- Requires Ruby 3, PublicSuffix 4, and Addressable 2.8 or greater.
- Compatibility with PublicSuffix version 3. Compatibility with less than version 3 will be dropped in 1.0.
- Updated README.md
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Only tag errors that inherit from StandardError
- Deprecate UrlParser.new, is now UrlParser.parse
- Added UrlParser::URI#ipv4 and UrlParser::URI#ipv6 to return the actual values, if applicable
- Added gem_config for configurable library settings :embedded_params, :default_scheme, and :scheme_map, see README.md for usage
- Add UrlParser module functions .parse, .unembed, .normalize, .canonicalize, and .clean
- Add UrlParser::Domain to handle domain name validations
- Add UrlParser .escape and .unescape to encode and decode strings
- Add UrlParser::Parser class for unescaping, parsing, unembedding, canonicalization, normalization, and hashing URI strings
- Add UrlParser::URI#naked_hostname to return the entire hostname without any ww? prefix
- Refactored UrlParser::URI and UrlParser::Parser classes, see README.md for updated usage
- Added 'addressable' to gemspec
- Remove 'naught' gem dependency
- Remove 'activemodel' gem dependency
- Remove 'activesupport' gem dependency
- Remove 'postrank-uri' gem dependency