We require oneMKL >= 2021.3.
Do not try to build LAPACK and ScaLAPACK with oneAPI, the build will fail--use the oneMKL libraries that provide LAPACK and SCALAPACK.
Use the oneAPI setvars.sh or "oneapi-vars.sh" to enable oneAPI.
If the oneAPI compiler is not found by CMake, try hinting its location like:
export CC=$CMPLR_ROOT/bin/icx
export FC=$CMPLR_ROOT/bin/ifx
cmake -B build
Be sure to use the oneAPI command prompt. Under Windows Start menu look for "Intel oneAPI command prompt for Intel 64 for Visual Studio". Alternatively, use the oneAPI setvars.bat or "oneapi-vars.bat".
If the oneAPI compiler is not found by CMake, try hinting its location like (do not enclose with quotes):
set CC=%CMPLR_ROOT%/bin/icx.exe
set FC=%CMPLR_ROOT%/bin/ifx.exe
cmake -G Ninja -B build
If Visual Studio generator is desired do like:
cmake -Bbuild -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -T fortran=ifx
In any case, build like:
cmake --build build --config Release
Optionally, test:
ctest --test-dir build -C Release -V