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Broke out testing into numerical_testing_type.F90
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The helper type that shortens the testing lines will be needed
by both the upcoming Recon1d type and MOM_remapping, so it makes
sense to break the type out into a module. I've put this in framework/
but it is specifically a stand-alone module, not dependent on any
infrastructure code.
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adcroft committed Nov 5, 2024
1 parent 2e30405 commit f41f867
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Showing 3 changed files with 379 additions and 179 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions config_src/drivers/unit_tests/test_numerical_testing_type.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
program test_numerical_testing_type

use numerical_testing_type, only : testing_type_unit_test

if (testing_type_unit_test(.true.)) stop 1

end program test_numerical_testing_type
180 changes: 1 addition & 179 deletions src/ALE/MOM_remapping.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module MOM_remapping

use MOM_error_handler, only : MOM_error, FATAL
use MOM_string_functions, only : uppercase
use numerical_testing_type, only : testing
use regrid_edge_values, only : edge_values_explicit_h4, edge_values_implicit_h4
use regrid_edge_values, only : edge_values_explicit_h4cw
use regrid_edge_values, only : edge_values_implicit_h4, edge_values_implicit_h6
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,37 +49,6 @@ module MOM_remapping
real :: h_neglect_edge
end type

!> Class to assist in unit tests
type :: testing
!> True if any fail has been encountered since instantiation of "testing"
logical :: state = .false.
!> Count of tests checked
integer :: num_tests_checked = 0
!> Count of tests failed
integer :: num_tests_failed = 0
!> If true, be verbose and write results to stdout. Default True.
logical :: verbose = .true.
!> Error channel
integer :: stderr = 0
!> Standard output channel
integer :: stdout = 6
!> If true, stop instantly
logical :: stop_instantly = .false.
!> Record instances that fail
integer :: ifailed(100) = 0.
!> Record label of first instance that failed
character(len=:), allocatable :: label_first_fail

procedure :: test => test !< Update the testing state
procedure :: set => set !< Set attributes
procedure :: outcome => outcome !< Return current outcome
procedure :: summarize => summarize !< Summarize testing state
procedure :: real_arr => real_arr !< Compare array of reals
procedure :: int_arr => int_arr !< Compare array of integers
end type

! The following routines are visible to the outside world
public remapping_core_h, remapping_core_w
public initialize_remapping, end_remapping, remapping_set_param, extract_member_remapping_CS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2247,152 +2217,4 @@ subroutine test_reintegrate(test, msg, nsrc, h_src, uh_src, ndest, h_dest, uh_tr

end subroutine test_reintegrate

! =========================================================================================
! The following provide the function for the testing_type helper class

!> Update the state with "test"
subroutine test(this, state, label)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
logical, intent(in) :: state !< True to indicate a fail, false otherwise
character(len=*), intent(in) :: label !< Message

this%num_tests_checked = this%num_tests_checked + 1
if (state) then
this%state = .true.
this%num_tests_failed = this%num_tests_failed + 1
this%ifailed( this%num_tests_failed ) = this%num_tests_checked
if (this%num_tests_failed == 1) this%label_first_fail = label
if (this%stop_instantly .and. this%state) stop 1
end subroutine test

!> Set attributes
subroutine set(this, verbose, stdout, stderr, stop_instantly)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
logical, optional, intent(in) :: verbose !< True or false setting to assign to verbosity
integer, optional, intent(in) :: stdout !< The stdout channel to use
integer, optional, intent(in) :: stderr !< The stderr channel to use
logical, optional, intent(in) :: stop_instantly !< If true, stop immediately on error detection

if (present(verbose)) then
this%verbose = verbose
if (present(stdout)) then
this%stdout = stdout
if (present(stderr)) then
this%stderr = stderr
if (present(stop_instantly)) then
this%stop_instantly = stop_instantly
end subroutine set

!> Returns state
logical function outcome(this)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
outcome = this%state
end function outcome

!> Summarize results
logical function summarize(this, label)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
character(len=*), intent(in) :: label !< Message
integer :: i

if (this%state) then
write(this%stdout,'(a," : ",a,", ",i4," failed of ",i4," tested")') &
'FAIL', trim(label), this%num_tests_failed, this%num_tests_checked
write(this%stdout,'(a,100i4)') 'Failed tests:',(this%ifailed(i),i=1,this%num_tests_failed)
write(this%stdout,'(a,a)') 'First failed test: ',trim(this%label_first_fail)
write(this%stderr,'(a,100i4)') 'Failed tests:',(this%ifailed(i),i=1,this%num_tests_failed)
write(this%stderr,'(a,a)') 'First failed test: ',trim(this%label_first_fail)
write(this%stderr,'(a," : ",a)') trim(label),'FAILED'
write(this%stdout,'(a," : ",a,", all ",i4," tests passed")') &
'Pass', trim(label), this%num_tests_checked
summarize = this%state
end function summarize

!> Compare u_test to u_true, report, and return true if a difference larger than tol is measured
!! If in verbose mode, display results to stdout
!! If a difference is measured, display results to stdout and stderr
subroutine real_arr(this, n, u_test, u_true, label, tol)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
integer, intent(in) :: n !< Number of cells in u
real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: u_test !< Values to test [A]
real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: u_true !< Values to test against (correct answer) [A]
character(len=*), intent(in) :: label !< Message
real, optional, intent(in) :: tol !< The tolerance for differences between u and u_true [A]
! Local variables
integer :: k
logical :: this_test
real :: tolerance, err ! Tolerance for differences, and error [A]

tolerance = 0.0
if (present(tol)) tolerance = tol
this_test = .false.

! Scan for any mismatch between u_test and u_true
do k = 1, n
if (abs(u_test(k) - u_true(k)) > tolerance) this_test = .true.

! If either being verbose, or an error was measured then display results
if (this_test .or. this%verbose) then
write(this%stdout,'(a4,2a24,1x,a)') 'k','Calculated value','Correct value',label
if (this_test) write(this%stderr,'(a4,2a24,1x,a)') 'k','Calculated value','Correct value',label
do k = 1, n
err = u_test(k) - u_true(k)
if (abs(err) > tolerance) then
write(this%stdout,'(i4,1p2e24.16,a,1pe24.16,a)') k, u_test(k), u_true(k), &
' err=', err, ' <--- WRONG'
write(this%stderr,'(i4,1p2e24.16,a,1pe24.16,a)') k, u_test(k), u_true(k), &
' err=', err, ' <--- WRONG'
write(this%stdout,'(i4,1p2e24.16)') k, u_test(k), u_true(k)

call this%test( this_test, label ) ! Updates state and counters in this
end subroutine real_arr

!> Compare i_test to i_true and report and return true if a difference is found
!! If in verbose mode, display results to stdout
!! If a difference is measured, display results to stdout and stderr
subroutine int_arr(this, n, i_test, i_true, label)
class(testing), intent(inout) :: this !< This testing class
integer, intent(in) :: n !< Number of cells in u
integer, dimension(n), intent(in) :: i_test !< Values to test [A]
integer, dimension(n), intent(in) :: i_true !< Values to test against (correct answer) [A]
character(len=*), intent(in) :: label !< Message
! Local variables
integer :: k
logical :: this_test

this_test = .false.

! Scan for any mismatch between u_test and u_true
do k = 1, n
if (i_test(k) .ne. i_true(k)) this_test = .true.

if (this%verbose) then
write(this%stdout,'(a12," : calculated =",30i3)') label, i_test
write(this%stdout,'(12x," correct =",30i3)') i_true
if (this_test) write(this%stdout,'(3x,a,8x,"error =",30i3)') 'FAIL --->', i_test(:) - i_true(:)
if (this_test) then
write(this%stderr,'(a12," : calculated =",30i3)') label, i_test
write(this%stderr,'(12x," correct =",30i3)') i_true
write(this%stderr,'(" FAIL ---> error =",30i3)') i_test(:) - i_true(:)

call this%test( this_test, label ) ! Updates state and counters in this
end subroutine int_arr

end module MOM_remapping

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