layout | title | permalink | author_profile | redirect_from | |
archive |
CV |
/cv/ |
true |
{% include base_path %}
- Ph.D in Version Control Theory, GitHub University, 2018 (expected)
- M.S. in Jekyll, GitHub University, 2014
- B.S. in GitHub, GitHub University, 2012
Spring 2024: Academic Pages Collaborator
- Github University
- Duties includes: Updates and improvements to template
- Supervisor: The Users
Fall 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Merging pull requests
- Supervisor: Professor Hub
Summer 2015: Research Assistant
- Github University
- Duties included: Tagging issues
- Supervisor: Professor Git
- Skill 1
- Skill 2
- Sub-skill 2.1
- Sub-skill 2.2
- Sub-skill 2.3
- Skill 3
- {% for post in site.publications reversed %}
{% include archive-single-cv.html %}
{% endfor %}
- {% for post in site.talks reversed %}
{% include archive-single-talk-cv.html %}
{% endfor %}
- {% for post in site.teaching reversed %}
{% include archive-single-cv.html %}
{% endfor %}
- Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams