- Gnosis - proposal payloads
🔧 📊 configuration update
This proposal increases liquidation threshold, LTV and debt ceiling of GNO asset on Aave-V3-Gnosis as part of observation done by Chaos Labs on GNO.
- proposalId: 88
- creator: 0x57ab7ee15ce5ecacb1ab84ee42d5a9d0d8112922
- accessLevel: 1
- ipfsHash: 0xc2ad821ca730c8e92d1c83412d94fb4b6daf1482662eafc88b055659a10ac52a
createProposal() parameters
"payloads": [
"chain": "100",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x9A1F491B86D09fC1484b5fab10041B189B60756b",
"payloadId": "16"
"votingPortal": "0x9b24C168d6A76b5459B1d47071a54962a4df36c3",
"ipfsHash": "0xc2ad821ca730c8e92d1c83412d94fb4b6daf1482662eafc88b055659a10ac52a"
Proposal report
Payload reports
We have verified that the payload increases the liquidation threshold, LTV and debt ceiling of GNO by the following parameters:
LTV: 45%
LT: 50%
Debt Ceiling: 2,000,000$
The proposal is consistent with the description on both Snapshot and the governance forum.
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ BGD reviewed the payload before the proposal was submitted.
✅ Certora reviewed the procedure followed to submit the proposal.