Integrated Web Extensible Bundle (IWEB) JavaScript Extensible Modules (JEMs) provides a core view, client-side pub/sub, a server-side RabbitMQ connection as well as several common JavaScript modules.
mvn install
core :
- Server-side Mediator : The server-side Mediator automatically establishes a connection to RabbitMQ running on the localhost. It will listen on the "iweb.#" topic.
- Client-side Mediator : The client can subscribe to iweb topics using the client-side Mediator. The client-side Mediator establishes a websocket connection to the server-side Mediator
- EventManager : The messages are delivered to the Mediator.js which uses the EventManager.js to publish the message.
- Config : Builds the config for access on the front-end. NOTE: Any property beginning with "private" will not be posted to the client.
core-view : Provides a default web view
map : Provides an OpenStreet Map and Map Controller
draw-menu :
- Drawing Tools to enable map markup
- Application Tools including gathering Census and Weather information
Further documentation is available at nics-common/docs