Quarter | Feature | Status |
Q1 | Dependency upgrades, code cleanup, rework, and refactoring | Done |
Q2 | Create the new "book note" section | In progress |
Q3 | Automatically generate OG images for posts | Done |
Q4 | Content management features (ie markdown editing shortcuts) | Not started |
Quarter | Feature | Status |
Q1 | Framework and dependency upgrades | Done (PR) |
Q2 | Migrate posts from markdown files to database | Done (PR) |
Q3 | Improve post search experience | Done (1, 2, 3, 4) |
Q4 | Add pagination to posts page | Done (PR) |
Quarter | Feature | Status |
Q1 | Implement dark mode. | Done (PR) |
Q2 | Share directly to Twitter from a blog post. | Done (PR) |
Q2 | TypeScript Migration | Done (PR) |
Q3 | React to posts with emojis. | Done (PR) |
Q4 | Search blog posts based on tag, title, and content. | Done (PR) |
- Find me on Bluesky
- Staying Productive with a Work Log
- Trimming Video with FFmpeg
- Find and Replace in Neovim
- A Reminder of Why I Started This Blog
- npm and Semantic Versioning
- Reviewing 2023 and Previewing 2024
- Introduction to HTTP Live Streaming
- Using Git's Reflog to Recover Data
- Looking for Solutions Instead of Problems
- Battling Burnout
- Book Review: Engineering Management for the Rest of Us
- Leading with Trust
- Q3 Roadmap Feature: Search Improvements
- Understanding Thread-Safety in .NET
- Engineer to Manager: Initial Thoughts
- Developing A Growth Mindset
- A Closer Look at C# Extension Methods
- Managing "Dark Matter Time"
- Podcasts Lineup 2023
- How to Use SemaphoreSlim in C#
- Monocode: A font for code
- Using Binaural Beats to Improve Focus
- Is it Time to Lean into AI?
- Connecting to CockroachDB with Postgres.js
- Exploring Differences Between CommonJS and ES Modules
- The Anatomy of an FFmpeg Command
- Running FFmpeg in the Browser with Wasm
- My Case for Conventional Comments
- Collections in .NET Through the Lens of Big O Notation
- Looking Back at 2022 and Ahead to 2023
- Why I Decided to Give Up Social Media
- Defining and Using Enums as Bit Flags in C#
- Rest is Best When Done Intentionally
- Some Thoughts on Specialization
- Debugging C# in Neovim with nvim-dap
- GitHub Has Our Back With Token Security
- Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
- Learning Vim Keycode Concepts
- Enabling Roslyn EditorConfig Support in Neovim
- Generating Random Quotes via CLI
- Debugging .NET in VS Code
- VS Code Setup for .NET Development
- Introduction to Cancellation in .NET
- Announcing the Ability to Like Posts
- My Software Development Podcast Lineup (2022)
- Effective Data Fetching with React and SWR
- Reflections on Time Management
- Representing Logic Gates as Boolean Functions
- Merging Objects in TypeScript (and JavaScript)
- Scaffolding XML Comments with Extended Properties in EF Core 6
- Creating a Daily Init Script
- Working with Related Data in EF Core 6
- Writing C# in Neovim
- Function Overloading in TypeScript
- When to Use React.useRef
- Learning TypeScript: Utility Types
- Learning TypeScript: Literal Types
- Reasons to Use C# Record Types
- What is SQL Index Fragmentation?
- Learning TypeScript: Conditional Types
- Learning TypeScript: Narrowing Types
- Working With JSON in Postgres 14
- Learning T-SQL Window Functions
- Know Your Tools: Oh My Zsh and Git
- What I've Learned in a Year of Blogging
- Learning When to Cut the Thread
- Working With Null in C#
- Formatting C# Code with EditorConfig
- Running SQL Server on Linux with Docker
- Introduction to HTTP OPTIONS Method
- Rebase Git Branches Interactively
- How to Use C#'s Parallel.ForEach
- How To Uninstall tSQLt From SQL Server
- Parsing Image Metadata with C# and ImageSharp
- Scraping HTML with Selenium and C#
- Introduction to SQL Indexes
- How Podcasts Helped Me Grow as a Developer
- Asynchronous C#: Below the Surface
- Using Async and Await in C#
- Asynchronous Programming in C# - Part 1
- Creating Your Own Framework for Learning
- Selenian. A Minimal Dark Theme for Visual Studio Code.
- Updating JSON Data in PostgreSQL
- Querying JSON Data in PostgreSQL
- EF Core and Client Evaluation
- Behind the Scenes of Making my Blog
- JWTs: A Peek Under the Hood
- Hello World