2,
- pathParts1 = key1.split("/"),
- pathParts2 = key2.split("/"),
- length = Math.min(pathParts1.length, pathParts2.length),
- folders1 = pathParts1.length - 1,
- folders2 = pathParts2.length - 1,
- index = 0;
- while (index < length) {
- entryName1 = pathParts1[index];
- entryName2 = pathParts2[index];
- if (entryName1 !== entryName2) {
- if (index < folders1 && index < folders2) {
- return entryName1.toLocaleLowerCase().localeCompare(entryName2.toLocaleLowerCase());
- } else if (index >= folders1 && index >= folders2) {
- return FileUtils.compareFilenames(entryName1, entryName2);
- }
- return (index >= folders1 && index < folders2) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- index++;
- }
- return 0;
- });
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Counts the total number of matches and files
- * @return {{files: number, matches: number}}
- */
- function _countFilesMatches() {
- var numFiles = 0, numMatches = 0;
- _.forEach(searchResults, function (item) {
- numFiles++;
- numMatches += item.matches.length;
- });
- return {files: numFiles, matches: numMatches};
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Returns the last possible current start based on the given number of matches
- * @param {number} numMatches
- * @return {number}
- */
- function _getLastCurrentStart(numMatches) {
- return Math.floor((numMatches - 1) / RESULTS_PER_PAGE) * RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Shows the results in a table and adds the necessary event listeners
- * @param {?Object} zeroFilesToken The 'ZERO_FILES_TO_SEARCH' token, if no results found for this reason
- */
- function _showSearchResults(zeroFilesToken) {
- if (!$.isEmptyObject(searchResults)) {
- var count = _countFilesMatches();
- // Show result summary in header
- var numMatchesStr = "";
- if (maxHitsFoundInFile) {
- numMatchesStr = Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MORE_THAN;
- }
- // This text contains some formatting, so all the strings are assumed to be already escaped
- var summary = StringUtils.format(
- numMatchesStr,
- String(count.matches),
- (count.matches > 1) ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCHES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCH,
- count.files,
- (count.files > 1 ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_FILES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_FILE)
- );
- // The last result index displayed
- var last = Math.min(currentStart + RESULTS_PER_PAGE, count.matches);
- // Insert the search summary
- $searchSummary.html(Mustache.render(searchSummaryTemplate, {
- query: currentQuery,
- scope: currentScope ? " " + _labelForScope(currentScope) + " " : "",
- summary: summary,
- hasPages: count.matches > RESULTS_PER_PAGE,
- results: StringUtils.format(Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_PAGING, currentStart + 1, last),
- hasPrev: currentStart > 0,
- hasNext: last < count.matches,
- Strings: Strings
- }));
- // Create the results template search list
- var searchItems, match, i, item,
- searchList = [],
- matchesCounter = 0,
- showMatches = false;
- // Iterates throuh the files to display the results sorted by filenamess. The loop ends as soon as
- // we filled the results for one page
- searchFiles.some(function (fullPath) {
- showMatches = true;
- item = searchResults[fullPath];
- // Since the amount of matches on this item plus the amount of matches we skipped until
- // now is still smaller than the first match that we want to display, skip these.
- if (matchesCounter + item.matches.length < currentStart) {
- matchesCounter += item.matches.length;
- showMatches = false;
- // If we still haven't skipped enough items to get to the first match, but adding the
- // item matches to the skipped ones is greater the the first match we want to display,
- // then we can display the matches from this item skipping the first ones
- } else if (matchesCounter < currentStart) {
- i = currentStart - matchesCounter;
- matchesCounter = currentStart;
- // If we already skipped enough matches to get to the first match to display, we can start
- // displaying from the first match of this item
- } else if (matchesCounter < last) {
- i = 0;
- // We can't display more items by now. Break the loop
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- if (showMatches && i < item.matches.length) {
- // Add a row for each match in the file
- searchItems = [];
- // Add matches until we get to the last match of this item, or filling the page
- while (i < item.matches.length && matchesCounter < last) {
- match = item.matches[i];
- searchItems.push({
- file: searchList.length,
- item: searchItems.length,
- line: match.start.line + 1,
- pre: match.line.substr(0, match.start.ch),
- highlight: match.line.substring(match.start.ch, match.end.ch),
- post: match.line.substr(match.end.ch),
- start: match.start,
- end: match.end
- });
- matchesCounter++;
- i++;
- }
- // Add a row for each file
- var relativePath = FileUtils.getDirectoryPath(ProjectManager.makeProjectRelativeIfPossible(fullPath)),
- directoryPath = FileUtils.getDirectoryPath(relativePath),
- displayFileName = StringUtils.format(
- StringUtils.breakableUrl(FileUtils.getBaseName(fullPath)),
- StringUtils.breakableUrl(directoryPath),
- directoryPath ? "—" : ""
- );
- searchList.push({
- file: searchList.length,
- filename: displayFileName,
- fullPath: fullPath,
- items: searchItems
- });
- }
- });
- // Add the listeners for close, prev and next
- $searchResults
- .off(".searchList") // Remove the old events
- .one("click.searchList", ".close", function () {
- _hideSearchResults();
- })
- // The link to go the first page
- .one("click.searchList", ".first-page:not(.disabled)", function () {
- currentStart = 0;
- _showSearchResults();
- })
- // The link to go the previous page
- .one("click.searchList", ".prev-page:not(.disabled)", function () {
- currentStart -= RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
- _showSearchResults();
- })
- // The link to go to the next page
- .one("click.searchList", ".next-page:not(.disabled)", function () {
- currentStart += RESULTS_PER_PAGE;
- _showSearchResults();
- })
- // The link to go to the last page
- .one("click.searchList", ".last-page:not(.disabled)", function () {
- currentStart = _getLastCurrentStart(count.matches);
- _showSearchResults();
- });
- // Insert the search results
- $searchContent
- .empty()
- .append(Mustache.render(searchResultsTemplate, {searchList: searchList, Strings: Strings}))
- .off(".searchList") // Remove the old events
- // Add the click event listener directly on the table parent
- .on("click.searchList", function (e) {
- var $row = $(e.target).closest("tr");
- if ($row.length) {
- if ($selectedRow) {
- $selectedRow.removeClass("selected");
- }
- $row.addClass("selected");
- $selectedRow = $row;
- var searchItem = searchList[$row.data("file")],
- fullPath = searchItem.fullPath;
- // This is a file title row, expand/collapse on click
- if ($row.hasClass("file-section")) {
- var $titleRows,
- collapsed = !searchResults[fullPath].collapsed;
- if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) { //Expand all / Collapse all
- $titleRows = $(e.target).closest("table").find(".file-section");
- } else {
- // Clicking the file section header collapses/expands result rows for that file
- $titleRows = $row;
- }
- $titleRows.each(function () {
- fullPath = searchList[$(this).data("file")].fullPath;
- searchItem = searchResults[fullPath];
- if (searchItem.collapsed !== collapsed) {
- searchItem.collapsed = collapsed;
- $(this).nextUntil(".file-section").toggle();
- $(this).find(".disclosure-triangle").toggleClass("expanded").toggleClass("collapsed");
- }
- });
- //In Expand/Collapse all, reset all search results 'collapsed' flag to same value(true/false).
- if (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) {
- _.forEach(searchResults, function (item) {
- item.collapsed = collapsed;
- });
- }
- // This is a file row, show the result on click
- } else {
- // Grab the required item data
- var item = searchItem.items[$row.data("item")];
- CommandManager.execute(Commands.FILE_OPEN, {fullPath: fullPath})
- .done(function (doc) {
- // Opened document is now the current main editor
- EditorManager.getCurrentFullEditor().setSelection(item.start, item.end, true);
- });
- }
- }
- })
- // Add the file to the working set on double click
- .on("dblclick.searchList", "tr:not(.file-section)", function (e) {
- var item = searchList[$(this).data("file")];
- FileViewController.addToWorkingSetAndSelect(item.fullPath);
- })
- // Restore the collapsed files
- .find(".file-section").each(function () {
- var fullPath = searchList[$(this).data("file")].fullPath;
- if (searchResults[fullPath].collapsed) {
- searchResults[fullPath].collapsed = false;
- $(this).trigger("click");
- }
- });
- if ($selectedRow) {
- $selectedRow.removeClass("selected");
- $selectedRow = null;
- }
- searchResultsPanel.show();
- $searchContent.scrollTop(0); // Otherwise scroll pos from previous contents is remembered
- if (dialog) {
- dialog._close();
- }
- } else {
- _hideSearchResults();
- if (dialog) {
- dialog.getDialogTextField()
- .addClass("no-results")
- .removeAttr("disabled")
- .get(0).select();
- if (zeroFilesToken === ZERO_FILES_TO_SEARCH) {
- $(".modal-bar .error")
- .show()
- .html(StringUtils.format(Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_ZERO_FILES, _labelForScope(currentScope)));
- } else {
- $(".modal-bar .no-results-message").show();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Shows the search results and tries to restore the previous scroll and selection
- */
- function _restoreSearchResults() {
- if (searchResultsPanel.isVisible()) {
- var scrollTop = $searchContent.scrollTop(),
- index = $selectedRow ? $selectedRow.index() : null,
- numMatches = _countFilesMatches().matches;
- if (currentStart > numMatches) {
- currentStart = _getLastCurrentStart(numMatches);
- }
- _showSearchResults();
- $searchContent.scrollTop(scrollTop);
- if (index) {
- $selectedRow = $searchContent.find("tr:eq(" + index + ")");
- $selectedRow.addClass("selected");
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Update the search results using the given list of changes fr the given document
- * @param {Document} doc The Document that changed, should be the current one
- * @param {Array.<{from: {line:number,ch:number}, to: {line:number,ch:number}, text: string, next: change}>} changeList
- * An array of changes as described in the Document constructor
- * @return {boolean} True when the search results changed from a file change
- */
- function _updateSearchResults(doc, changeList) {
- var i, diff, matches,
- resultsChanged = false,
- fullPath = doc.file.fullPath,
- lines, start, howMany;
- changeList.forEach(function (change) {
- lines = [];
- start = 0;
- howMany = 0;
- // There is no from or to positions, so the entire file changed, we must search all over again
- if (!change.from || !change.to) {
- _addSearchMatches(fullPath, doc.getText(), currentQueryExpr);
- resultsChanged = true;
- } else {
- // Get only the lines that changed
- for (i = 0; i < change.text.length; i++) {
- lines.push(doc.getLine(change.from.line + i));
- }
- // We need to know how many lines changed to update the rest of the lines
- if (change.from.line !== change.to.line) {
- diff = change.from.line - change.to.line;
- } else {
- diff = lines.length - 1;
- }
- if (searchResults[fullPath]) {
- // Search the last match before a replacement, the amount of matches deleted and update
- // the lines values for all the matches after the change
- searchResults[fullPath].matches.forEach(function (item) {
- if (item.end.line < change.from.line) {
- start++;
- } else if (item.end.line <= change.to.line) {
- howMany++;
- } else {
- item.start.line += diff;
- item.end.line += diff;
- }
- });
- // Delete the lines that where deleted or replaced
- if (howMany > 0) {
- searchResults[fullPath].matches.splice(start, howMany);
- }
- resultsChanged = true;
- }
- // Searches only over the lines that changed
- matches = _getSearchMatches(lines.join("\r\n"), currentQueryExpr);
- if (matches && matches.length) {
- // Updates the line numbers, since we only searched part of the file
- matches.forEach(function (value, key) {
- matches[key].start.line += change.from.line;
- matches[key].end.line += change.from.line;
- });
- // If the file index exists, add the new matches to the file at the start index found before
- if (searchResults[fullPath]) {
- Array.prototype.splice.apply(searchResults[fullPath].matches, [start, 0].concat(matches));
- // If not, add the matches to a new file index
- } else {
- searchResults[fullPath] = {
- matches: matches,
- collapsed: false
- };
- }
- resultsChanged = true;
- }
- // All the matches where deleted, remove the file from the results
- if (searchResults[fullPath] && !searchResults[fullPath].matches.length) {
- delete searchResults[fullPath];
- resultsChanged = true;
- }
- }
- });
- return resultsChanged;
- }
* Checks that the file matches the given subtree scope. To fully check whether the file
* should be in the search set, use _inSearchScope() instead - a supserset of this.
@@ -772,61 +212,39 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
var inWorkingSet = DocumentManager.getWorkingSet().some(function (wsFile) {
return wsFile.fullPath === file.fullPath;
- if (!inWorkingSet) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!_isReadableText(file.fullPath)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Replicate the filtering filterFileList() does
- return FileFilters.filterPath(currentFilter, file.fullPath);
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Updates the search results in response to (unsaved) text edits
- * @param {$.Event} event
- * @param {Document} document
- * @param {{from: {line:number,ch:number}, to: {line:number,ch:number}, text: string, next: change}} change
- * A linked list as described in the Document constructor
- */
- _documentChangeHandler = function (event, document, change) {
- // Re-check the filtering that the initial search applied
- if (_inSearchScope(document.file)) {
- var updateResults = _updateSearchResults(document, change, false);
- if (timeoutID) {
- window.clearTimeout(timeoutID);
- updateResults = true;
- }
- if (updateResults) {
- timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function () {
- _sortResultFiles();
- _restoreSearchResults();
- timeoutID = null;
+ if (!inWorkingSet) {
+ return false;
+ }
- };
+ if (!_isReadableText(file.fullPath)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Replicate the filtering filterFileList() does
+ return FileFilters.filterPath(currentFilter, file.fullPath);
+ }
+ * @private
* Finds search results in the given file and adds them to 'searchResults.' Resolves with
* true if any matches found, false if none found. Errors reading the file are treated the
* same as if no results found.
* Does not perform any filtering - assumes caller has already vetted this file as a search
* candidate.
+ *
+ * @param {!File} file
+ * @return {$.Promise}
function _doSearchInOneFile(file) {
var result = new $.Deferred();
.done(function (text) {
- var foundMatches = _addSearchMatches(file.fullPath, text, currentQueryExpr);
+ var foundMatches = findInFilesResults._addSearchMatches(file.fullPath, text, currentQueryExpr);
.fail(function () {
@@ -870,17 +288,14 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
.done(function (zeroFilesToken) {
// Done searching all files: show results
- _sortResultFiles();
- _showSearchResults(zeroFilesToken);
+ findInFilesResults.showResults(zeroFilesToken);
// Listen for FS & Document changes to keep results up to date
- if (!$.isEmptyObject(searchResults)) {
- _addListeners();
- }
+ findInFilesResults.addListeners();
- exports._searchResults = searchResults; // for unit tests
+ exports._searchResults = findInFilesResults._searchResults; // for unit tests
.fail(function (err) {
console.log("find in files failed: ", err);
@@ -1057,21 +472,14 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
- // Save the currently selected file's fullpath if there is one selected and if it is a file
- var selectedItem = ProjectManager.getSelectedItem();
- if (selectedItem && !selectedItem.isDirectory) {
- selectedEntry = selectedItem.fullPath;
- }
dialog = new FindInFilesDialog();
- searchResults = {};
- currentStart = 0;
currentQuery = "";
currentQueryExpr = null;
currentScope = scope;
maxHitsFoundInFile = false;
exports._searchResults = null; // for unit tests
+ findInFilesResults.initializeResults();
dialog.showDialog(initialString, scope);
@@ -1085,6 +493,301 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @constructor
+ * @extends {SearchResults}
+ * Handles the Find in Files Results and the Results Panel
+ */
+ function FindInFilesResults() {
+ this._summaryTemplate = searchSummaryTemplate;
+ this._timeoutID = null;
+ this.createPanel("find-in-files-results", "find-in-files.results");
+ }
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype = Object.create(SearchResults.prototype);
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.constructor = FindInFilesResults;
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.parentClass = SearchResults.prototype;
+ /** @type {string} The setTimeout id, used to clear it if required */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._timeoutID = null;
+ /**
+ * Hides the Search Results Panel
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.hideResults = function () {
+ if (this._panel.isVisible()) {
+ this._panel.hide();
+ }
+ this.removeListeners();
+ };
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Shows the results in a table and adds the necessary event listeners
+ * @param {?Object} zeroFilesToken The 'ZERO_FILES_TO_SEARCH' token, if no results found for this reason
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.showResults = function (zeroFilesToken) {
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(this._searchResults)) {
+ var count = this._countFilesMatches(),
+ self = this;
+ // Show result summary in header
+ var numMatchesStr = "";
+ if (maxHitsFoundInFile) {
+ numMatchesStr = Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MORE_THAN;
+ }
+ // This text contains some formatting, so all the strings are assumed to be already escaped
+ var summary = StringUtils.format(
+ numMatchesStr,
+ String(count.matches),
+ (count.matches > 1) ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCHES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCH,
+ count.files,
+ (count.files > 1 ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_FILES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_FILE)
+ );
+ // Insert the search summary
+ this._showSummary({
+ query: currentQuery,
+ scope: currentScope ? " " + _labelForScope(currentScope) + " " : "",
+ summary: summary
+ });
+ // Create the results template search list
+ this._showResultsList();
+ if (dialog) {
+ dialog._close();
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.hideResults();
+ if (dialog) {
+ dialog.getDialogTextField()
+ .addClass("no-results")
+ .removeAttr("disabled")
+ .get(0).select();
+ if (zeroFilesToken === ZERO_FILES_TO_SEARCH) {
+ $(".modal-bar .error")
+ .show()
+ .html(StringUtils.format(Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_ZERO_FILES, _labelForScope(currentScope)));
+ } else {
+ $(".modal-bar .no-results-message").show();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Searches through the contents an returns an array of matches
+ * @param {string} contents
+ * @param {RegExp} queryExpr
+ * @return {Array.<{start: {line:number,ch:number}, end: {line:number,ch:number}, line: string}>}
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._getSearchMatches = function (contents, queryExpr) {
+ // Quick exit if not found
+ if (contents.search(queryExpr) === -1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var match, lineNum, line, ch, matchLength,
+ lines = StringUtils.getLines(contents),
+ matches = [];
+ while ((match = queryExpr.exec(contents)) !== null) {
+ lineNum = StringUtils.offsetToLineNum(lines, match.index);
+ line = lines[lineNum];
+ ch = match.index - contents.lastIndexOf("\n", match.index) - 1; // 0-based index
+ matchLength = match[0].length;
+ // Don't store more than 200 chars per line
+ line = line.substr(0, Math.min(200, line.length));
+ matches.push({
+ start: {line: lineNum, ch: ch},
+ end: {line: lineNum, ch: ch + matchLength},
+ line: line
+ });
+ // We have the max hits in just this 1 file. Stop searching this file.
+ // This fixed issue #1829 where code hangs on too many hits.
+ if (matches.length >= FIND_IN_FILE_MAX) {
+ queryExpr.lastIndex = 0;
+ maxHitsFoundInFile = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return matches;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Searches and stores the match results for the given file, if there are matches
+ * @param {string} fullPath
+ * @param {string} contents
+ * @param {RegExp} queryExpr
+ * @return {boolean} True iff the matches were added to the search results
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._addSearchMatches = function (fullPath, contents, queryExpr) {
+ var matches = this._getSearchMatches(contents, queryExpr);
+ if (matches && matches.length) {
+ this.addResultMatches(fullPath, matches);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove the listeners that were tracking potential search result changes
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.removeListeners = function () {
+ $(DocumentModule).off(".findInFiles");
+ FileSystem.off("change", this._fileSystemChangeHandler.bind(this));
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add listeners to track events that might change the search result set
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype.addListeners = function () {
+ if (!$.isEmptyObject(this._searchResults)) {
+ // Avoid adding duplicate listeners - e.g. if a 2nd search is run without closing the old results panel first
+ this.removeListeners();
+ $(DocumentModule).on("documentChange.findInFiles", this._documentChangeHandler.bind(this));
+ FileSystem.on("change", this._fileSystemChangeHandler.bind(this));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Tries to update the search result on document changes
+ * @param {$.Event} event
+ * @param {Document} document
+ * @param {{from: {line:number,ch:number}, to: {line:number,ch:number}, text: string, next: change}} change
+ * A linked list as described in the Document constructor
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._documentChangeHandler = function (event, document, change) {
+ var self = this, updateResults;
+ if (_inSearchScope(document.file)) {
+ updateResults = this._updateResults(document, change, false);
+ if (this._timeoutID) {
+ window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutID);
+ updateResults = true;
+ }
+ if (updateResults) {
+ this._timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function () {
+ self.restoreResults();
+ self._timeoutID = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * Update the search results using the given list of changes for the given document
+ * @param {Document} doc The Document that changed, should be the current one
+ * @param {Array.<{from: {line:number,ch:number}, to: {line:number,ch:number}, text: string, next: change}>} changeList
+ * An array of changes as described in the Document constructor
+ * @return {boolean} True when the search results changed from a file change
+ */
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._updateResults = function (doc, changeList) {
+ var i, diff, matches, lines, start, howMany,
+ resultsChanged = false,
+ fullPath = doc.file.fullPath,
+ self = this;
+ changeList.forEach(function (change) {
+ lines = [];
+ start = 0;
+ howMany = 0;
+ // There is no from or to positions, so the entire file changed, we must search all over again
+ if (!change.from || !change.to) {
+ self._addSearchMatches(fullPath, doc.getText(), currentQueryExpr);
+ resultsChanged = true;
+ } else {
+ // Get only the lines that changed
+ for (i = 0; i < change.text.length; i++) {
+ lines.push(doc.getLine(change.from.line + i));
+ }
+ // We need to know how many lines changed to update the rest of the lines
+ if (change.from.line !== change.to.line) {
+ diff = change.from.line - change.to.line;
+ } else {
+ diff = lines.length - 1;
+ }
+ if (self._searchResults[fullPath]) {
+ // Search the last match before a replacement, the amount of matches deleted and update
+ // the lines values for all the matches after the change
+ self._searchResults[fullPath].matches.forEach(function (item) {
+ if (item.end.line < change.from.line) {
+ start++;
+ } else if (item.end.line <= change.to.line) {
+ howMany++;
+ } else {
+ item.start.line += diff;
+ item.end.line += diff;
+ }
+ });
+ // Delete the lines that where deleted or replaced
+ if (howMany > 0) {
+ self._searchResults[fullPath].matches.splice(start, howMany);
+ }
+ resultsChanged = true;
+ }
+ // Searches only over the lines that changed
+ matches = self._getSearchMatches(lines.join("\r\n"), currentQueryExpr);
+ if (matches && matches.length) {
+ // Updates the line numbers, since we only searched part of the file
+ matches.forEach(function (value, key) {
+ matches[key].start.line += change.from.line;
+ matches[key].end.line += change.from.line;
+ });
+ // If the file index exists, add the new matches to the file at the start index found before
+ if (self._searchResults[fullPath]) {
+ Array.prototype.splice.apply(self._searchResults[fullPath].matches, [start, 0].concat(matches));
+ // If not, add the matches to a new file index
+ } else {
+ self._searchResults[fullPath] = {
+ matches: matches,
+ collapsed: false
+ };
+ }
+ resultsChanged = true;
+ }
+ // All the matches where deleted, remove the file from the results
+ if (self._searchResults[fullPath] && !self._searchResults[fullPath].matches.length) {
+ delete self._searchResults[fullPath];
+ resultsChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return resultsChanged;
+ };
* @private
* Moves the search results from the previous path to the new one and updates the results list, if required
@@ -1092,26 +795,26 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
* @param {string} oldName
* @param {string} newName
- function _fileNameChangeHandler(event, oldName, newName) {
- var resultsChanged = false;
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._fileNameChangeHandler = function (event, oldName, newName) {
+ var resultsChanged = false,
+ self = this;
- if (searchResultsPanel.isVisible()) {
+ if (this._panel.isVisible()) {
// Update the search results
- _.forEach(searchResults, function (item, fullPath) {
+ _.forEach(this._searchResults, function (item, fullPath) {
if (fullPath.match(oldName)) {
- searchResults[fullPath.replace(oldName, newName)] = item;
- delete searchResults[fullPath];
+ self._searchResults[fullPath.replace(oldName, newName)] = item;
+ delete self._searchResults[fullPath];
resultsChanged = true;
// Restore the results if needed
if (resultsChanged) {
- _sortResultFiles();
- _restoreSearchResults();
+ this.restoreResults();
- }
+ };
* @private
@@ -1121,17 +824,18 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
* @param {Array.=} added Added children
* @param {Array.=} removed Removed children
- _fileSystemChangeHandler = function (event, entry, added, removed) {
- var resultsChanged = false;
+ FindInFilesResults.prototype._fileSystemChangeHandler = function (event, entry, added, removed) {
+ var resultsChanged = false,
+ self = this;
* Remove existing search results that match the given entry's path
* @param {(File|Directory)} entry
function _removeSearchResultsForEntry(entry) {
- Object.keys(searchResults).forEach(function (fullPath) {
+ Object.keys(self._searchResults).forEach(function (fullPath) {
if (fullPath.indexOf(entry.fullPath) === 0) {
- delete searchResults[fullPath];
+ delete self._searchResults[fullPath];
resultsChanged = true;
@@ -1208,8 +912,7 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
addPromise.always(function () {
// Restore the results if needed
if (resultsChanged) {
- _sortResultFiles();
- _restoreSearchResults();
+ self.restoreResults();
@@ -1217,17 +920,12 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
// Initialize items dependent on HTML DOM
AppInit.htmlReady(function () {
- var panelHtml = Mustache.render(searchPanelTemplate, Strings);
- searchResultsPanel = PanelManager.createBottomPanel("find-in-files.results", $(panelHtml), 100);
- $searchResults = $("#search-results");
- $searchSummary = $searchResults.find(".title");
- $searchContent = $("#search-results .table-container");
+ findInFilesResults = new FindInFilesResults();
// Initialize: register listeners
- $(DocumentManager).on("fileNameChange", _fileNameChangeHandler);
- $(ProjectManager).on("beforeProjectClose", _hideSearchResults);
+ $(DocumentManager).on("fileNameChange", function () { findInFilesResults._fileNameChangeHandler(); });
+ $(ProjectManager).on("beforeProjectClose", function () { findInFilesResults.hideResults(); });
FindReplace._registerFindInFilesCloser(function () {
if (dialog) {
diff --git a/src/search/FindReplace.js b/src/search/FindReplace.js
index 710f69288e9..3272c4b3915 100644
--- a/src/search/FindReplace.js
+++ b/src/search/FindReplace.js
@@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
AppInit = require("utils/AppInit"),
Commands = require("command/Commands"),
DocumentManager = require("document/DocumentManager"),
+ ProjectManager = require("project/ProjectManager"),
Strings = require("strings"),
StringUtils = require("utils/StringUtils"),
Editor = require("editor/Editor"),
EditorManager = require("editor/EditorManager"),
ModalBar = require("widgets/ModalBar").ModalBar,
KeyEvent = require("utils/KeyEvent"),
+ SearchResults = require("search/SearchResults").SearchResults,
ScrollTrackMarkers = require("search/ScrollTrackMarkers"),
PanelManager = require("view/PanelManager"),
Resizer = require("utils/Resizer"),
@@ -54,9 +56,8 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
_ = require("thirdparty/lodash"),
CodeMirror = require("thirdparty/CodeMirror2/lib/codemirror");
- var searchBarTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/findreplace-bar.html"),
- searchReplacePanelTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-replace-panel.html"),
- searchReplaceResultsTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-replace-results.html");
+ var searchBarTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/findreplace-bar.html"),
+ replaceAllSummaryTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-summary-replace.html");
/** @const Maximum file size to search within (in chars) */
var FIND_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 500000;
@@ -65,21 +66,14 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
/** @const Maximum number of matches to collect for Replace All; any additional matches are not listed in the panel & are not replaced */
- var REPLACE_ALL_MAX = 300;
+ var REPLACE_ALL_MAX = 10000;
+ /** @type {ReplaceAllResults} The find in files results. Initialized in htmlReady() */
+ var replaceAllResults;
- /** @type {!Panel} Panel that shows results of replaceAll action */
- var replaceAllPanel = null;
/** @type {?Document} Instance of the currently opened document when replaceAllPanel is visible */
var currentDocument = null;
- /** @type {$.Element} jQuery elements used in the replaceAll panel */
- var $replaceAllContainer,
- $replaceAllWhat,
- $replaceAllWith,
- $replaceAllSummary,
- $replaceAllTable;
/** @type {?ModalBar} Currently open Find or Find/Replace bar, if any */
var modalBar;
@@ -679,17 +673,6 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
openSearchBar(editor, {});
- /**
- * @private
- * Closes a panel with search-replace results.
- * Main purpose is to make sure that events are correctly detached from current document.
- */
- function _closeReplaceAllPanel() {
- if (replaceAllPanel !== null && replaceAllPanel.isVisible()) {
- replaceAllPanel.hide();
- }
- $(currentDocument).off("change.replaceAll");
- }
* @private
@@ -700,107 +683,10 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
if (modalBar) {
- _closeReplaceAllPanel();
+ replaceAllResults.hideResults();
- /**
- * @private
- * Shows a panel with search results and offers to replace them,
- * user can use checkboxes to select which results he wishes to replace.
- * @param {Editor} editor - Currently active editor that was used to invoke this action.
- * @param {string|RegExp} replaceWhat - Query that will be passed into CodeMirror Cursor to search for results.
- * @param {string} replaceWith - String that should be used to replace chosen results.
- */
- function _showReplaceAllPanel(editor, replaceWhat, replaceWith) {
- var results = [],
- cm = editor._codeMirror,
- cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, replaceWhat),
- from,
- to,
- line,
- multiLine,
- matchResult = cursor.findNext();
- // Collect all results from document
- while (matchResult) {
- from = cursor.from();
- to = cursor.to();
- line = editor.document.getLine(from.line);
- multiLine = from.line !== to.line;
- results.push({
- index: results.length, // add indexes to array
- from: from,
- to: to,
- line: from.line + 1,
- pre: line.slice(0, from.ch),
- highlight: line.slice(from.ch, multiLine ? undefined : to.ch),
- post: multiLine ? "\u2026" : line.slice(to.ch),
- result: matchResult
- });
- if (results.length >= REPLACE_ALL_MAX) {
- break;
- }
- matchResult = cursor.findNext();
- }
- // This text contains some formatting, so all the strings are assumed to be already escaped
- var resultsLength = results.length,
- summary = StringUtils.format(
- resultsLength,
- resultsLength > 1 ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCHES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCH,
- resultsLength >= REPLACE_ALL_MAX ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MORE_THAN : ""
- );
- // Insert the search summary
- $replaceAllWhat.text(replaceWhat.toString());
- $replaceAllWith.text(replaceWith.toString());
- $replaceAllSummary.html(summary);
- // All checkboxes are checked by default
- $replaceAllContainer.find(".check-all").prop("checked", true);
- // Attach event to replace button
- $replaceAllContainer.find("button.replace-checked").off().on("click", function (e) {
- $replaceAllTable.find(".check-one:checked")
- .closest(".replace-row")
- .toArray()
- .reverse()
- .forEach(function (checkedRow) {
- var match = results[$(checkedRow).data("match")],
- rw = typeof replaceWhat === "string" ? replaceWith : parseDollars(replaceWith, match.result);
- editor.document.replaceRange(rw, match.from, match.to, "+replaceAll");
- });
- _closeReplaceAllPanel();
- });
- // Insert the search results
- $replaceAllTable
- .empty()
- .append(Mustache.render(searchReplaceResultsTemplate, {searchResults: results}))
- .off()
- .on("click", ".check-one", function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- })
- .on("click", ".replace-row", function (e) {
- var match = results[$(e.currentTarget).data("match")];
- editor.setSelection(match.from, match.to, true);
- });
- // we can't safely replace after document has been modified
- // this handler is only attached, when replaceAllPanel is visible
- currentDocument = DocumentManager.getCurrentDocument();
- $(currentDocument).on("change.replaceAll", function () {
- _closeReplaceAllPanel();
- });
- replaceAllPanel.show();
- $replaceAllTable.scrollTop(0); // Otherwise scroll pos from previous contents is remembered
- }
/** Shows the Find-Replace search bar at top */
function replace(editor) {
// If Replace bar already open, treat the shortcut as a hotkey for the Replace button
@@ -837,7 +723,7 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
} else if (e.target.id === "replace-all") {
- _showReplaceAllPanel(editor, state.query, getReplaceWith());
+ replaceAllResults.showReplaceAll(editor, state.query, getReplaceWith());
@@ -884,30 +770,142 @@ define(function (require, exports, module) {
+ /**
+ * @private
+ * @constructor
+ * @extends {SearchResults}
+ * Handles the Replace All Results and the Results Panel
+ */
+ function ReplaceAllResults() {
+ this._summaryTemplate = replaceAllSummaryTemplate;
+ this._hasCheckboxes = true;
+ this.createPanel("replace-all-results", "replace-all.results");
+ }
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype = Object.create(SearchResults.prototype);
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype.constructor = ReplaceAllResults;
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype.parentClass = SearchResults.prototype;
+ /**
+ * Adds the listeners for close, prev, next, first, last, check all and replace checked
+ */
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype._addPanelListeners = function () {
+ var self = this;
+ this.parentClass._addPanelListeners.apply(this);
+ // Attach event to replace button
+ this._panel.$panel
+ .off(".replaceAll")
+ .on("click.replaceAll", ".replace-checked", function (e) {
+ self.matches.reverse().forEach(function (match) {
+ if (match.isChecked) {
+ var rw = typeof self.replaceWhat === "string" ? self.replaceWith : parseDollars(self.replaceWith, match.result);
+ self.editor.document.replaceRange(rw, match.start, match.end, "+replaceAll");
+ }
+ });
+ self.hideResults();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Searches through the file to find all the matches and the shows the results in a panel to select which to replace
+ * @param {Editor} editor Currently active editor that was used to invoke this action.
+ * @param {(string|RegExp)} replaceWhat Query that will be passed into CodeMirror Cursor to search for results.
+ * @param {string} replaceWith String that should be used to replace chosen results.
+ */
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype.showReplaceAll = function (editor, replaceWhat, replaceWith) {
+ var cm = editor._codeMirror,
+ cursor = getSearchCursor(cm, replaceWhat),
+ matchResult = cursor.findNext(),
+ matches = [],
+ self = this,
+ from;
+ this.initializeResults();
+ // Collect all results from document
+ while (matchResult) {
+ from = cursor.from();
+ matches.push({
+ start: from,
+ end: cursor.to(),
+ line: editor.document.getLine(from.line),
+ result: matchResult,
+ isChecked: true
+ });
+ if (matches.length >= REPLACE_ALL_MAX) {
+ break;
+ }
+ matchResult = cursor.findNext();
+ }
+ this.editor = editor;
+ this.matches = matches;
+ this.replaceWhat = replaceWhat;
+ this.replaceWith = replaceWith;
+ this.addResultMatches(ProjectManager.getSelectedItem().fullPath, matches);
+ this.showResults();
+ // we can't safely replace after document has been modified
+ // this handler is only attached, when replaceAllPanel is visible
+ currentDocument = DocumentManager.getCurrentDocument();
+ $(currentDocument).on("change.replaceAll", function () {
+ self.hideResults();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Shows a panel with search results and offers to replace them,
+ * user can use checkboxes to select which results he wishes to replace.
+ */
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype.showResults = function () {
+ var count = this._countFilesMatches(),
+ self = this,
+ // This text contains some formatting, so all the strings are assumed to be already escaped
+ summary = StringUtils.format(
+ String(count.matches),
+ count.matches > 1 ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCHES : Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MATCH,
+ count.matches >= REPLACE_ALL_MAX ? Strings.FIND_IN_FILES_MORE_THAN : ""
+ );
+ // Insert the search summary
+ this._showSummary({
+ replaceWhat: this.replaceWhat.toString(),
+ replaceWith: this.replaceWith.toString(),
+ summary: summary
+ });
+ // Insert the search results
+ this._showResultsList();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Hides the Search Results Panel
+ */
+ ReplaceAllResults.prototype.hideResults = function () {
+ this.parentClass.hideResults.apply(this);
+ $(currentDocument).off("change.replaceAll");
+ };
PreferencesManager.stateManager.definePreference("caseSensitive", "boolean", false);
PreferencesManager.stateManager.definePreference("regexp", "boolean", false);
PreferencesManager.convertPreferences(module, {"caseSensitive": "user", "regexp": "user"}, true);
// Initialize items dependent on HTML DOM
AppInit.htmlReady(function () {
- var panelHtml = Mustache.render(searchReplacePanelTemplate, Strings);
- replaceAllPanel = PanelManager.createBottomPanel("findReplace-all.panel", $(panelHtml), 100);
- $replaceAllContainer = replaceAllPanel.$panel;
- $replaceAllWhat = $replaceAllContainer.find(".replace-what");
- $replaceAllWith = $replaceAllContainer.find(".replace-with");
- $replaceAllSummary = $replaceAllContainer.find(".replace-summary");
- $replaceAllTable = $replaceAllContainer.children(".table-container");
- // Attach events to the panel
- replaceAllPanel.$panel
- .on("click", ".close", function () {
- _closeReplaceAllPanel();
- })
- .on("click", ".check-all", function (e) {
- var isChecked = $(this).is(":checked");
- replaceAllPanel.$panel.find(".check-one").prop("checked", isChecked);
- });
+ replaceAllResults = new ReplaceAllResults();
$(DocumentManager).on("currentDocumentChange", _handleDocumentChange);
diff --git a/src/search/SearchResults.js b/src/search/SearchResults.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f92099e5fc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/search/SearchResults.js
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+ * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/*global define, $, window, Mustache */
+define(function (require, exports, module) {
+ "use strict";
+ var CommandManager = require("command/CommandManager"),
+ Commands = require("command/Commands"),
+ EditorManager = require("editor/EditorManager"),
+ ProjectManager = require("project/ProjectManager"),
+ FileViewController = require("project/FileViewController"),
+ FileUtils = require("file/FileUtils"),
+ PanelManager = require("view/PanelManager"),
+ StringUtils = require("utils/StringUtils"),
+ Strings = require("strings"),
+ _ = require("thirdparty/lodash"),
+ searchPanelTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-panel.html"),
+ searchResultsTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-results.html"),
+ searchPagingTemplate = require("text!htmlContent/search-summary-paging.html");
+ /** @const Constants used to define the maximum results show per page and found in a single file */
+ var RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 100;
+ /**
+ * @constructor
+ * Handles the Search Results and the Panel
+ */
+ function SearchResults() {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Map of all the last search results
+ * @type {Object., collapsed: boolean}>}
+ */
+ SearchResults.prototype._searchResults = {};
+ /**
+ * Array with content used in the Results Panel
+ * @type {Array.<{file: number, filename: string, fullPath: string, items: Array.