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Hard crash on ESP32S2 using 2 displays #7472

darianbjohnson opened this issue Jan 21, 2023 · 11 comments

Hard crash on ESP32S2 using 2 displays #7472

darianbjohnson opened this issue Jan 21, 2023 · 11 comments


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CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6
Board - Adafruit Feather ESP32s2

Error message:

You are in safe mode because:
CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!
NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.
Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at


import board
import displayio
import vectorio
import terminalio
from adafruit_simplemath import map_range
from adafruit_display_text import bitmap_label, wrap_text_to_lines, label #remove label later
from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789
import adafruit_imageload
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
import time
import gc
import math
import random
import rtc

import hexTileFunctions as hexFuncs

PANTHER_FONT_16 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Panther-16.bdf")
PANTHER_FONT_25 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Panther-25.bdf")
PANTHER_FONT_20 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Panther-20.bdf")
PANTHER_FONT_33 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Panther-33.bdf")
WEATHER_FONT = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/weather-31.bdf")

# Release any resources currently in use for the displays

# define main display
spi = board.SPI()
tft_cs = board.D9
tft_dc = board.D10

# define menu display
menu_tft_cs = board.D12
menu_tft_dc = board.D11

# set up menu display
menu_display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=menu_tft_dc, chip_select=menu_tft_cs)
menu_display = ST7789(
    menu_display_bus, rotation=0, width=135, height=240, rowstart=40, colstart=53

print(" menu bus", gc.mem_free())

# Make the display context
splash = displayio.Group()

menuLabel = bitmap_label.Label(PANTHER_FONT_25, text="1abc\n2def\n3abc\n4def\n5abc\n6def\n7abc\n8def", color=0xFFFFFF, scale = 1,anchor_point = (0.0, 0.0), anchored_position= (0, 0))


# set up maindisplay
display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs)

display = ST7789(display_bus, width=240, height=320, rotation=0)

print(" display bus 2", gc.mem_free())

while True:

I compiled a new version of CPy for the ESP32s2 Feather, and I added a line to the mpconfig.h file to use two displays [#define CIRCUITPY_DISPLAY_LIMIT (2)]

The code compiles; and I am able to get the code to run on a first attempt. However, when I make a code change and save the file, I get the error listed above. The Mu editor looses the ability to write to the file and the board starts to run in safe mode.

I'm not exactly sure what I am doing wrong. Any thoughts?

Note - I am attempting to make a DEBUG version of the code for testing, but I'm running out of room on the board. Any ideas on what files to move so that I can create a DEBUG version?

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Adafruit CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.6 on 2022-12-21; Adafruit Feather ESP32S3 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM with ESP32S3
Board ID:adafruit_feather_esp32s3_4mbflash_2mbpsram

You are in safe mode because:
CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!
Crash into the HardFault_Handler.
Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at

I'm using an external 1.14" display with the ESP32S3 detailed here -

It ran for almost 8 hours and then crashed hard. Second time this has happened. I found it crashed overnight and restarted it this morning.

Code is below and contents of the drive is here -

MandoPuter will display text in a Mandalorian font on a tiny LCD display

File   -
Author - Jon Breazile

Font credits to ErikStormtrooper, the bitmap fonts were created from his TrueType font
import gc
import time
import alarm
import board
import busio
import pwmio
import neopixel
import digitalio
import displayio
import adafruit_dotstar as dotstar
import adafruit_imageload
from analogio import AnalogIn
from adafruit_display_text import label
from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font
from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789
from adafruit_lc709203f import LC709203F
import audiocore
import audiobusio

  ----------- User configurable items -----------

  This is where you can customize your display and hardware setup.
  Select either the Pre-Beskar (1.14" LCD) or Beskar (1.3" LCD) display.
  Some lines are commented out which means the line is not active.
  A commented line starts with a #

# Set the display type
DISPLAY        = "Pre-Beskar"           # Adafruit 1.14" LCD display
#DISPLAY       = "Beskar"               # Adafruit 1.3" LCD display
DISP_BRIGHT    = 80                     # How bright to make the display - 0% to 100%

# Board being used
BOARD_TYPE     = "ESP32-S3"             # ESP32-S3        
#BOARD_TYPE    = "FeatherM4"            # Feather M4 Express
#BOARD_TYPE    = "ItsyBitsyM4"          # ItsyBitsy M4 Express
#BOARD_TYPE    = "ItsyBitsyRP2040"      # ItsyBitsy RP2040
#BOARD_TYPE    = "PiPicoRP2040"         # Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040

# Mandalorian charater sequence that is shown on the display
messages       = [ "MLM", "JBM", "SAS", "JAS", "JBM", "MLM", "SAS", "AJS", "SAS"]
# Time that each character group is shown 0.50 is 500 milliseconds, or 1/2 of a second
delays         = [  0.75,  0.75,  0.650,  0.75, 0.50,  0.84,  1.00,  0.35,  0.84]
TEXT_COLOR     = 0xFF0000               # Red on black (you can chose colors here -

# Name of the owner shown after startup and before the sequence starts
SHOW_NAME      = 1                      # Set to 1 to display the name, or 0 to not display a name
OWNER_NAME     = "Your Name Here"       # Name of the owner to be shown
NAME_COLOR     = 0x00FF00               # Green on black (you can chose colors here -
NAME_HOLD      = 3.0                    # How many seconds to display the name

# Banner graphic(s) shown after the owner's name and before the sequence starts
SHOW_IMG       = 2                      # How many images to show. 0 = no images, 1 = 1 image, 2 = 2 images
IMG1           = "TheMandalorian135.bmp"         # File name of the first 8 bit BMP graphic to be shown after each text sequence
IMG1_HOLD      = 5.00                   # How long the first image is displayed in seconds
IMG2           = "BabyYoda135.bmp"      # File name of the second 8 bit BMP graphic to be shown after the first image
IMG2_HOLD      = 5.00                   # How long the second image is displayed in seconds

# Other settings for debugging and battery monitoring
BATTERY_SZ     = 500                    # Size of battery in mAh (only for the ESP32-S3 board)
BATTERY_MON    = 0                      # Set to 1 to enable the battery monitor, 0 to disable it
LOW_BATT_LEVEL = 10                     # Show the low battery icon when the battery goes below this percentage
ENABLE_LEDS    = 0                      # Set to 1 to turn on LEDs for debugging, set to 0 to save battery
SPI_SPEED      = 48000000               # How fast the SPI bus to the LCD operates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wave_file = open("Whistling-Birds-Fired2.wav", "rb")
wave = audiocore.WaveFile(wave_file)

# For Feather M0 Express, ItsyBitsy M0 Express, Metro M0 Express
audio = audiobusio.I2SOut(board.TX, board.D12, board.D11)

def DisplayName(name, hold, color, init_tm) :
    ownerfont = bitmap_font.load_font("Alef-Bold-18.bdf")  # 18 point bitmap font
    banner_text = label.Label(ownerfont, text=name, color=color)
    banner_text.x = int(((display.width - banner_text.bounding_box[2])/2)-1)
    banner_text.y = int(((display.height - banner_text.bounding_box[3])/2)+1)
    #banner_text.y = int((display.height / 2)-5)
    if SHOW_IMG > 0 :
        time.sleep(hold)              # Display the name before the graphics
    else :
        if hold > init_tm :
            time.sleep(hold - init_tm)  # minus the initialization time if there are images
    # release memory
    del ownerfont
    del banner_text

def DisplayImage(img, hold, images, init_tm) :
    # Create the first image centered on the display
    try :
        bitmap, palette = adafruit_imageload.load(img, bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette)
        bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(img)
        palette = bitmap.pixel_shader
    x = int((display.width - bitmap.width) / 2)
    y = int((display.height - bitmap.height) / 2)
    if x < 0 : x = 0
    if y < 0 : y = 0
    tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette, x=x, y=y)
    img = displayio.Group()
    if hold > init_tm :
        if images > 1 :
            time.sleep(hold)              # hold the first image before showing the second
        else :
            if hold > init_tm :
                time.sleep(hold - init_tm)  # minus the initialization time if there is 1 image
    del bitmap
    del img
    del tile_grid

def GetBattPercent(batt_pin) :
    percent = 0
    # read the battery voltage (approximation, not exact levels with no fuel gauge to read)
    batt_volts = (batt_pin.value * 3.3) / 65536 * 2
    if batt_volts > 3.80 :
        percent = 86                    # 100% to 81% capacity
    elif batt_volts > 3.65 :
        percent = 50                    # 80%  to 31% capacity
    elif batt_volts > 3.40 :
        percent = 25                    # 30%  to 16% capacity
    else :
        percent = 5                     # 15%  to  0% capacity
    return percent

# Turn off the LCD Backlight

# Setup the bus, display object, and font for the display
if BOARD_TYPE == "PiPicoRP2040" :
    spi = busio.SPI(clock=board.GP10, MOSI=board.GP11, MISO=board.GP12)
else :
    spi = board.SPI()
while not spi.try_lock():
spi.configure(baudrate=SPI_SPEED)  # Configure SPI with the specified speed
if BOARD_TYPE == "FeatherM4" or BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
    tft_cs  = board.D6
    tft_dc  = board.D9
    lcd_rst = board.D5
    lcd_light = board.D10
elif BOARD_TYPE == "PiPicoRP2040" :
    tft_cs    = board.GP28
    tft_dc    = board.GP14
    lcd_rst   = board.GP27
    lcd_light = board.GP15
    lcd_light = board.D10
    tft_cs = board.D2
    tft_dc  = board.D3
    lcd_rst = board.D4

display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs, baudrate=SPI_SPEED, reset=lcd_rst, polarity=0, phase=0)
if DISPLAY == "Pre-Beskar":
    display     = ST7789(display_bus, rotation=270, width=240, height=135, rowstart=40, colstart=53, auto_refresh=False, backlight_pin=lcd_light, brightness=0)
    font        = bitmap_font.load_font("mandalor135.bdf")  # 135 pixel tall bitmap font
    offset      = 12
elif DISPLAY == "Beskar":
    display     = ST7789(display_bus, rotation=0, width=240, height=240, rowstart=80, auto_refresh=False, backlight_pin=lcd_light, brightness=0)
    font        = bitmap_font.load_font("mandalor165.bdf")  # 165 pixel tall bitmap font
    offset      = 14
stage = displayio.Group()

# Disable WiFi power
if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
    import wifi = 0

# Configure LEDs
if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
    # setup the onboard neopixel LED power control
    led_pwr = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.NEOPIXEL_POWER)
    led_pwr.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

if BOARD_TYPE == "FeatherM4" or BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" or BOARD_TYPE == "ItsyBitsyRP2040" :
    led = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1)
elif BOARD_TYPE == "ItsyBitsyM4" :
    led = dotstar.DotStar(board.APA102_SCK, board.APA102_MOSI, 1) # onboard dotstar
elif BOARD_TYPE == "PiPicoRP2040" :
    led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED)
    led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

if ENABLE_LEDS > 0 :
    if BOARD_TYPE != "PiPicoRP2040" :
        led.brightness = 0.05  # dim the LED to 5%
        led[0] = (255, 0, 255) # purple
    if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
        led_pwr.value = True
else :
    if BOARD_TYPE != "PiPicoRP2040" :
        led.brightness = 0  # dim the LED to 0%
    if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
        led_pwr.value = False

# Setup battery monitoring
if BATTERY_MON > 0 :
    lowbattX = 0
    lowbattY = 0
    vbat_voltage = 0
    if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
        i2c = board.I2C()  # uses board.SCL and board.SDA
        sensor = LC709203F(i2c)
        sensor.PackSize = BATTERY_SZ
    elif BOARD_TYPE == "FeatherM4" :
        vbat_voltage = AnalogIn(board.VOLTAGE_MONITOR) # for measuring battery voltage
    elif BOARD_TYPE == "PiPicoRP2040" :
        # battery voltage measurements need a jumper from VSYS to ADC0 (pin 39 - 31)
        vbat_voltage = AnalogIn(board.GP26) # for measuring battery voltage
    elif BOARD_TYPE == "ItsyBitsyM4" or BOARD_TYPE == "ItsyBitsyRP2040" :
        # battery voltage measurements need a jumper from batt to A1
        vbat_voltage = AnalogIn(board.A1)

    # Create the second image centered on the display
    lowbattImg, lowbattPal = adafruit_imageload.load("LowBatt.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette)
    x = int(display.width - lowbattImg.width)
    y = int(display.height - lowbattImg.height)
    if x < 0 : x = 0
    if y < 0 : y = 0
    lowbattX = x
    lowbattY = y
else :
    # Disable I2C port power
    if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
        i2c_pwr = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.I2C_POWER)
        i2c_pwr.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
        i2c_pwr.value = False

# Turn on the Backlight
display.brightness = DISP_BRIGHT / 100
init_time = 4.5   # how long it takes to initialize the sequence

# Show the owner's name at startup
if SHOW_NAME > 0 :
    DisplayName(OWNER_NAME, NAME_HOLD, NAME_COLOR, init_time)

# Show the banner graphic(s)
if SHOW_IMG > 0 :
    DisplayImage(IMG1, IMG1_HOLD, SHOW_IMG, init_time)
    DisplayImage(IMG2, IMG2_HOLD, SHOW_IMG, init_time)

low_batt_icon = 0
batt_percent  = 0

# Prepare the Mandalorian characters
text   = label.Label(font, text=messages[0], color=TEXT_COLOR)
text.x = int(((display.width - text.width)/2)-1)
text.y = int((display.height / 2)+offset)
if text.x < 0:
    text.x = 0
if text.y < 0:
    text.y = 0

# Initialize the low battery icon
if BATTERY_MON > 0 :
    batt_tile = displayio.TileGrid(lowbattImg, pixel_shader=lowbattPal, x=lowbattX, y=lowbattY)
while True:
    index = 0
    for msg in messages:
        text.text = msg
        if BOARD_TYPE == "PiPicoRP2040" :
            time.sleep(delays[index]* 0.75)
        else :
        index = index + 1

    if BATTERY_MON > 0 :
        if BOARD_TYPE == "ESP32-S3" :
            sensor = LC709203F(i2c)
            batt_percent = sensor.cell_percent
        else :
            batt_percent = GetBattPercent(vbat_voltage)
        if batt_percent < LOW_BATT_LEVEL :
            # Add low battery icon
            if low_batt_icon == 0 :
                low_batt_icon = 1
        else :
            if low_batt_icon > 0 :
                # Remove low battery icon
                low_batt_icon = 0

    #import supervisor

    #display.brightness = 0
    #splash = display.root_group
    #supervisor.reset_terminal(display.width, display.height//2)
    #time_alarm = alarm.time.TimeAlarm(monotonic_time=time.monotonic() + 20)
    #alarm.exit_and_deep_sleep_until_alarms(time_alarm, preserve_dios=[digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D10)])

    #pin_alarm =, value=False, pull=True)
    # Exit the program, and then deep sleep until the alarm wakes us.

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FoamyGuy commented Jan 21, 2023

@darianbjohnson you can disable things by setting 0 to some variables inside of

You can see an example that disables some things here:


doing a few of those that aren't used by your program should free up space to allow a debug build.

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@Breazile that may be a different issue I think. Your device is ESP32S3 and seems to only use 1 display. But this issue is for an S2 device and using two displays.

It may be best to create a seperate issue for yours instead of posting here.

@dhalbert dhalbert added this to the 8.x.x milestone Jan 26, 2023
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FoamyGuy commented Apr 5, 2023

I have replicated this issue on a feather S2 TFT. I believe the same issue actually effects more ports as well, perhaps all of them. I'm thinking it may trace back to the displayio api change, but haven't done before/after testing yet to narrow it down.

I think @Neradoc saw this occur on Monster M4sk as well, and I've seen the same on that device.

It seems to boil down to right now the initial setup of 2 displays works fine, but then whenever the device resets it will hard fault, as described in the initial issue post.

I have collected this decoded backtrace from Feather S2 TFT:

❯ python tools/ adafruit_feather_esp32s2_tft
? 0x400A16A1:0x3FFE59A0 0x400A23F2:0x3FFE59C0 0x400A1541:0x3FFE59E0 0x4008307D:0x3FFE5A00 0x4008E2E7:0x3FFE5A20 0x4008E418:0x3FFE5A40 0x400C7CF9:0x3FFE5A60 0x400C7FDF:0x3FFE5A80 0x400CAC5D:0x3FFE5AA0 0x400A0CF7:0x3FFE5AC0 0x400A10AD:0x3FFE5B10 0x400A14C5:0x3FFE5B70 0x400A18B3:0x3FFE5BA0 0x40176990:0x3FFE5BC0
0x400a16a1: reset_cpu at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/supervisor/port.c:425
0x400a23f2: reset_into_safe_mode at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../supervisor/shared/safe_mode.c:139
0x400a1541: nlr_jump_fail at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../main.c:1153
0x4008307d: nlr_jump at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../py/nlrsetjmp.c:35
0x4008e2e7: mp_raise_msg at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../py/runtime.c:1626
0x4008e418: mp_raise_ValueError at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../py/runtime.c:1674
0x400c7cf9: common_hal_displayio_display_set_root_group at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../shared-module/displayio/Display.c:410
0x400c7fdf: reset_display at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../shared-module/displayio/Display.c:440
0x400cac5d: reset_displays at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../shared-module/displayio/__init__.c:279
0x400a0cf7: cleanup_after_vm at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../main.c:323
0x400a10ad: run_code_py at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../main.c:475
0x400a14c5: main at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/../../main.c:1087
0x400a18b3: app_main at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/supervisor/port.c:544
0x40176990: main_task at /home/timc/repos/circuitpython/circuitpython/ports/espressif/esp-idf/components/freertos/port/port_common.c:141

I will try to narrow it further and see if I can figure out a fix.

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Neradoc commented Apr 5, 2023

Yep I get a hard crash when saving on the Monster M4sk, with the displays setup form the monster_mask library (which occasionally causes the file I'm editing to be corrupted).

You are in safe mode because:
CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!
NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.
Please file an issue with your program at
Press reset to exit safe mode.

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FoamyGuy commented Apr 5, 2023

I followed the backtrace a bit, and I think this actually is the same kind of issue as #7829 is addressing. The circuitpython_spash was being added after already being added to the first I think.

I'm not really sure why this one resulted in the hard crash though as the backtrace does flow through a line trying to raise the exception. It must be failing for some reason down the line.

I added a commit to that PR branch that addresses the issue. It's adding the same if statement previously added into the constructor into reset_display() function also.

Tested successfully with the Feather S2 TFT. Will try Monster M4sk next.

Worth noting something may still be wonky though because now I no longer hard crash but I do seem to see duplicated terminal outputs on the screen. First ctrl-C from running results in 3 duplicates stacked one on top of the other. The next ctrl-C to go to reply splits those 3 rows into 2 columns each to make 6 total copies visible.

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FoamyGuy commented Apr 5, 2023

I tried the latest version from that PR on a Monster M4sk and I do still get a hard fault. Slightly different wording I don't have "NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption."but rather "fault detected by hardware"

I did ctrl-C instead of saving a file though, that could factor in.

I'm not sure if it's possible or how to get hard crash traces out of the samd51 / Monster M4sk but if we could it might help work toward the solution.

Later on the week I'll try to probe a bit further on the feather S2 TFT setup to see if I can figure out the duplicated terminal outputs, and hopefully manage to find whatever hard fault the Monster M4sk is still seeing to get it resolved too.

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FoamyGuy commented Apr 8, 2023

@darianbjohnson if you have a moment please try the latest build from the S3 link for your project that this issue was originally made for.

I think that the specific hard crash you observed should be resolved after #7829, but I'm also still trying to work through further potential issues. It'd be helpful to know how your setup behaves on the current version.

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@FoamyGuy I’ll test it out… though I might need a few weeks to retest (heads down on another project that I need to resolve first)

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@FoamyGuy I wonder if issue #2204 (fixed by #7983) may be responsible for the hard faults here?

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Probably fixed by #7983. Re-test.

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7 participants