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adammcarth edited this page Oct 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

Sending off the Instance to a URL on the server is the ultimate goal of an Instance Model. Remember that you can define some .send(); related settings when defining the Instance Model, including the URL and Method for the request.

.send(); will send all of the current parameters associated with the Instance to the specified URL via an AJAX request. Initiating this is not difficult...

.send( url, method );

var Comment = new Instance({
   name: "comment",
   url: "/comments/1/update",
   method: "put"
// Send the instance off to the server using the default
// settings. If no default settings have been specified,
// the URL defaults to "./", and method to "post".

Or we can send the comment with some custom arguments...

Comment.send("/comments/new", "post");

A callback function is executed if the AJAX request is successful or not. To learn more about these (and other settings), read up on the settings guide.

Additional Callbacks

A new feature introduced in v1.1.0 was some extra callbacks for the send function. Use them from inside the model like so...

var Comment = new Instance({
   before_send: function() {
      alert("Instance is about to send your comment to the server!");
   after_send: function() {
      alert("Instance just sent the comment!");

A brief note on the name setting

By default, parameters will send as a "flat" structure. That is,

{ name: "Adam", message: "Hello, world!" }

If you pass in a name to the Instance settings, it will effect the way your parameters are sent. They will be converted into a two dimensional structure. This follows conventions from many MVC frameworks, such as Rails. Since the name was set to comment in the Instance example above - the parameters will now look like this:

{comment: { name: "Adam", message: "Hello, world" }}

This is achieved by changing the parameter to the following pattern: comment[parameter]=value. Be aware that some web frameworks will not support this.

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