- Schedule: every Monday 10:30-11:00am PST/PDT (link in the calendar event)
- If Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held on the next non-holiday day.
- There is no company meeting held between December 25 and December 31. The first company meeting of the year is held on the first non-holiday Monday of the year.
- The link to the slides is posted in #general each Thursday before.
- We used to call this "team meeting", but now we call it "company meeting" because "team meeting" sounds like it's only for one specific team inside the company.
- #thanks (CEO)
- Introduce any new team members starting this week
- The manager of the team member presents a brief (~30-second) intro, stating the new team member's role, why we hired them, what their first project is, and a fun fact about them.
- Birthdays/anniversaries
- "Developers!"
- Inspiration of the week (message @dan to volunteer to present an inspiration)
- Hiring
- Sales and marketing
- Product and development updates
- Other announcements
- Also share these announcements in #general.
- Q&A (questions and answers about anything company-wide)