Progenitor is a Powershell module that provides a set of functions that allows Infrastructure developers to extract the configuration from existing Windows computers and turn the configuration into Infrastructure as Code. Progenitor uses Powershell Desired State Configuration to reverse engineer the configuration of existing Windows computers and outputs:
- ANSIBLE scripts
- DSC Scripts
Progenitor uses the following DSC resources to extract the configuration from the Windows computer:
- cNtfsPermissionEntry
- MSFT_xRegistryResource
- MSFT_xPackageResource
- MSFT_xWebAppPool
- MSFT_xWebsite
- MSFT_xWebApplication
- MSFT_xWebVirtualDirectory
- MSFT_xWindowsFeature
The Get-ANSIBLEPlayBooks.ps1 script in the test folder provides an example that shows how Progenitor can be used to extract the configuration from an existing Windows computer and turn it into ANSIBLE scripts. The following environmental variables must be set before running the script:
- $env:ServerInstance = This is set to either the name or the ip address of the Windows computer
- $env:MyUsername = The name of the user [domain\username]
- $env:MyPassword = The password for the user
- $env:ConvertTo = The type of output to create and this can be set to either 'AnsiblePlayBook' or 'DSC'
The Get-ANSIBLEPlayBooks.ps1 script.
This script uses the progenitor module to reverse engineer an existing
server configuration and turn it into a set of ANSIBLE Scripts function
Nigel Thomas
May 31, 2021
New-ItemProperty -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -PropertyType DWord -Value 1
Set-ItemProperty -Name LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System -Value 0
Get-WSManInstance winrm/config/listener -Enumerate
Get-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts
Start-Service -Name WinRM
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Concatenate -Value
Clear-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Force
Import-Module C:\Downloads\development\progenitor -Force
#Use environmental variables to configure the session information
#$env:ServerInstance = 'The name or ip address of the server'
#$env:MyUsername = 'The user name'
#$env:MyPassword = 'The user password'
#$env:ConvertTo = 'AnsiblePlayBook'
#$env:ConvertTo = 'DSC'
#Array of DSC Resources that we want to tyurn iinto ANSIBLE Scripts
$DSCResourceNames = 'MSFT_xWindowsFeature', 'MSFT_xPackageResource', 'MSFT_xWebAppPool','MSFT_xWebsite','MSFT_xWebApplication', 'MSFT_xWebVirtualDirectory', 'cNtfsPermissionEntry', 'MSFT_xRegistryResource'
$OuputPath = 'C:\Downloads\development\progenitor\Output\Test'
if (!$DSCResourceNames ) {
$message = 'The variable DSCResourceName is not set.'
Write-Error -Message $message -Category InvalidData
if (!$env:ServerInstance) {
$message = 'The environment variable ServerInstance is not set.'
Write-Error -Message $message -Category InvalidData
$ServerInstance = $env:ServerInstance
if ($env:MyUserName) {
$Username = $env:MyUserName
else {
$Username = $null
if ($env:MyPassword) {
$Password = $env:MyPassword
else {
$Password = $null
if ($Username -and $Password) {
$secpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
$DSCCredentials = New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $UserName, $secpassword
if ($DSCCredentials) {
$s = Connect-ServerInstance -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -ServerCredential $DSCCredentials -TrustedHost:$true
else {
$s = Connect-ServerInstance -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -TrustedHost:$true
if (!$s) {
if ($s) {
foreach ($DSCResourceName in $DSCResourceNames) {
if (!$DSCResourceName) {
if ($DSCResourceName.ToString().ToLower().Equals('msft_xregistryresource')) {
$AllResult = Get-DSCResourceSetting -Session $s -DSCResourceName $DSCResourceName -Name $RegistryKeys
else {
$AllResult = Get-DSCResourceSetting -Session $s -DSCResourceName $DSCResourceName
# Convert to the desired format
switch ($env:ConvertTo) {
'AnsiblePlayBook' {
if ($AllResult) {
$tempfilename = "{0}-{1}-{2}.yml" -f $DSCResourceName, $ServerInstance, $((Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d_%I-%M-%S_%p").tostring())
$message = "Saving results for {0} to {1}\{2} `r`n " -f $DSCResourceName, $OuputPath, $tempfilename
Write-Host $message -Verbose
ConvertTo-AnsiblePlayBook -DSCInputObject $AllResult -DSCResourceName $DSCResourceName | Out-file "$OuputPath\$tempfilename"
'DSC' {}
Remove-PSSession -Session $s
Remove-Module progenitor
#Remove-Module powershell-yaml