have: 核心词义是“过去到现在”,适用于询问“是否曾经…、是否持续…”。will: 核心词义是“意愿”,适用于询问“是否愿意…”。can: 核心词义是“能力”,适用于询问“是否有能力…、是否可以…”。
◎【How】核心词义是“怎么样的”,适用于询问“状态、方法、程度…”状态:How are you today?(你今天好吗?)方法:How do you get to work?(你通常如何上班?)程度:How much is the total?(总共多少钱?)
◎【Be动词】核心词义是“是否”,适用于询问“是否为…、是否处于…”是否为某人:Are you Miss Liu?(你是刘小姐吗?)是否处于某情绪:Are you nervous?(你是否紧张?=你是否处于紧张状态?)
◎【Do】核心词义是“通常是否会做”,适用于询问“是否总是、喜欢、认为…”是否经常:Do you often dine out?(你是否经常外出就餐?)是否喜欢:Do you like fast food?(你是否喜欢快餐?)
你家人好吗? How is your family?你丈夫好吗? How is your husband?你的狗好吗? How is your dog?一切都好吗? How is everything?你身体好吗? How is your health?
最常用的问候语是“How are you?”和“How are you today?”。而回答时,除了要说自己的状态如何,还要再反问对方才有礼貌。例如:●Great! Thanks. How are you?(很好!谢谢。你好吗?)●Not bad. How about you?(不错。那你呢?)
●“How did you+动词原形”适用于询问对方“过去如何做某事”“过去选用何种工具做某事”“过去采取何种方法做某事”。●句中所描述的“事”,一定是“过去曾经发生的事件”。过去如何认识•求婚你们如何认识对方的? How did you meet each other?你如何认识你太太的? How did you meet your wife?你如何向你太太求婚的? How did you propose to your wife?你和朋友大多如何认识的? How did you meet most of your friends?
询问【人】,要用“How did you...?”(你<们>过去如何做某事?)询问【事】,则用“How did it...?”(某事过去如何…?)例如:●A:How did it become like this?(事情怎么会变成这样?) B:I don't know either.(我也不知道。)
我该如何订购? How do I make an order?我该如何预订书籍? How do I reserve a book?
我该如何联络你(们)? How do I contact you?
你们家有多少人? How many people are there in your family?你们公司有多少人? How many people are there in your company?
●“How many+名词+have you+过去分词”适用于询问对方“从过去到现在,已经…的人数、物品数量、时间有多少”。●“have you+过去分词”是现在完成时的时态,表示“从过去到现在,某事件的结果、经验”。单位数量你瘦了几千克? How many kilograms have you lost?你胖了几千克? How many kilograms have you gained?
你去过的国家有几个? How many countries have you been to?你做过的工作有几个? How many jobs have you had?
【现在完成时】How many kilograms have you lost?(你从过去到现在瘦了几千克?→过去到现在的这段时间<可能陆续瘦了数次>一共瘦了几千克)
这个多少钱? How much is this?总共多少钱? How much is the total?你一个月的房租多少钱? How much is your rent each month?
这些总共多少钱? How much are these in total?这些配菜多少钱? How much are these side dishes?这两件总共多少钱? How much are these two pieces together?
你有多喜欢这份工作? How much do you like this job?
你对我们公司了解多少? How much do you know about our company?
你体重多重? How much do you weigh?
11 询问:你“通常花多长时间”做某事How much time do you spend+做某事(动名词)
你每天花多长时间运动? How much time do you spend exercising every day?
“How much time do you spend on+名词?”也是用来询问“你通常花多少时间做某事”,只是spend后面不是动名词,而是接介词on之后,再加名词。例如:●How much time do you spend on Facebook?(你通常花多长时间上脸书?)●How much time do you spend on the Internet?(你通常花多长时间上网?)
你姐姐大你多少岁? How much older than you is your sister?你男友大你多少岁? How much older than you is your boyfriend?
你通常多久联络1次父母? How often do you contact your parents?你和朋友通常多久见1次面? How often do you meet your friends?
●A:How often do you get a haircut?(你多久剪1次头发?)B:I get a haircut about once every three months.(我大约3个月剪1次头发。)
它几岁? How old is it?你的狗几岁? How old is your dog?
“How old were you when...?”:做某事的当时你是几岁询问“做某事的当时你是几岁”,要用“How old were you when+从句?”句型。因为所做的某事是“发生在过去的某时间点”,所以“when从句”中的动词必须是“动词过去式”。例如:●How old were you when you moved here?(你搬家到这里时,是几岁?)
表演时间有多久? How long is the show?考试时间有多久? How long is the exam?你们交往多久? How long is your relationship?
你们公司午休时间多久? How long is your company's lunchtime?
你打算冷战多久? How long do you plan to have this cold war?你打算等多久? How long do you plan on waiting for?你打算在咖啡店坐多久? How long do you plan on sitting in the coffee shop?
●How long ago did you learn French?(你多久以前学法语的?)●How long ago did he arrive?(他多久以前到达的?)●How long ago did she start her business?(她多久以前创业的?)
你在这里多久了? How long have you been here?你在中国多久了? How long have you been in China?你住这里多久了? How long have you lived here?
你的狗养多久了? How long have you had your dog?
那张桌子多宽? How wide is that desk?那条路多宽? How wide is the road?
●How long and how wide is this room?(这个房间的长宽是多少?)
你多高? How tall are you?你女朋友多高? How tall is your girlfriend?
泰山有多高? How tall is the Mount Tai?这栋建筑物多高? How tall is this building?这座塔多高? How tall is the tower?
从你家到学校有多远? How far is your house from school?从你家到办公室有多远? How far is your house from the office?
从这里到那里有多远? How far is it from here?
你怎么看起来不太好? How come you don't look so well?她怎么不在这里? How come she is not here?
A:I've made up my mind to change my job.(我决定换工作。) B:How come? Is there anything wrong with you?(怎么会?哪里有问题吗?)
●“How about+动名词”适用于向对方“提出自己的建议”“提出邀请”。●此种表达主要用于美式英语,而且是“较不正式、口语”的问法。●“How about”后面的动名词经常会省略不说,只说动名词后面的名词、时间副词等。请参考下面例句。建议喝点咖啡如何? How about(having)some coffee?来份牛排如何? How about(having)some steak?
星期一(见面)如何? How about(meeting)on Monday?5点(见面)如何? How about(meeting)at five o'clock?邀请一起去逛街如何? How about going shopping together?
●That's a good idea!(好啊!)●That would be fine.(好啊。)●No problem.(没问题。)
你和女友间的问题是什么? What is the problem between you and your girlfriend?今天的汇率是多少? What is the exchange rate for today?明天的降雨概率是多少? What is the chance of rain tomorrow?
●What makes you sad?(什么会让你悲伤?) * 句子是一般现在时,What属于“单数”,所以动词词尾要加“s”。●What happened to you?(什么发生在你身上了?) * 句子是一般过去时,直接用“动词过去式”。
你的电话是什么? What is your phone number?职业、梦想你的职业是什么? What is your occupation?你的梦想是什么? What are your dreams?
:I am a Leo.(我是狮子座。)I
你午餐通常都吃什么? What do you usually have for lunch?你通常都喝什么? What do you usually drink?
你通常都上网做什么? What do you do when you go online?你休闲时通常都做什么? What do you do in your leisure time?
“What did you+动词原形?”可用来表示“你在过去的某时间点做了什么”。例如:●What did you do today?(你今天做了什么?)●What did you have for lunch?(你午餐吃了什么?)
你对这个的看法是什么? What do you think about this?你对这个主意的看法是什么? What do you think about this idea?你对成果的看法是什么? What do you think of the result?
●“What+名词+do you like”适用于询问“在这一类之中,你喜欢的是什么”。●句子中的名词是“较广泛的分类”,如动物、颜色、运动等。●因为对方喜欢的可能不只“一个”,因此问句的名词通常用“复数形”。动物 、 颜色季节你喜欢什么动物? What animals do you like?你喜欢什么颜色? What colors do you like?你喜欢什么季节? What seasons do you like?
你喜欢什么歌曲? What songs do you like?你喜欢什么电视节目? What TV shows do you like?你喜欢什么运动? What sports do you like?
“What drink do you want to order?”→你要点什么饮料
你在什么公司上班? What company do you work for?
●What plans have you made recently?(你最近做了什么计划?)●What problems have you encountered recently?(你最近遇到了什么困难?)
你是什么类型的父母? What kind of a parent are you?
●What kind of personisyour supervisor?(你的主管是什么类型的人?)●What kind of peopleareyour roommates?(你的室友们是什么类型的人?)
“What kind of food do you like?”→你喜欢什么类型的食物?
喜欢什么类型的食物? What kind of food do you like?你喜欢什么类型的比萨? What kind of pizza do you like?你喜欢什么类型的音乐? What kind of music do you like?你偏爱什么类型的电影? What kind of movies do you prefer?
●除了time询问“几点”,what也可以和其他表示时间的词汇连用,例如: What year…(哪一年)、What month…(哪一月)、What day…(哪一天)
现在几点? What time is it?会议是几点? What time is the meeting?第一班公交车几点? What time is the first bus?
●What day is today?(今天是星期几?)●What date is today?(今天是几号?)
通常几点起床? What time do you usually wake up?你通常几点睡觉? What time do you usually go to sleep?你通常几点吃早餐? What time do you usually have breakfast?你通常几点回到家? What time do you usually get home?
你通常几点到公司? What time do you arrive at the office?你通常几点下课? What time do you get out of school?
●I wake up ataround7 AM.(我都大约7点起床。)●I usually get home ataround10:00 at night.(我通常晚上10点左右回家。)
数人之中)哪一位是王先生? Which one is Mr. Wang?事物(数个之中)哪一个是我的? Which one is mine?(数个之中)哪一个是你的? Which one is yours?
“Which+名词+have you+过去分词?”询问“在多个选项里,哪些…是你已经/曾经…的”。要注意此句型Which后面的名词必须使用“复数形”。例如:●Which bookshave you read?(<某些书之中>哪些书你已经看过?)●Which countrieshave you been to?(<某些国家之中>哪些国家你已经去过?)
哪一条路比较近? Which road is quicker?哪一个地铁站靠近那里? Which subway station is close to there?
●Which company do you work for?(你在哪一家公司上班?)●Which political party do you support?(你支持哪一个政党?)●Which department do you belong to?(你隶属于哪一个部门?)
他是谁? Who is he?那边那个年轻人是谁? Who is that young person?
这里的负责人是谁? Who is the person in charge here?你的主管是谁? Who is your supervisor?
是谁负责这件事? Who is in charge of this?
(当时)是谁说的? Who said that?(当时)是谁告诉你的? Who told you?(当时)是谁犯了这个错? Who made the mistake?(当时)是谁和你一起来的? Who came with you?
place的基本意义是“位置”。可以延伸表示“在竞赛过程中的位置、竞赛结果的位置”,中文常翻译为“竞赛的排名、名次”。常见的名次说法有:●first place(第一名)●second place(第二名)●third place(第三名)●last place(最后一名)
谁能帮我? Who can help me?谁能教我? Who can teach me?谁能告诉我? Who can tell me?谁能给我一些意见? Who can give me some advice?谁能帮我决定? Who can help me make the decision?
谁能解释这个? Who can explain this?谁能解决这个问题? Who can solve this problem?
上面例句中的some advice(一些意见)明明是“复数”,为什么advice没有使用复数形?那是因为advice(意见、建议)是“不可数名词”。英语的“不可数名词”没有复数形,也无法计算确切数量。但是,可以用“数量形容词”来修饰。以下是“数量形容词”的分类和举例。●【只能修饰可数名词】:many(很多)、few(一些些)●【只能修饰不可数名词】:much(很多)、little(一些些)●【可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词】:a lot of(很多)、some(一些)
是谁正在放音乐? Who is playing the music?是谁正在弹钢琴? Who is playing the piano?是谁正在弹吉他? Who is playing the guitar?居家生活是谁正在上洗手间? Who is using the bathroom?
●bathroom:洗手间(此词在英式英语指“盥洗室”,可能附有马桶)●restroom:公共场所的洗手间●men's room:公共场所的男性洗手间●ladies' room:公共场所的女性洗手间
你的生日是什么时候? When is your birthday?我的预产期是什么时候? When is my due date?你的航班是什么时候? When is your flight?什么时候最方便联络你? When is the best time to contact you?
期末考是什么时候? When is the final exam?下次选举是什么时候? When is the next election?
你通常什么时候运动? When do you exercise?你通常什么时候去看牙医? When do you go to the dentist?你通常什么时候去买生活杂货? When do you usually go grocery shopping?
●family union(集结众多家庭成员的家族聚会)●class union(班级同学会)●high school union(高中同学会)
你计划什么时候结婚? When do you plan to get married?你计划什么时候生小孩? When do you plan to have a child?你计划什么时候退休? When do you plan to retire?
你计划什么时候出发? When do you plan to leave?你计划什么时候搬出去? When do you plan to move out?
【plan作动词】:计划做…有两种接续方式:(1)plan to+【动词原形】;(2)plan on+【动词-ing】。两者的用法和意义都相同,差别只在于后面所接的“动词形态”。●When do you plan toget married?=When do you plan ongetting married?【plan作名词】:计划●The plan is in motion.(这项计划正在进行中。)
他什么时候打电话来的? When did he call?她什么时候搬家的? When did she move?
天气什么时候会放晴? When will it clear up?飞机什么时候会到上海? When will the plane arrive in Shanghai?他什么时候会回来? When will he be back?
你什么时候要回中国? When will you come back to China?你什么时候会给我回复? When will you give me an answer?你什么时候要完成这项任务? When will you finish this task?
arrive in和arrive at的意思都是“抵达某地点”,但是两者有不同的适用情况。●arrive in+【大范围的地点】,如城市、国家。●arrive at+【小范围的地点】,如车站、机场、学校、公司。上面例句的“Shanghai”属于大范围的地点,所以用“arrive in Shanghai”
Where is the Lost and Found?失物招领处在哪里?
你的家乡在哪里? Where is your hometown?交通请问你的目的地是哪里? Where is your destination,please?
●Over there beside the counter.(在那里,柜台旁边。)●Go straight and turn right at the second traffic light.
你在哪里? Where are you?我们现在在哪里? Where are we now?
我的钱包在哪里? Where is my wallet?我的电话在哪里? Where is my phone?我的钥匙在哪里? Where is my key?
(1)【已经知道对方国籍和自己相同时】 “Where are you from?”用来询问“你居住在哪里(哪个城市)?”(2)【当客户或厂商来访自己公司时】 “Where are you from?”用来询问“你是哪一家公司的?”
你目前居住在哪里? Where do you live?通常在哪里你通常去哪里旅行? Where do you usually go traveling?你通常在哪里度假? Where do you spend your holidays?
“Where do you come from?”和前一单元介绍的“Where are you from?”一样是询问“你来自哪里?/你来自哪个国家?/你是哪里人?
你去了哪里度假? Where did you go on vacation?
你把车子停在哪里了? Where did you park your car?你在哪里学英语的? Where did you learn English?你在哪里买这个的? Where did you buy this?
你为什么那么开心? Why are you so happy?你为什么那么生气? Why are you so mad?你为什么没信心? Why are you unconfident?你为什么那么紧张? Why are you so nervous?你为什么那么粗心? Why are you so careless?
●A:Why are you so careless?(你怎么那么不小心?) B:Sorry. I didn't mean it at all.(对不起,我不是故意的。)
你为什么要减肥? Why do you want to lose weight?你为什么爱她? Why do you love her?你为什么要犹豫? Why do you hesitate?你为什么把自己搞成这样? Why do you torture yourself like this?
中国人为什么喜欢去日本旅游? Why do Chinese people like to take trips to Japan?现在为什么愈来愈多年轻人自杀? Why do more young people nowadays commit suicide?
“Why can't+某人+动词原形?”用来询问“为什么某人无法做某事”。例如:●Why can't I return this item?(为什么我无法退货?)●Why can't I understand?(为什么我无法理解?)
(当时)你为什么不理我? Why did you ignore me?(当时)你为什么突然落泪? Why did you cry all of a sudden?你为什么今天来了这里? Why did you come here today?
(当时)你为什么做这个决定? Why did you make this decision?(当时)你为什么离职? Why did you leave your job?(当时)你为什么被开除? Why did you get fired?
【Why did you...?】:用于询问“你过去为什么做了某件事”。【Why didn't you...?】:用于询问“你过去为什么没有做某件被预期会做的事”。例如:●Why didn't you contact me?(你为什么没有联络我?)
你为什么(通常)不喜欢笑? Why don't you like to smile?你为什么(现在)一句话都不说? Why don't you say anything?
你怎么不试试看? Why don't you give it a try?你怎么不休息一下? Why don't you take a break?你怎么不请假? Why don't you take a leave?你怎么不再考虑一下? Why don't you think about it some more?你怎么不找个地方坐? Why don't you find a place to sit down?
●A:Why don't you want to buy it?(你为什么不想买?)B:Because[插图]too expensive.(因为太贵了。)
●be动词可用来询问“是否为…”。●“Are you+名词”适用于询问对方“是否为某人”“是否为具有某种特质的人”。这是询问“某人的身份、特质”时经常使用的句型。有某种特质的人你是吃素的人吗? Are you a vegetarian?你是工作狂吗? Are you a workaholic?你是挑食的人吗? Are you a picky eater?你是严格的经理人吗? Are you a strict manager?
你是否不开心? Are you unhappy?你是否感到沮丧? Are you discouraged?你是否真的生气了? Are you really angry?
你是否感到惊讶? Are you surprised?你是否感到紧张? Are you nervous?
你是否单身? Are you single?你是否结婚了? Are you married?生理状态你是否吃饱了? Are you full?你是否清醒了? Are you awake?你是否会冷? Are you cold?忙碌、空闲你现在是否有空? Are you free right now?你今天是否很忙? Are you busy today?
●Are you used to the weather in Beijing?(你是否习惯北京的天气?)●Are you used to being along?(你是否习惯独处?)●Are you used to enjoying spicy food?(你是否习惯吃辣?)
你现在是在考验我吗? Are you testing me?目前正在…你目前正在找工作吗? Are you looking for a job?你目前正在学日语吗? Are you studying Japanese?你目前正在准备留学吗? Are you preparing to study abroad?
●Are you encountering some difficulties?(你目前遇到什么困难了吗?)(2)【目前是否正转变为某状态】:Are you getting+形容词?●Are you getting better now?(你目前变得好点了吗?)
是否有问题? Is there a problem?是否有打折? Is there any discount?是否有手续费? Is there a service charge?
是否有很多食物你不吃? Is there much you won't eat?(.that you won't eat的that省略)这段期间是否发生任何事? Is there anything that has happened?( that可以省略)
●Are there any hot spots around the subway?(地铁附近是否有热门景点?)
你是否有喜欢的人? Is there anyone you love?你是否有心仪的对象? Is there someone you are interested in?是否有人能帮我? Is there anyone who can help me?是否有人会说中文? Is there anyone who speaks Chinese?这里是否有你认识的人? Is there anyone you know here?
你的电话是1234-1234吗? Is your phone number 1234-1234?
你的工作是否有趣? Is your job interesting?你的工作是否有挑战性? Is your job challenging?
●Is yourfather healthy?(你的父亲是否身体健康?)●Is yourcolleague easy to get along with?(你的同事是否好相处?)
这是…吗这是对的吗? Is it right?这是真的吗? Is it true?这对你来说是否太难? Is it too difficult for you?这是你的行李吗? Is it your baggage?这是你的第二份工作吗? Is it your second job?
这是好消息还是坏消息? Is it good news or bad news?
“Is it really+名词/形容词?”是用really加强语气,表示“真的…吗”。例如:●Is itreally that good?(这是否真的那么好?)
60 询问:你是否“总是、经常做某事”Do you always/often/usually+做某事(动词原形)
你总是这么晚起床吗? Do you always get up so late?你说话都这么直接吗? Do you always speak this directly?
用so、such、this(这么…、如此…)修饰程度●【so+形容词】: Why are you sohappy?(你为什么这么开心?)●【such+名词】: How can you enjoy suchspicy food?(你怎么能吃如此辣的食物?)●【this+形容词/副词】: I can't handle a case thisbig.(我无法胜任这么大的项目。)
●“wish+从句”通常表示“很难实现的愿望、无法实现的愿望”,在英语里称这种用法为虚拟语气,必须使用动词过去式。因此,“Doyou wish+从句”中从句的动词必须使用过去式。
你是否希望看起来更年轻? Do you wish you looked younger?你是否想要…?你是否要和我们一起午餐? Do you want to join us for lunch?你是否要和我一起去散步? Do you want to go for a walk with me?你是否想要养宠物? Do you want to own a pet?
●Do you want an aisle seat or a window seat?(你要靠走道还是靠窗的座位?)
你是否有贷款? Do you have a loan?你是否有预约? Do you have a reservation?你是否有什么兴趣? Do you have any hobbies?
你是否有任何好建议? Do you have any good suggestions?对这件事你是否有任何想法? Do you have any opinion on this matter?本周日你是否有任何计划? Do you have any plans this Sunday?
你是否喜欢快餐? Do you like fast food?你是否喜欢你的工作? Do you like your job?你是否喜欢购物? Do you like shopping?你是否喜欢个性直率的女孩? Do you like forthright girls?
你会觉得太辣了吗? Do you think it is too spicy?你觉得这是好方法吗? Do you think that this is a good way?
因为助动词do的问句是问“是否…”,因此如果只想简单回答对方“Do you think...?”的问题,可以这样回答:●Yes,I do.(对,我是这么觉得。)●No,I don't think so.(不,我不这么觉得。)●Not sure.(我不确定。)
你是否担心小孩安危? Do you worry about your child's safety?你是否担心男友出轨? Do you worry that your boyfriend plays around?你是否担心他父母不喜欢你? Do you worry that his parents don't like you?担心自己…你是否担心退休没钱? Do you worry about having no money for retirement?你是否担心存不了钱? Do you worry that you can't save any money?你是否担心失去竞争力? Do you worry about losing your competitiveness?
play around是指“和别人乱搞男女关系”上面例句的play around是指“和老公、老婆或恋人以外的人有性关系”,中文常译为“出轨、外遇”。后面常接“with+某人”,意义为“和某人有不寻常的男女关系”。例如:●My wife has been playing around with her supervisor. (我太太和她的主管一直有不寻常的男女关系。)
你刚刚是否打了电话给我? Did you just call me?你今天是开车的吗? Did you drive today?你今天是否遇上了塞车? Did you get stuck in traffic today?
你当时吃晚餐了吗? Did you have your dinner?你今年是否有投票? Did you vote this year?
67 询问:“你的…”是否会做某件事Does your+某人做某件事(动词原形)
你妈妈是否会催你结婚? Does your mother urge you to get married?你丈夫是否会帮忙做家事? Does your husband help you with the household chores?你男友是否会给你压力? Does your boyfriend put you under pressure?
●under the influence of alcohol(处于酒醉的状态下)●under control(处于能够掌控的状态下;在掌控之中)
●“Have you+过去分词”适用于询问对方“从过去的某时开始到现在,是否已经做了某件应该要做的事”。●这种“完成时”的句型经常搭配yet、already来表示“已经”。 【yet】:用于疑问句,通常放在句尾。 Have you made your decision yet?(你是否已经决定好?) 【already】:用于肯定句,放在“助动词have/has之后、一般动词之前”。 I have already made my decision.(我已经决定好。)
你是否吃过了? Have you eaten?你是否看医生了? Have you gone to the doctor?
你是否通过试用期了? Have you made it through the trial period?
●“Have you+过去分词”适用于询问对方“从过去到现在,是否有做过某事的经验”“从过去到现在,是否曾经做过某事”。●此句型经常搭配ever来表示“曾经”,ever的位置请参考下面例句。旅行的经验你是否去过美国? Have you ever been to the U.S.?你是否去过韩国? Have you been to Korea?你是否曾经出国旅行? Have you ever travelled abroad?
回答“询问经验”的问句时,不能使用ever。例如:(O)●Yes,I have.(我有做过。)(O)●No,never.(从未做过。)(O)●No,I haven't.(我没做过。)
●“Have you+过去分词”适用于询问对方“从过去到现在,是否持续某种状态、持续某种情绪”。●表示某种状态、情绪时,经常会使用“be动词+形容词”。be动词的过去分词是been,因此此句型通常是“Have you been+形容词+…?”的形态。●经常搭配表示“最近”的时间副词,如lately、recently等。情绪、思考你最近是否一直很开心? Have you been happy recently?你最近心情好吗? Have you been in a good mood lately?
你最近是否一直很忙? Have you been busy recently?你最近是否一直很累? Have you been very tired recently?
李先生是否打过电话找我? Has Mr. Lee called for me?桑迪是否帮我预约了? Has Sandy made a reservation for me?和我无关你姐姐是否找到工作了? Has your sister found a job?
●do the laundry(洗衣服)●do the household chores(做家务)
你是否愿意等我? Will you wait for me?你是否愿意帮我? Will you give me a hand?你是否愿意将它借给我? Will you lend it to me?感情相关你是否愿意当我的女朋友? Will you be my girlfriend?你是否愿意和我交往? Will you go with me?你是否愿意嫁给我? Will you marry me?
“Will there be+名词?”用来询问“将来是否会有…”。“there be...”是表示“有…”的句型。例如:●Will there be any chances for us to cooperate? (我们将来是否有机会合作?)●Will there be any side effects to taking the medicine? (吃这个药,将来是否会有副作用?)
你是否会好好爱惜它? Will you cherish it dearly?你是否会永远爱我? Will you love me forever?你今晚是否会打电话给我? Will you call me tonight?
你是否会去倒垃圾? Will you take out the trash?你是否会打扫你的房间? Will you clean your room?
●Will you promise not to do it again?(你保证不再犯吗?)●Will you promise not to tell a lie again?(你保证不再说谎吗?)●Will you promise not to have an affair again?(你保证不再搞外遇吗?)
你是否做得到? Can you do it?你是否会烧菜? Can you cook?
你是否可以马上发货给我? Can you make a delivery right now?你明天是否可以来宾馆接我? Can you pick me up at the hotel tomorrow?
●I'll pick you up at your place at 7:00.(我7点会过去接你。)●Will you pick me up from the airport?(你是否会从机场过来接我?)
你是否可以帮我处理这个? Can you help me with this?关于这件事,你是否可以帮我? Can you help meon this matter?
你是否可以帮我处理这个案子? Can you help me deal with this case?你是否可以帮我请病假? Can you help me ask for a sick leave?你是否可以帮我送她回家? Can you help me drive her home?你是否可以帮我打几个电话? Can you help me make some phone calls?
我是否可以刷信用卡? Can I pay by credit card?我是否可以试穿? Can I try on the clothes?
我是否可以留言? Can I leave a message?我是否可以明天回复你? Can I give you the answer tomorrow?参与、见面我是否可以加入你们? Can I join you?我明天是否可以见你? Can I see you tomorrow?
【表示同意】:No problem.(没问题。)/That's OK.(可以啊。)【表示不同意】:Well,I'm afraid not.(嗯…恐怕没办法。)
●“Could you+动词原形”适用于询问对方“是否可以请你帮我做某件事”。●“Could...?”的意思和“Can...?”相同,但是语气较有礼貌、较客气,因此,通常“Could...?”是对陌生人或不熟悉的人使用,而“Can...?”则是对朋友或家人使用。
是否可以请你转告他我打电话找他? Could you tell him I called,please?是否可以请你让他回我电话? Could you have him call me back?
因为“Could you...?”是向对方“请求、拜托”,因此后面经常搭配please。例如:●Could you please fill our water glasses?(是否可以请你帮我们加水?)●Could you please tell me your phone number?(是否可以请你留电话号码?)
我是否可以看一下这个? Could I take a look at this?
是否可以给我菜单? Could I have a menu,please?是否可以给我叉子? Could Ihave a fork,please?
●Could we have our dishes more quickly?(是否可以上菜快一点?)
你是否愿意帮我? Would you help me?你是否愿意嫁给我? Would you marry me?你是否愿意再说1次? Would you please say that again?你是否愿意帮我们拍照? Would you please take a picture of us?
你是否愿意看一下这份企划案? Would you take a look at this proposal?
●【Will you...?】:属于“有礼貌”的语气。 【Would you...?】:属于“非常有礼貌”的语气。
【Can you...?】:语气较“口语”。 【Could you...?】:语气较“有礼貌”。
你是否要喝咖啡? Would you like a cup of coffee?你是否要来些甜点? Would you like some dessert?
some是形容数量的形容词,常用来表示“一些”或“不确定的数量”,后面可以接“可数名词”或“不可数名词”。例如:●A:What would you like to drink?(请问你要喝什么?) B:I want some coffee.(我要来些咖啡。)
是否要和我吃午餐? Would you like to have lunch with me?你是否要喝点东西? Would you like to have something to drink?
你是否介意我关门? Would you mind if I closed the door?你是否介意我开窗? Would you mind if I opened the window?你是否介意我坐这里? Would you mind if I sat here?你是否介意我关空调? Would you mind if I turned off the air conditioner?
●No,not at all.(不,一点也不<介意>。)●Of course not.(当然不<介意>。)●Sure,no problem.(当然没问题。)表达【不同意】:要用“肯定句”,通常使用委婉的肯定句。●Actually,I would mind.(老实说,我会介意。)
●“May I have+名词”适用于询问对方“是否可以给我某物”,也是“请求对方”的常用句型。●此句型经常搭配please,写成“May I please have...?”或“May I have...,please?”。●此句型虽然是“问句”形式,但实际意义就等于中文的“请给我某物”,是一种“有礼貌的请求”。
是否可以给我菜单? May I have a menu?是否可以给我热咖啡? May I have a hot coffee?是否可以给我一杯水? May I have another cup of water?
●May I askyour name?(能请问您的姓名吗?)●May I aska question?(我方便提个问题吗?)
请问我可以为您服务吗? May I help you?请问我可以为您点餐了吗? May I take your order?
●A:May I take your order?(请问我可以为您点餐了吗?)B:Sure,I would like to order French fries.(可以,我要点薯条。)
I am not yet eighteen years old.
I am thirty-something years old.我30多岁。
What is your hometown [插图]?你的家乡以什么闻名?
I return to my hometown once a month.我每个月都回家乡一趟。
I have been living away from my hometownever since I was young.我从小就背井离乡。
I have a good temper.我脾气很好。
我喜欢尝试新事物。I like to try new things.
My hobby is listening to music.我的爱好是听音乐。
My manager says that I am very careful with details.主管说我很细心。
I got engaged last month.我上个月订婚了。
I really don't want to get married./I think it's freer to be alone.
I regret getting married./I think marriage is the death of love.
You cannot understand the pain of being a short person.Your height makes people jealous!
/You could be a model with your height.
I am very slim. 我很苗条。
I've got a tan.我晒黑了。
I have big,bright eyes.我有水汪汪的大眼睛。
My hair is naturally curly.
Can you teach me how to put on makeup?可以请你教我化妆吗?
am part of the 9-to-5 workforce.我是朝九晚五的上班族。
I've started my own business and am my own boss.我自己创业当老板。
I have tried my hand at various professions.我曾经做过很多不同的工作。
My work is very complicated.我的工作很复杂。
I have to introduce our clients to our new products.我必须向客户介绍新产品。
I am a workaholic.我是个工作狂。
I will finish my work in time.我会及时完成工作。
I always strive to improve my work effciency.我努力提高工作效率。
Why did you [插图] your job?你之前为什么离职?
I have been promoted. 我被升职了
我将被调派到总公司。/我将被派往海外。 I will be transferred to headquarters./I will be assigned abroad. 单词
service industry I want to work in the service industry. 我想从事服务业。
How much do you hope your  will be?
How much of  do you hope to receive? 你希望拿到多少年终奖金?
I wish I could leave work on time.我希望可以准时下班。
I hope to get a substantial year-end bonus. 我希望有丰厚的年终奖金。
我希望公司离家近。I wish my firm was close to my home.
I hope that I can maintain my figure forever.我希望永远保持身材。有小蛮腰
I plan to have my own business in five years.我计划5年后创业。
I intend to study abroad.我打算出国留学。
I invest in stocks.我投资股票。
I am used to getting up early.我习惯早起。
I frequently get insomnia.我经常失眠。
I usually dream while sleeping.我睡觉常做梦。
What do you usually do for exercise?你平常做什么运动?
在上海,便利店随处可见。Convenience stores are everywhere in Shanghai.很多便利店全年无休。Many convenience stores are open all year round.
I had lunch at the employee cafeteria.我在员工餐厅吃了午餐。
Have you had your dinner?你已经吃晚餐了吗?
Do you always have your dinner [插图] late?你总是这么晚吃晚餐吗?
I cook dinner myself.我自己下厨煮晚餐。
I have instant noodles for dinner sometimes.我有时候会吃方便面当晚餐。
I'm partial to cold drinks.我偏爱冷饮。
我每天喝一杯鲜榨果汁。I have a glass of fresh juice every day.
Can you[插图] food?你可以吃辣吗?
I prefer strong-flavored food.我比较喜欢重口味的食物。
I'm not fond of sour food.我不喜欢吃酸的食物。
All my colleagues are easy to get along with.我的同事都很好相处。
My colleagues are mostly male.我的同事以男性居多。
Why do you [插图] so [插图][插图]?你为什么最近看起来很累?
I have been very lucky recently.我最近很幸运。
I just moved.我刚搬家。
我的生活一成不变。My life is always the same.我最近过得普普通通,没什么特别的。I've been all right lately—nothing special.
I have been very depressed lately.我最近很沮丧。
I am trying to lose some weight.我正在减肥。
我正在考虑到海外发展。I am considering working overseas.
I'm so excited.我超兴奋的。
我玩到乐不思蜀。I had so much fun that I forgot to go back home.我完全把压力抛到九霄云外。I made myself completely forget about the pressure.
Is that true?那是真的吗?
That's really amazing.真是不可思议。
It's really touching.那真是感人。
I will not let you down.我不会让你失望。
I can handle that.我可以胜任这个。
I really want to hit someone.我真的很想打人。
Leave me alone.别来烦我。
I can't stand it anymore!我无法再忍受了!
It really breaks my heart.这真是让我心碎。
我的心好像被挖空了。My heart seems empty.我的心在淌血。My heart bleeds.
Have you[插图] you were wrong?你已经明白自己当时错了吗?
I am really regretful.我真的很后悔。
It's all my fault.这全都是我的错。
I wouldn't have done it if I had known.要是我早知道,我就不会这样做。
我是猪头。/怨不得人。I'm really a fool./It can't be blamed on anyone.后悔也来不及了。It's too late for regrets.
Do you often buy [插图]?你经常买名牌商品吗?
I trust the quality of name brands.我相信名牌的品质。
Getting enough sleep will help your skin glow.充足的睡眠有助于你的皮肤晶莹光滑。
没有丑女人,只有懒女人。There are no ugly women,only lazy ones.
女生都愿意在美容产品上花大钱。All girls are happy to spend a fortune on beauty products.
Many ads about weight loss are fake.很多减肥广告都是骗人的。
Much gossip is simply made up.很多八卦只是被人凭空捏造的。
There are many people who take the subway to work.很多人会乘地铁上班。
People's Square Station is the main transfer station.人民广场站是主要的换乘车站。
It's been particularly hot this summer.今年夏天持续着特别炎热的状态。
It's finally clearing up today!今天天气总算放晴了!
Public safety is getting worse and worse.治安变得越来越差了。
The police are looking into the robbery.警方正在调查这起抢劫案。
政府举办了失业劳工训练课程。The government has a training program for unemployed laborers.
失业后有人选择自行创业。Some people choose to start their own businesses after becoming unemployed.