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Refactor/split remap_via_sub_cells() adding intersect_src_tgt_grids()
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- The first block of remap_via_sub_cells() computes the intersection between
  two columns (grids). I've split out this block into a stand alone function
  so that we can re-use it in a to-be-written analog of remap_via_sub_cells()
  that will remap integrated quantities.
- Added some in-line documentation of algorithm used by remap_via_sub_cells()
- Added new column-wise function intersect_src_tgt_grids()
- Added tests of intersect_src_tgt_grids() that check against known results
  - Had to add a new helper function to MOM_remapping to report state of
    integer arrays.
  • Loading branch information
adcroft committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent 81cfe55 commit e4005b2
Showing 1 changed file with 199 additions and 88 deletions.
287 changes: 199 additions & 88 deletions src/ALE/MOM_remapping.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -477,8 +477,6 @@ subroutine remap_via_sub_cells( n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h1, meth
integer :: i_sub ! Index of sub-cell
integer :: i0 ! Index into h0(1:n0), source column
integer :: i1 ! Index into h1(1:n1), target column
integer :: i_max ! Used to record which sub-cell is the largest contribution of a source cell
real :: dh_max ! Used to record which sub-cell is the largest contribution of a source cell [H]
real, dimension(n0+n1+1) :: h_sub ! Width of each each sub-cell [H]
real, dimension(n0+n1+1) :: uh_sub ! Integral of u*h over each sub-cell [A H]
real, dimension(n0+n1+1) :: u_sub ! Average of u over each sub-cell [A]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,89 +517,11 @@ subroutine remap_via_sub_cells( n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h1, meth
isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, itgt_start, itgt_end, isub_src )

! Loop over each sub-cell to calculate average/integral values within each sub-cell.
! Uses: h_sub, isub_src, h0_eff
! Uses: h_sub, h0_eff, isub_src, h0_eff
! Sets: u_sub, uh_sub
xa = 0.
dh0_eff = 0.
uh_sub(1) = 0.
u_sub(1) = ppoly0_E(1,1)
u02_err = 0.
do i_sub = 2, n0+n1

! Sub-cell thickness from loop above
dh = h_sub(i_sub)

! Source cell
i0 = isub_src(i_sub)

! Evaluate average and integral for sub-cell i_sub.
! Integral is over distance dh but expressed in terms of non-dimensional
! positions with source cell from xa to xb (0 <= xa <= xb <= 1).
dh0_eff = dh0_eff + dh ! Cumulative thickness within the source cell
if (h0_eff(i0)>0.) then
xb = dh0_eff / h0_eff(i0) ! This expression yields xa <= xb <= 1.0
xb = min(1., xb) ! This is only needed when the total target column is wider than the source column
u_sub(i_sub) = average_value_ppoly( n0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, method, i0, xa, xb)
else ! Vanished cell
xb = 1.
u_sub(i_sub) = u0(i0)
if (debug_bounds) then
if (method<5 .and.(u_sub(i_sub)<u0_min(i0) .or. u_sub(i_sub)>u0_max(i0))) then
write(0,*) 'Sub cell average is out of bounds',i_sub,'method=',method
write(0,*) 'xa,xb: ',xa,xb
write(0,*) 'Edge values: ',ppoly0_E(i0,:),'mean',u0(i0)
write(0,*) 'a_c: ',(u0(i0)-ppoly0_E(i0,1))+(u0(i0)-ppoly0_E(i0,2))
write(0,*) 'Polynomial coeffs: ',ppoly0_coefs(i0,:)
write(0,*) 'Bounds min=',u0_min(i0),'max=',u0_max(i0)
write(0,*) 'Average: ',u_sub(i_sub),'rel to min=',u_sub(i_sub)-u0_min(i0),'rel to max=',u_sub(i_sub)-u0_max(i0)
call MOM_error( FATAL, 'MOM_remapping, remap_via_sub_cells: '//&
'Sub-cell average is out of bounds!' )
if (force_bounds_in_subcell) then
! These next two lines should not be needed but when using PQM we found roundoff
! can lead to overshoots. These lines sweep issues under the rug which need to be
! properly .. later. -AJA
u_orig = u_sub(i_sub)
u_sub(i_sub) = max( u_sub(i_sub), u0_min(i0) )
u_sub(i_sub) = min( u_sub(i_sub), u0_max(i0) )
u02_err = u02_err + dh*abs( u_sub(i_sub) - u_orig )
uh_sub(i_sub) = dh * u_sub(i_sub)

if (isub_src(i_sub+1) /= i0) then
! If the next sub-cell is in a different source cell, reset the position counters
dh0_eff = 0.
xa = 0.
xa = xb ! Next integral will start at end of last

u_sub(n0+n1+1) = ppoly0_E(n0,2) ! This value is only needed when total target column
uh_sub(n0+n1+1) = ppoly0_E(n0,2) * h_sub(n0+n1+1) ! is wider than the source column

if (adjust_thickest_subcell) then
! Loop over each source cell substituting the integral/average for the thickest sub-cell (within
! the source cell) with the residual of the source cell integral minus the other sub-cell integrals
! aka a genius algorithm for accurate conservation when remapping from Robert Hallberg (@Hallberg-NOAA).
! Uses: i0_last_thick_cell, isrc_max, h_sub, isrc_start, isrc_end, uh_sub, u0, h0
! Updates: uh_sub
do i0 = 1, i0_last_thick_cell
i_max = isrc_max(i0)
dh_max = h_sub(i_max)
if (dh_max > 0.) then
! duh will be the sum of sub-cell integrals within the source cell except for the thickest sub-cell.
duh = 0.
do i_sub = isrc_start(i0), isrc_end(i0)
if (i_sub /= i_max) duh = duh + uh_sub(i_sub)
uh_sub(i_max) = u0(i0)*h0(i0) - duh
u02_err = u02_err + max( abs(uh_sub(i_max)), abs(u0(i0)*h0(i0)), abs(duh) )
call remap_src_to_sub_grid(n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h_sub, &
h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, isub_src, &
method, force_bounds_in_subcell, u_sub, uh_sub, u02_err)

! Loop over each target cell summing the integrals from sub-cells within the target cell.
! Uses: itgt_start, itgt_end, h_sub, uh_sub, u_sub
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -909,6 +829,138 @@ subroutine intersect_src_tgt_grids( n0, h0, n1, h1, h_sub, h0_eff, &
end subroutine intersect_src_tgt_grids

!> Remaps column of n0 values u0 on grid h0 to subgrid h_sub
subroutine remap_src_to_sub_grid(n0, h0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, n1, h_sub, &
h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, isub_src, &
method, force_bounds_in_subcell, u_sub, uh_sub, u02_err)
integer, intent(in) :: n0 !< Number of cells in source grid
real, intent(in) :: h0(n0) !< Source grid widths (size n0) [H]
real, intent(in) :: u0(n0) !< Source grid widths (size n0) [H]
real, intent(in) :: ppoly0_E(n0,2) !< Edge value of polynomial [A]
real, intent(in) :: ppoly0_coefs(:,:) !< Coefficients of polynomial [A]
integer, intent(in) :: n1 !< Number of cells in target grid
real, intent(in) :: h_sub(n0+n1+1) !< Overlapping sub-cell thicknesses, h_sub [H]
real, intent(in) :: h0_eff(n0) !< Effective thickness of source cells [H]
integer, intent(in) :: isrc_start(n0) !< Index of first sub-cell within each source cell
integer, intent(in) :: isrc_end(n0) !< Index of last sub-cell within each source cell
integer, intent(in) :: isrc_max(n0) !< Index of thickest sub-cell within each source cell
integer, intent(in) :: isub_src(n0+n1+1) !< Index of source cell for each sub-cell
integer, intent(in) :: method !< Remapping scheme to use
logical, intent(in) :: force_bounds_in_subcell !< Force sub-cell values to be bounded
real, intent(out) :: u_sub(n0+n1+1) !< Sub-cell cell averages (size n1) [A]
real, intent(out) :: uh_sub(n0+n1+1) !< Sub-cell cell integrals (size n1) [A H]
real, intent(out) :: u02_err !< Integrated reconstruction error estimates [A H]
! Local variables
integer :: i_sub ! Index of sub-cell
integer :: i0 ! Index into h0(1:n0), source column
integer :: i_max ! Used to record which sub-cell is the largest contribution of a source cell
real :: dh_max ! Used to record which sub-cell is the largest contribution of a source cell [H]
real :: xa, xb ! Non-dimensional position within a source cell (0..1) [nondim]
real :: dh ! The width of the sub-cell [H]
real :: duh ! The total amount of accumulated stuff (u*h) [A H]
real :: dh0_eff ! Running sum of source cell thickness [H]
real :: u0_min(n0), u0_max(n0) !< Min/max of u0 for each source cell [A]
! For error checking/debugging
logical, parameter :: force_bounds_in_target = .true. ! To fix round-off issues
logical, parameter :: adjust_thickest_subcell = .true. ! To fix round-off conservation issues
logical, parameter :: debug_bounds = .false. ! For debugging overshoots etc.
integer :: i0_last_thick_cell
real :: u_orig ! The original value of the reconstruction in a cell [A]

i0_last_thick_cell = 0
do i0 = 1, n0
u0_min(i0) = min(ppoly0_E(i0,1), ppoly0_E(i0,2))
u0_max(i0) = max(ppoly0_E(i0,1), ppoly0_E(i0,2))
if (h0(i0)>0.) i0_last_thick_cell = i0

! Loop over each sub-cell to calculate average/integral values within each sub-cell.
! Uses: h_sub, isub_src, h0_eff
! Sets: u_sub, uh_sub
xa = 0.
dh0_eff = 0.
uh_sub(1) = 0.
u_sub(1) = ppoly0_E(1,1)
u02_err = 0.
do i_sub = 2, n0+n1

! Sub-cell thickness from loop above
dh = h_sub(i_sub)

! Source cell
i0 = isub_src(i_sub)

! Evaluate average and integral for sub-cell i_sub.
! Integral is over distance dh but expressed in terms of non-dimensional
! positions with source cell from xa to xb (0 <= xa <= xb <= 1).
dh0_eff = dh0_eff + dh ! Cumulative thickness within the source cell
if (h0_eff(i0)>0.) then
xb = dh0_eff / h0_eff(i0) ! This expression yields xa <= xb <= 1.0
xb = min(1., xb) ! This is only needed when the total target column is wider than the source column
u_sub(i_sub) = average_value_ppoly( n0, u0, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, method, i0, xa, xb)
else ! Vanished cell
xb = 1.
u_sub(i_sub) = u0(i0)
if (debug_bounds) then
if (method<5 .and.(u_sub(i_sub)<u0_min(i0) .or. u_sub(i_sub)>u0_max(i0))) then
write(0,*) 'Sub cell average is out of bounds',i_sub,'method=',method
write(0,*) 'xa,xb: ',xa,xb
write(0,*) 'Edge values: ',ppoly0_E(i0,:),'mean',u0(i0)
write(0,*) 'a_c: ',(u0(i0)-ppoly0_E(i0,1))+(u0(i0)-ppoly0_E(i0,2))
write(0,*) 'Polynomial coeffs: ',ppoly0_coefs(i0,:)
write(0,*) 'Bounds min=',u0_min(i0),'max=',u0_max(i0)
write(0,*) 'Average: ',u_sub(i_sub),'rel to min=',u_sub(i_sub)-u0_min(i0),'rel to max=',u_sub(i_sub)-u0_max(i0)
call MOM_error( FATAL, 'MOM_remapping, remap_via_sub_cells: '//&
'Sub-cell average is out of bounds!' )
if (force_bounds_in_subcell) then
! These next two lines should not be needed but when using PQM we found roundoff
! can lead to overshoots. These lines sweep issues under the rug which need to be
! properly .. later. -AJA
u_orig = u_sub(i_sub)
u_sub(i_sub) = max( u_sub(i_sub), u0_min(i0) )
u_sub(i_sub) = min( u_sub(i_sub), u0_max(i0) )
u02_err = u02_err + dh*abs( u_sub(i_sub) - u_orig )
uh_sub(i_sub) = dh * u_sub(i_sub)

if (isub_src(i_sub+1) /= i0) then
! If the next sub-cell is in a different source cell, reset the position counters
dh0_eff = 0.
xa = 0.
xa = xb ! Next integral will start at end of last

u_sub(n0+n1+1) = ppoly0_E(n0,2) ! This value is only needed when total target column
uh_sub(n0+n1+1) = ppoly0_E(n0,2) * h_sub(n0+n1+1) ! is wider than the source column

if (adjust_thickest_subcell) then
! Loop over each source cell substituting the integral/average for the thickest sub-cell (within
! the source cell) with the residual of the source cell integral minus the other sub-cell integrals
! aka a genius algorithm for accurate conservation when remapping from Robert Hallberg (@Hallberg-NOAA).
! Uses: i0_last_thick_cell, isrc_max, h_sub, isrc_start, isrc_end, uh_sub, u0, h0
! Updates: uh_sub
do i0 = 1, i0_last_thick_cell
i_max = isrc_max(i0)
dh_max = h_sub(i_max)
if (dh_max > 0.) then
! duh will be the sum of sub-cell integrals within the source cell except for the thickest sub-cell.
duh = 0.
do i_sub = isrc_start(i0), isrc_end(i0)
if (i_sub /= i_max) duh = duh + uh_sub(i_sub)
uh_sub(i_max) = u0(i0)*h0(i0) - duh
u02_err = u02_err + max( abs(uh_sub(i_max)), abs(u0(i0)*h0(i0)), abs(duh) )

end subroutine remap_src_to_sub_grid

!> Linearly interpolate interface data, u_src, from grid h_src to a grid h_dest
subroutine interpolate_column(nsrc, h_src, u_src, ndest, h_dest, u_dest, mask_edges)
integer, intent(in) :: nsrc !< Number of source cells
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1397,20 +1449,21 @@ end subroutine end_remapping
logical function remapping_unit_tests(verbose)
logical, intent(in) :: verbose !< If true, write results to stdout
! Local variables
integer, parameter :: n0 = 4, n1 = 3, n2 = 6
real :: h0(n0), x0(n0+1), u0(n0) ! Thicknesses [H], interface heights [H] and values [A] for profile 0
integer, parameter :: n1 = 3, n2 = 6
integer :: n0 ! Number of source cells
real, allocatable :: h0(:), x0(:), u0(:) ! Thicknesses [H], interface heights [H] and values [A] for profile 0
real :: h1(n1), x1(n1+1), u1(n1) ! Thicknesses [H], interface heights [H] and values [A] for profile 1
real :: dx1(n1+1) ! Interface height changes for profile 1 [H]
real :: h2(n2), x2(n2+1), u2(n2) ! Thicknesses [H], interface heights [H] and values [A] for profile 2
data u0 /9., 3., -3., -9./ ! Linear profile, 4 at surface to -4 at bottom [A]
data h0 /4*0.75/ ! 4 uniform layers with total depth of 3 [H]
data h1 /3*1./ ! 3 uniform layers with total depth of 3 [H]
data h2 /6*0.5/ ! 6 uniform layers with total depth of 3 [H]
type(remapping_CS) :: CS !< Remapping control structure
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ppoly0_E ! Edge values of polynomials [A]
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ppoly0_S ! Edge slopes of polynomials [A H-1]
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ppoly0_coefs ! Coefficients of polynomials [A]
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: h_sub, h0_eff ! Subgrid and effective source thicknesses [H]
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: u_sub, uh_sub ! Subgrid values and totals [A, A H]
real :: u02_err ! Error in remaping [A]
integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, itgt_start, itgt_end, isub_src ! Indices
integer :: answer_date ! The vintage of the expressions to test
integer :: i
Expand All @@ -1430,6 +1483,11 @@ logical function remapping_unit_tests(verbose)
write(stdout,*) '==== MOM_remapping: remapping_unit_tests ================='
remapping_unit_tests = .false. ! Normally return false

n0 = 4
allocate( h0(n0), x0(n0+1), u0(n0) )
h0(:) = (/ 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 /)
u0(:) = (/ 9., 3., -3., -9. /)

thisTest = .false.
call buildGridFromH(n0, h0, x0)
do i=1,n0+1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1743,6 +1801,29 @@ logical function remapping_unit_tests(verbose)
test_ianswer(v, 3, itgt_end, (/3,4,6/), 'itgt_end')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_ianswer(v, 6, isub_src, (/1,1,2,2,2,2/), 'isub_src')
allocate(ppoly0_coefs(2,2), ppoly0_E(2,2), ppoly0_S(2,2))
! h_src = |<- 2 ->|<- 4 ->|
! h_sub = |0|<- 2 ->|0|<- 2 ->|<- 2 ->|0|
! u_src = | 2 | 5 |
! edge = |1 3|3 7|
! u_sub = |1| 2 |3| 4 | 6 |7|
call PLM_reconstruction(2, (/2.,4./), (/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect )
call PLM_boundary_extrapolation(2, (/2.,4./),(/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect)
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 2, ppoly0_E(:,1), (/1.,3./), 'edge_left')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 2, ppoly0_E(:,2), (/3.,7./), 'edge_right')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 2, ppoly0_coefs(:,1), (/1.,3./), 'p0')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 2, ppoly0_coefs(:,2), (/2.,4./), 'p1')
allocate(u_sub(6), uh_sub(6))
call remap_src_to_sub_grid(2, (/2.,4./), (/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, 3, h_sub, &
h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, isub_src, &
INTEGRATION_PLM, .false., u_sub, uh_sub, u02_err)
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 6, u_sub, (/1.,2.,3.,4.,6.,7./), 'u_sub')
deallocate( ppoly0_coefs, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_S, u_sub, uh_sub)
deallocate( h_sub, h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, itgt_start, itgt_end, isub_src )

! Test 4: n0=2, n1=3 Incomplete target column, sum(h_tgt)<sum(h_src), useful for diagnostics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1779,6 +1860,21 @@ logical function remapping_unit_tests(verbose)
test_ianswer(v, 3, itgt_end, (/3,4,5/), 'itgt_end')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_ianswer(v, 6, isub_src, (/1,1,2,2,2,2/), 'isub_src')
! allocate(ppoly0_coefs(2,2), ppoly0_E(2,2), ppoly0_S(2,2))
! ! h_src = |<- 2 ->|<- 4 ->|
! ! h_sub = |0|<- 2 ->|0|<- 2 ->|<-1->|<-1->|
! ! u_src = | 2 | 5 |
! ! edge = |1 3|3 7|
! ! u_sub = |1| 2 |3| 4 | 5.5 | 6.5 |
! call PLM_reconstruction(2, (/2.,4./), (/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect )
! call PLM_boundary_extrapolation(2, (/2.,4./),(/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect)
! allocate(u_sub(6), uh_sub(6))
! call remap_src_to_sub_grid(2, (/2.,4./), (/2.,5./), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, 3, h_sub, &
! h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, isub_src, &
! INTEGRATION_PLM, .false., u_sub, uh_sub, u02_err)
! remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
! test_answer(v, 6, u_sub, (/1.,2.,3.,4.,5.5,6.5/), 'u_sub')
! deallocate( ppoly0_coefs, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_S, u_sub, uh_sub)
deallocate( h_sub, h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, itgt_start, itgt_end, isub_src )

! Test 5: n0=2, n1=3 Target column exceeds source column, sum(h_tgt)>sum(h_src), useful for diagnostics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1815,7 +1911,22 @@ logical function remapping_unit_tests(verbose)
test_ianswer(v, 2, itgt_end, (/3,6/), 'itgt_end')
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_ianswer(v, 6, isub_src, (/1,1,2,2,3,3/), 'isub_src')
allocate(ppoly0_coefs(3,2), ppoly0_E(3,2), ppoly0_S(3,2))
! h_src = | 2 | 2 | 1 |
! h_sub = |0| 2 |0| 2 | 1 | 1 |
! u_src = | 2 | 4 | 5.5 |
! edge = |1 3|3 5|5 6|
! u_sub = |1| 2 |3| 4 | 5.5 | 6 |
call PLM_reconstruction(3, (/2.,2.,1./), (/2.,4.,5.5/), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect )
call PLM_boundary_extrapolation(3, (/2.,2.,1./),(/2.,4.,5.5/), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, h_neglect)
allocate(u_sub(6), uh_sub(6))
call remap_src_to_sub_grid(3, (/2.,2.,1./), (/2.,4.,5.5/), ppoly0_E, ppoly0_coefs, 3, h_sub, &
h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, isub_src, &
INTEGRATION_PLM, .false., u_sub, uh_sub, u02_err)
remapping_unit_tests = remapping_unit_tests .or. &
test_answer(v, 6, u_sub, (/1.,2.,3.,4.,5.5,6./), 'u_sub')
deallocate( h_sub, h0_eff, isrc_start, isrc_end, isrc_max, itgt_start, itgt_end, isub_src )
deallocate( ppoly0_coefs, ppoly0_E, ppoly0_S, u_sub, uh_sub)

! Test 6: n0=3, n1=5 Source and targets with vanished layers
! h_src = | 2 |0| 2 |
Expand Down

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