export = cleanupPlugin

declare function cleanupPlugin (options?: cleanupPlugin.Options): import('rollup').Plugin

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-namespace
declare namespace cleanupPlugin {

  type PicoMatchGlob = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>

  interface Options {
     * Determinates which comments must be preserved.
     * @default ['some']
    comments?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>
     * Should js-cleanup also compact whitespace and blank lines
     * in the preserved multiline comments?
     * Line-ending normalization is always done.
     * @default true
    compactComments?: boolean
     * Type of Line-ending for normalization.
     * @default 'unix'
    lineEndings?: 'unix' | 'mac' | 'win'
     * Maximum successive empty lines to preserve in the output.
     * Use a positive value, or `-1` to keep all the lines.
     * @default 0
    maxEmptyLines?: number
     * Should generate a sourcemap?
     * @default true
    sourcemap?: boolean
     * picomatch or array of picomatch patterns for paths to include in the process.
     * @see https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch#globbing-features
    include?: PicoMatchGlob
     * picomatch or array of picomatch patterns for paths to include in the process.
     * @see https://github.com/micromatch/picomatch#globbing-features
    exclude?: PicoMatchGlob
     * String or array of strings with extensions of files to process.
     * @default ['js','jsx','mjs']
    extensions?: string | string[]