- Development Environment
- Languages and Frameworks
- Frontend Development
- Backend Development
- Infrastructure
- Development Practices
- Artificial Intelligence
- Learning Resources
- Zed - Next-generation code editor designed for high-performance collaboration with humans and AI.
A curated selection of programmer-focused fonts:
- IBM Plex Mono - IBM's open-source monospace font
- FiraCode - Popular coding font with ligatures
- MonoLisa - Premium coding font with ligatures
- Berkeley Mono - Modern monospace font
- Monaspace - Latest addition (2024)
- Hack - A typeface designed for source code
- Monoid - Open source coding font
- Maple Font - Coding-optimized font
- fnm - Fast Node.js version manager
- Arc Browser - Innovative web browser
- Bruno - Open-source alternative to Postman
- JSR - New package registry from Deno team
- State of JS 2024 - Annual JavaScript ecosystem survey
Resources for TypeScript development:
- TypeScript Coding Guidelines - Microsoft's internal guidelines
- React TypeScript Cheatsheet
Books and Learning Resources:
Tools and Libraries:
- type-fest - Collection of essential TypeScript types
- ts-pattern - Pattern matching for TypeScript
- Effect - Powerful TypeScript library for complex programming
Bun Ecosystem:
Next-Generation Tools:
- OXC - The JavaScript Oxidation Compiler
- Biome - Fast JavaScript toolchain (formerly Rome)
- Rspack - Fast JavaScript bundler
- Rolldown - Rust-based bundler for Vite
- Aurora Project - Chrome's initiative to improve React framework performance
- Million.js - Performance optimization tools
- Million Lint - VS Code plugin for performance optimization
General Purpose:
- Astro - Full-stack web framework
- Remix - Full-stack web framework
- SolidJS - Reactive JavaScript framework
- Svelte - Compiler as framework
- Ultra - Modern web framework
Development Tools:
- Vite - Next generation frontend tooling
- Vitest - Vite-native testing framework
- Waku - Lightweight RSC framework
Opinionated Stacks:
- TanStack - SPA-focused stack by Tanner Linsley
- Epic Stack - Full-stack starter by Kent C. Dodds
Official Updates:
Server Components:
- RSC Overview
- RSC Discussion - With Ryan Carniato, Tanner Linsley, & Ben Holmes
Complete Systems:
- shadcn/ui - Tailwind-based component collection
- Origin UI - Extensive collection of copy-and-paste components
- React Aria - Accessible component library
- Cloudscape - AWS open source design system
Specialized Components:
- Pragmatic Drag and Drop - Next-gen drag-and-drop library
- Blendy - Smooth element transitions
Typography and Fonts:
- Modern Font Stacks - System font combinations
- The Good Line Height - Typography tool
- Oklab Color Space - Perceptual color space design
- Cinematic Color - Color science for visual effects
CSS Tools:
- Panda CSS - CSS-in-JS with compile-time optimizations
- DOM Events Guide - Interactive DOM event visualization
- UI Labs - UI pattern experiments
- Observable - Interactive data visualization platform
- AG Grid - Enterprise-grade data grid
Key Discussions:
- PartyKit - Open-source multiplayer framework
- CRDT Resources - Comprehensive CRDT documentation
- CRDT Algorithms - Visual CRDT explanations
- Figma DB Scaling - Database architecture at scale
General Purpose:
- Astro DB - Database for Astro applications
- MotherDuck - Managed DuckDB in the cloud
- OrioleDB - Next-gen PostgreSQL storage engine
Query Languages:
- PRQL - Modern SQL alternative
- Google Pipe Syntax - SQL improvement proposal
Data Versioning:
- DoltHub - Git for data
- DVC - Git for data science
- TerminusDB - Git-like database
- PowerSync - Offline-first sync
- ElectricSQL - Local-first PostgreSQL
- Replicache - Local-first framework
- ZeroSync - Sync infrastructure
Articles and Guides:
- The True Purpose of Testing - By Artem Zakharchenko
- The Golden Rule of Assertions
- Common RTL Mistakes
Exemplary Documentation:
Style Guides:
Agile and Estimation:
- Atlassian Agile Guide
- No Estimates - By Allen Holub
- Story Points
Task Management:
- Todo.txt - Simple text-based task management
- Todo+ VSCode Extension
- Netflix Culture
- Google Platforms Rant - Including "Bezos Mandate"
- Grug Brained Developer - Software development philosophy
- Worse is Better
Development Tools:
- GPT Engineer
- Aider - AI pair programming
- NotebookLM - Google's research assistant
Educational Resources:
- Model Context Protocol - Anthropic's standard for AI integration
- Structured Outputs - ChatGPT API feature
Technical Blogs:
- Josh Comeau - Frontend development
- Marc Brooker - AWS and distributed systems
- Martin Fowler - Software architecture
- Dan Abramov - React and JavaScript
- Shawn Wang - Web development
- Build UI - Modern UI development
- Next.js Authentication - By Lee Robinson
- Mastering Postgres - Database course
Note: This document is actively maintained. Last updated: December 2024