- SPA -> .
- Why FC replaces CC.
- HOOKS are the future + awesome.
- Why I love hooks.
- Context API Can Replace Redux + React query.
- Bad Idea to use CDN libraries. As react has it's own Virtual dom. Also we can't bundle the code and tree shake if we do so.
- Modular CSS for better file structure.
- Folder Structure [x] .
- Why I never going back to JS -> TS is super.
NEXT -> React With Superpower -> 12 Provides ->
- SWC build-in.
- Page base routing.
- CSR -> Client -> React.
- SSR -> Server -> React (hydrate).
- SSG -> Static -> *** .
- Auto Performance Optimization.
- Ts support out of the box.
- Server-less approach [x].
- JAM-stack.
- Easy deployment with Vercel.
github repo ->
live demo ->
Theme -> VS.Code dark