Veerji Chaap is a full-stack MERN-based food ordering platform designed for a specific shop, allowing seamless product management and customer purchases. The platform features an admin panel where shop owners can register food items, manage orders, and update statuses like "Preparing" or "Out for Delivery," which are reflected in real-time to users. Customers can browse products, add items to the cart, and complete purchases using Cash on Delivery (COD) or the integrated Stripe payment gateway. The project ensures an efficient, user-friendly experience for both shop owners and customers
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd VeerJI_Chaap_Website
Install dependencies(Do it both files backend and frontend)
npm install
Run Frontend
npm run dev
Start the server (For Backend )
npm ./index
Start Frontend (From Frontend)
npm run dev
and also install dependencies in admin file to run admin panel.
Do not forget to add you mongoDB compass Database link in db/inde.js file
also add your strip key so that your payment gateway works.