- Removed Faker::ChuckNorris.name
- Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
- Added Faker::ChuckNorris, Faker::Crypto, Faker::Educator, Faker::File, Faker::Music, Faker::Space, Faker::Vehicle, and Faker::Yoda
- Fixed bug with credit card types
- DST fixes in Faker::Time
- Added Faker::Name.name_with_middle
- Added Faker::Code.imei
- Added Faker::Code.asin
- Added Faker::Lorem.question and Faker::Lorem.questions
- Added Faker::Internet.private_ip_v4_address
- Added Faker::Company.australian_business_number
- Other miscellaneous fixes and locale updates
- Fix for UTF problem in Ruby 1.9.3
- Fix for Faker::StarWars.character
- Updated sv locale
- Fix for locale-switching (Russian email addresses)
- Added Faker::Beer, Faker::Boolean, Faker::Cat, Faker::StarWars, and Faker::Superhero
- Added Faker::Color.color_name
- Added Faker::Date.between_except
- Fixed Faker::Internet.ip_v4_cidr and Faker::Internet.ip_v6_cidr
- Added locales: ca, ca-CAT, da-DK, fi-FI, and pt
- Fix for locale issues in tests
- Lots of bug fixes -- most notably, a fix for email addresses and domains in non-en locales
- Updated locales: de, en-AU, en-NZ, en-SG, en-US, en-au-ocker, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, nb-NO, pl, pt-BR, sk, and zh-CN
- Updated classes: Address, Avatar, Book, Code, Commerce, Company, Hipster, IDNumber, Internet, Number, Placeholdit, Shakespeare, and Time
- Added logos
- Added Slack Emoji
- Updated image generators
- Updated Dutch Locale
- Added support for generating RGB values, HSL colors, alpha channel, and HSLA colors
- Added locale for Uganda
- Added basic Ukrainian support
- Added university name generator
- Updated documentation
- Updated a variety of locales
- Various fixes
- Updated Russian locale
- Added EIN generator
- Fixed Swedish locale
- Added birthday to Faker::Date
- Added Faker::App
- Added Swedish locale
- README update
- Bugfix and cleanup
- Many enhancements and bugfixes
- Many enhancements and few bugfixes
- Many major and minor enhancements :)
- 1 minor change:
- Fixed Ruby 1.8 compatibility
- 1 minor change:
- Removed ja locale because of parse errors
- 1 major change:
- Removed deprecated methods from Address: earth_country, us_state, us_state_abbr, uk_postcode, uk_county
- Many minor changes (please see github pull requests for credits)
- Added many localizations
- Added range and array support for Lorem
- 1 minor enhancement
- Added safe_email method to get someaddress@example.com [Kazimierz Kiełkowicz]
- 1 bug fix:
- Use the locale fallback properly when parsing string formats
- 2 major enhancements
- Moved all formats to locale files
- Stopped interfering with I18n's global settings for fallbacks
- 3 minor bug fixes:
- Ruby 1.9.2 fixes [eMxyzptlk]
- UTF8 fixes [maxmiliano]
- Updated IPv4 generator to return valid addresses [Sylvain Desbureaux]
- Many minor enhancements:
- Added bork locale for bork-ified lorem [johnbentcope]
- Added IPv6 address generator [jc00ke]
- Removed deprecation warnings for Array#rand [chrismarshall]
- Added German translation and I18n improvements [Matthias Kühnert]
- Added Dutch translation [moretea]
- Added Lat/Long generator [Andy Callaghan]
- Added buzzword-laden title generator [supercleanse]
- Added optional extended wordlist for lorem [chriskottom]
- Updated German translation [Jan Schwenzien]
- Locale improvements [suweller]
- Added limit to lorem generator [darrenterhune]
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation [maxmiliano]
- Added Australian translation [madeindata]
- Added Canadian translation [igbanam]
- Added Norwegian translation [kytrinyx]
- Lots of translation-related cleanup [kytrinyx]
- 1 minor bug fix:
- Fixed YAML [Aaron Patterson]
- 3 minor enhancements:
- Added default rake task to run all tests [Aaron Patterson]
- Removed shuffle method [Aaron Patterson]
- Use psych if present [Aaron Patterson]
- 1 minor bug fix:
- Stopped getting in the way of Rails' late locale loading
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added a faker namespace for translations
- 1 bug fix:
- Stopped stomping on I18n load path
- 1 bug fix:
- Stopped setting I18n default locale
- 1 major enhancement:
- Added method_missing to Address to add methods based on data in locale files
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added Swiss locale [Lukas Westermann]
- 1 major enhancement:
- Moved strings and some formats to locale files
- 1 minor enhancement:
- Added city to Address
- 3 major enhancements:
- Added Lorem to generate fake Latin
- Added secondary_address to Address, and made inclusion of secondary address in street_address optional (false by default).
- Added UK address methods [Caius Durling]
- 1 major enhancement:
- Dropped facets to avoid conflict with ActiveSupport
- 2 minor enhancements:
- Changed the output of user_name to randomly separate with a . or _
- Added a few tests
- 1 major enhancement:
- Initial release