Ethereum - proposal payloads
Polygon - proposal payloads
Avalanche - proposal payloads
Optimism - proposal payloads
Arbitrum - proposal payloads
Metis - proposal payloads
Base - proposal payloads
Gnosis - proposal payloads
BNB - proposal payloads
Scroll(Price oracle sentinel) - proposal payloads
Scroll(Stata tokens) - proposal payloads
🤝 contract upgrade
This proposal is a batch of 2 proposals which are purely technical proposals to do minor improvements on two Aave v3’s periphery components:
The first one is the activision of the Price oracle sentinel on the Scroll chain.
The second one is fixing minor issues with the Static a token implementation.
- proposalId: 53
- creator: 0xf71fc92e2949ccf6a5fd369a0b402ba80bc61e02
- accessLevel: 1
- ipfsHash: 0x2343307e9056837bfd3567bebd4774a67802e74bd097574cdb85e93a294407a2
createProposal() parameters
"payloads": [
"chain": "1",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0xdAbad81aF85554E9ae636395611C58F7eC1aAEc5",
"payloadId": "83"
"chain": "137",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x401B5D0294E23637c18fcc38b1Bca814CDa2637C",
"payloadId": "42"
"chain": "43114",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x1140CB7CAfAcC745771C2Ea31e7B5C653c5d0B80",
"payloadId": "16"
"chain": "56",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0xE5EF2Dd06755A97e975f7E282f828224F2C3e627",
"payloadId": "6"
"chain": "8453",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x2DC219E716793fb4b21548C0f009Ba3Af753ab01",
"payloadId": "9"
"chain": "100",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x9A1F491B86D09fC1484b5fab10041B189B60756b",
"payloadId": "5"
"chain": "10",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x0E1a3Af1f9cC76A62eD31eDedca291E63632e7c4",
"payloadId": "18"
"chain": "42161",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x89644CA1bB8064760312AE4F03ea41b05dA3637C",
"payloadId": "16"
"chain": "1088",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x2233F8A66A728FBa6E1dC95570B25360D07D5524",
"payloadId": "7"
"chain": "534352",
"accessLevel": "1",
"payloadsController": "0x6b6B41c0f8C223715f712BE83ceC3c37bbfDC3fE",
"payloadId": "3"
"votingPortal": "0x9b24C168d6A76b5459B1d47071a54962a4df36c3",
"ipfsHash": "0x2343307e9056837bfd3567bebd4774a67802e74bd097574cdb85e93a294407a2"
Proposal report
Payload reports
Avalanche V3 -
Metis V3 - No seatbelt
Scroll V3 (Stata tokens) - No seatbelt
Scroll V3 (Price oracle sentinel) -
We have verified that the payload activates the Price oracle sentinel on the Scroll chain.
We have also verified that the payload upgrades the Static a token implementation of all stata tokens on the following chains: Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimism, Arbitrum, Metis, Base, Gnosis, BNB, Scroll and that the new implementation fixes the 2 following bugs:
For reserves without a supplyCap the maxMint function on the static aToken would revert.
The static-a-token is prone to permit griefing.
The proposal is consistent with the description on the governance forum.
✅ The code on the proposal payload corresponds to the proposal specification.
✅ The proposal includes a proper tests suite, checking all necessary post-conditions.
✅ BGD reviewed the payload before the proposal was submitted.
✅ Certora reviewed the procedure followed to submit the proposal.