DES Data Encryption Standard c/c++ Input Instructions 1.For direct use of EXEs 1.Insert "1" for Encryption "0" for Decryption in DECIMAL Notation without quotes 2.Insert key in CAPITAL HEXA Notation (Input <= 16 HEXA Digits) 3.Insert Data in CAPITAL HEXA NOTATION (Input <= 16 HEXA Digits) 4.Insert a POSITIVE Number of times to run the algorithm in DECIMAL Notation where (0<=N), the larger N is the longer it takes! 2.For Recompiling the source code 1.Download both Debug.h & DES.cpp 2.Edit definitions in Debug.h to suppres undesired output 3.Compile & Run Output 1.for Des_Rounds.exe you will get a final encrypted|Decrypted value with all intermediate stages 2.for DES_FinalOutputOnly.exe only one output line is printed on the fly Sample