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tacc_stats Documentation {#mainpage}


R. Todd Evans ( Bill Barth (


The tacc_stats package provides the tools to monitor resource usage of HPC systems at multiple levels of resolution.

The package is organized into four heirarchical modules. The core of the package is the monitor module. This module collects data from the compute nodes. It produces raw text files that may then be processed by the pickler module. The pickler module processes the raw node-level text files into a single binary Python pickle file for each job. The pickle files may then be tested and plotted by the analysis module. Finally, the site module ingests data from the pickle files and analysis module's tests into a database that may be queried using a web interface. Additional details for each module follow:

  1. monitor is an automatic node-level system monitor that collects resource usage data from hardware performance counters and the /sys and /proc filesystems. It currently can be configured to operate in two distinct modes. The first mode is driven by cron and relies on copies over the shared file-system to aggregate data. The second mode operates as a daemon and is controlled by the /etc/init.d/taccstats script. Both versions require a signal at the start and end of each job. This is accomplished at TACC using the prolog and epilog scripts that are run by the job scheduler at the start and end of each job.

  2. pickler is a Python module that processes the node-level data into job-level pickled Python dictionaries. It attempts to clean the data by handling counter overflow and standarding units of measurement. It also translates chip event codes (in hex) to human readable event names.

  3. analysis is a Python module that performs tests, computes metrics, and can generate plots for jobs or groups of jobs.

  4. site is a Python module built on Django that builds a database and website that allows exploration and visualization of data at the job, user, project, application, and/or system level. It interfaces with a Postgres Database and optionally an XALT Database ( Tests are automatically applied daily to all jobs. These tests attempt to identify jobs that were distressed or performing in a sub-optimal manner. Plots are also generated on the fly to represent data at several levels.

Code Access

To get access to the tacc_stats source code clone this repository:

git clone

Building tacc_stats

monitor module

The monitor module is built and installed as an rpm generated by the Python distutils package. The rpm installs a C executable that runs at regular intervals on each compute node. A few modification to the job scheduler will also be necessary. Steps for building the executable and modifying the job scheduler follow:

  1. Clone the repository enter the top-level directory and open the site.cfg file. This file is used to configure the module. There are two modes available to build and run the module. They are specified in site.cfg as follows
  • CRON set MODE and RMQ fields to MODE = CRON and RMQ = False

    The CRON mode rpm will install an executable (/opt/tacc_stats/tacc_stats) and install a crontab file (/etc/crond.d/tacc_stats) that runs the executable every ten minutes. The data is saved locally to the node. Every 24 hours the data is copied over the shared file-system to a central location using the script /opt/tacc_stats/ which is also installed by the rpm.

  • DAEMON set the MODE and RMQ fields to MODE = DAEMON and RMQ = True

    The DAEMON mode rpm will install an executable (/opt/tacc_statsd/tacc_statsd) and install a control script (/etc/init.d/taccstats). This mode is dependent on the libraries



    These libraries should be installed in the locations specified under the build_ext section. If they end up in a different location then change those fields accordingly. The frequency in seconds of sample collection for the DAEMON mode is set by FREQUENCY = 600. The daemon sends the data immediately to the RabbitMQ server running on the host specified by the SERVER field.

Someday the capability to mix and match modes will be available but we aren't there yet. Finally, set the SITE_CFG field to a file in the cfg/ directory.

  1. The file you create in the cfg directory will set site specific paths and architecture specific devices to collect data from. There are examples of several systems in this directory already. The meaning of every field in the [PATH] section is specified here:


    stats_dir The directory local to the compute node that tacc_stats writes to in CRON mode.

    stats_lock The file that tacc_stats uses to lock and ensure only a single instance of the executable is running on a node.

    jobid_file The file that contains the Job ID of the currently monitored job

    tacc_stats_home The directory in which will copy data to in CRON mode

    acct_path The accounting file generated by the job scheduler

    host_list_dir The directory than contains each job's host list generated by the job scheduler

    batch_system Job scheduler used: SLURM or SGE are currently supported

    host_name_ext The extension that appended to the hostnames results in a FQDN.

    pickles_dir The directory the pickles files will be stored to and read from.

    The [TYPES] section configures what type of devices are collected and are described here:

    amd64_pmc AMD Opteron performance counters (per core)

    intel_hsw Intel Haswell Processor (HSW) (per core)

    intel_hsw_ht Intel Haswell Processor - Hyper-threaded (per logical core)

    intel_nhm Intel Nehalem Processor (NHM) (per core)

    intel_uncore Westmere Uncore (WTM) (per socket)

    intel_snb Intel Sandy Brige (SNB) or Ivy Bridge (IVB) Processor (per core)

    intel_snb(hsw)_cbo Caching Agent (CBo) for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    intel_snb(hsw)_pcu Power Control Unit for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    intel_snb(hsw)_imc Integrated Memory Controller for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    intel_snb(hsw)_qpi QPI Link Layer for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    intel_snb(hsw)_hau Home Agent Unit for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    intel_snb(hsw)_r2pci Ring to PCIe Agent for SNB (HSW) (per socket)

    ib Infiniband usage

    ib_sw InfiniBand usage

    ib_ext Infiniband usage

    llite Lustre filesystem usage (per mount),

    lnet Lustre network usage

    mdc Lustre network usage

    mic MIC scheduler account (per hardware thread)

    osc Lustre filesystem usage

    block block device statistics (per device)

    cpu scheduler accounting (per CPU)

    mem memory usage (per socket)

    net network device usage (per device)

    nfs NFS system usage

    numa weird NUMA statistics (per socket)

    proc Process specific data (MaxRSS, executable name etc.)

    ps process statistics

    sysv_shm SysV shared memory segment usage

    tmpfs ram-backed filesystem usage (per mount)

    vfs dentry/file/inode cache usage

    vm virtual memory statistics.

    The TYPES to include in a build of tacc_stats are specified in the setup.cfg list TYPES. To add a new TYPE to tacc_stats, write the appropriate TYPENAME.c file and place it in the src/monitor/ directory. Then add the TYPENAME to the TYPES list and set that TYPE to equal True. To disable a TYPE set it equal to False.

    For the keys associated with each TYPE, see the appropriate schema. For the source and meanings of the counters, see the tacc_stats source, the CentOS 5.6 kernel source, especially Documentation/*, and the manpages, especially proc(5).

    I have not tracked down the meanings of all counters. However, if I did (and it wasn't obvious from the counter name) then I put that information in the source (see for example block.c).

    All intel Sandy Bridge core and uncore counters are documented in detail in their corresponding source code and via Doxygen, e.g. intel_snb.c. Many processor-related performance counters are configurable using their corresponding control registers. The use of these registers is described in the source code and Doxygen.

  2. After the .cfg files have been created and/or set run

    python bdist_rpm

An rpm will be generated and placed in the newly created dist/ directory. Upon installation of the rpm tacc_stats should be running automatically.

pickler, analysis, site modules

To install TACC Stats on the machine where data will be processed, analyzed, and the webserver hosted run the following commands on the server it will be hosted from:

    $ virtualenv machinename
    $ cd machinename; source bin/activate
    $ git clone
    $ pip install tacc_stats

Scripts and executables will be installed in 'machinename/bin' and Python modules in 'machinename/lib'.
Ensure that the accounting file, hostfiles, and node-level stats data are visible to the server.

RabbitMQ Enabled Version

In order for RMQ mode to receive data the rabbitmq-server must be started and the amqp_listend daemon started :

amqp_listend -s SERVERNAME -a ARCHIVEDIR

will start a daemon that consumes tacc_stats data from the server running RabbitMQ SERVERNAME and outputs the data as textfiles to the ARCHIVEDIR. Be careful that the host_name_ext specified in your site specific configuration file is the same as what was set on the compute nodes. amqp_listend uses this parameter to locate the correct data (the RabbitMQ queue is named by this parameter).

Job Scheduler Configuration

In order for tacc_stats to correcly label records with JOBIDs it is required that the job scheduler prolog and epilog contain the lines in CRON mode

echo $JOBID > jobid_file
tacc_stats begin $JOBID


tacc_stats end $JOBID
echo 0 > jobid_file

and in DAEMON mode

service taccstats start
service taccstats begin $JOBID


service taccstats end

respectively. To perform the pickling of this data it is also necessary to generate an accounting file that contains at least the JOBID and time range that the job ran. The pickling will currently work without modification on SGE job schedulers. It will also work on any accounting file with the format

Job ID ($JOBID) : User ID ($UID) : Project ID ($ACCOUNT) : Junk ($BATCH) : Start time ($START) : End time ($END) : Time job entered in queue ($SUBMIT) : SLURM partition ($PARTITION) : Requested Time ($LIMIT) : Job name ($JOBNAME) : Job completion status ($JOBSTATE) : Nodes ($NODECNT) : Cores ($PROCS)

for each record using the SLURM interface (set by the batch_system field in the site-specific configuration file). In addition to the accounting file, a directory of host-file logs (hosts belonging to a particular job) must be generated. The host file directories should have the form


with hostlist.JOBID listing the hosts allocated to the job in a single column.

The accounting file and host-file logs will be used to map JOBID's to time and node ranges so that the job-level data can be extracted from the raw data efficiently.

As mentioned above the monitor module produces a light-weight C code called monitor which is setuid'd to /opt/tacc_stats/tacc_stats_monitord. It is called at the beginning of every job to configure Performance Monitoring Counter registers for specific events. As the job is running tacc_stats_monitord is called at regular intervals (the default is 10 mn) to collect the counter registers values at regular time intervals. This counter data is stored in "raw stats" files. These stats files are node-level data labeled by JOBID and may or may not be locally stored, but must be visible to the node as a mount.

Running tacc_stats

tacc_stats can be run manually in CRON mode by:

$ tacc_stats begin jobid
$ tacc_stats collect

However, it is typically invoked by setting up cron scripts and prolog/epilog files as described in the example below, which corresponds to its usage on Stampede.


  • Invocation:
    • CRON tacc_stats_monitord runs every 10-minutes (through cron), and at the beginning and end of every job (through SLURM prolog/epilog). In addition, tacc_stats may be directly invoked by the user (or application) although we have not advertised this.
    • DAEMON tacc_stats_monitord runs every 10-minutes, or the frequency in seconds specified in setup.cfg under the FREQUENCY field (as a DAEMON), and at the beginning and end of every job (through SLURM prolog/epilog).
  • Data Handling: On each invocation, tacc_stats_monitord collects and records system statistics to a structured text file on ram backed storage local to the node or else sends the data to a central server location where it is immediately written to textfiles by the amqp_listend daemon. Stats files are typically rotated at every night.
    In CRON mode A stats file created at epoch time EPOCH, on node HOSTNAME, will be stored locally as /var/log/tacc_stats/EPOCH, and archived at /scratch/projects/tacc_stats/archive/HOSTNAME/EPOCH.gz. In DAEMON mode the data will be immediately sent to a server and available for analysis.

\warning Do not expect all stats files to be created at midnight exactly, or even approximately. As nodes are rebooted, new stats_files will be created as soon as a job begins or the cron task runs.

\warning Stats from a given job on a give host may span multiple files.

\warning Expect stats files to be missing occasionally, as nodes may crash before they can be archived. Since we use ram backed storage these files do not survive a reboot.

Running can be run manually by:

$ ./ [-start date_start] [-end date_end] [-dir directory] [-jobids id0 id1 ... idn]

where the 4 optional arguments have the following meaning

  • -dir : the directory to store pickled dictionaries
  • -start : the start of the date range, e.g. "2013-09-25 00:00:00"
  • -end : the end of the date range, e.g. "2013-09-26 00:00:00"
  • jobids : individual jobids to pickle

No arguments results in all jobs from the previous day getting pickled and stored in the pickles_dir defined in setup.cfg. On Stampede argumentless is run every 24 hours as a cron job set-up by the user

For pickling data with Intel Sandy Bridge core and uncore counters it is useful to modify the event_map dictionaries in to include whatever events you are counting.The dictionaries map a control register value to a Schema name.
You can have events in the event_map dictionaries that you are not counting, but if missing an event it will be labeled in the Schema with it's control register value.

Stats Data

Raw stats data: generated by tacc_stats

A raw stats file consists of a multiline header, followed my one or more record groups. The first few lines of the header identify the version of tacc_stats, the FQDN of the host, it's uname, it's uptime in seconds, and other properties to be specified.

$tacc_stats 1.0.2
$uname Linux x86_64 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5_TACC #18 SMP Mon Mar 14 22:24:19 CDT 2011
$uptime 4753669

These are followed by schema descriptors for each of the types collected:

!amd64_pmc CTL0,C CTL1,C CTL2,C CTL3,C CTR0,E,W=48 CTR1,E,W=48 CTR2,E,W=48 CTR3,E,W=48
!cpu user,E,U=cs nice,E,U=cs system,E,U=cs idle,E,U=cs iowait,E,U=cs irq,E,U=cs softirq,E,U=cs
!lnet tx_msgs,E rx_msgs,E rx_msgs_dropped,E tx_bytes,E,U=B rx_bytes,E,U=B rx_bytes_dropped,E
!ps ctxt,E processes,E load_1 load_5 load_15 nr_running nr_threads

A schema descriptor consists of the character '!' followed by the type, followed by a space separated list of elements. Each element consists of a key name, followed by a comma-separated list of options; the options currently used are:

  • E meaning that the counter is an event counter,
  • W= meaning that the counter is wide (as opposed to 64),
  • C meaning that the value is a control register, not a counter,
  • U= meaning that the value is in units specified by .

Note especially the event and width options. Certain counters, such as the performance counters are subject to rollover, and as such their widths must be known for the values to be interpreted correctly.

\warning The archived stats files do not account for rollover. This task is left for postprocessing.

A record group consists of a blank line, a line containing the epoch time of the record and the current jobid, zero of more lines of marks (each starting with the % character), and several lines of statistics.

1307509201 1981063
%begin 1981063
amd64_pmc 11 4259958 4391234 4423427 4405240 235835341001110 187269740525248 62227761639015 177902917871843
amd64_pmc 10 4259958 4391234 4405239 4423427 221601328309784 187292967300939 47879507215852 174113618669738
amd64_pmc 13 4259958 4405238 4391234 4423427 211997466129346 215850892876689 2218837366391 233806061617899
amd64_pmc 12 4392928 4259958 4391234 4423427 6782043270201 102683296940807 2584394368284 174209034378272
cpu 11 429720418 0 1685980 43516346 447875 155 3443
cpu 10 429988676 0 1675476 43150935 559410 8 283
net ib0 0 0 55915434547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159301288 0 46963995550 0 0 97 0 0 0 31404022 0
ps - 4059349377 507410 1600 1600 1600 18 373

Each line of statistics contains the type (amd64_pmc, cpu, net, ps,...), the device (11,10,13,12,...,ib0,-...), followed by the counter values in the order given by the schema. Note that when we cannot meaningfully attach statistics to a device, we use '-' as the device name.


\note All chip architecture related types are checked for existence at run time. Therefore, it is unnecessary for the user to filter for these types listed above - they will be filtered at run time. This should also work well for systems composed of multiple types of chip architectures.

\warning Due to a bug in Lustre, llite overreports read_bytes.

\warning Some event counters (from ib_sw, numa, and possibly others) suffer from occasional dips. This may be due to non-atomic accesses in the (kernel) code that presents the counter, a bug in tacc_stats, or some other condition. Spurious rollover is easy to detect, however, because a naive adjustment produced a riduculously large delta.

\warning We never reset counters, thus to determine the number of events that occurred during a job, you must subtract the value at begin from end.

\warning Due to a quirk in the Opteron performance counter architecture, we do not assign the same set of events to each core, see amd64_pmc.c in the tacc_stats source for details.

Pickled stats data: generated

Pickled stats data will be placed in the directory specified by pickles_dir. The pickled data is contained in a nested python dictionary with the following key layers:

job       : 1st key Job ID
 host     : 2nd key Host node used by Job ID
  type    : 3rd key TYPE specified in tacc_stats
   device : 4th key device belonging to type

For example, to access Job ID 101's stats data on host c560-901 for TYPE intel_snb for device cpu number 0 from within a python script:

pickle_file = open('101','r')
jobid = pickle.load(pickle_file)

The value accessed by this key is a 2D array, with rows corresponding to record times and columns to specific counters for the device. To view the names for each counter add


or for a short version



(C) 2011 University of Texas at Austin


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA