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File metadata and controls

265 lines (224 loc) · 11.9 KB



We use physical page pools mem::PhyMemPagePool and virtual address pools mem::VrAddrPool to manage virtual memory pages. With memory paging, we can map a virtual address to an arbitrary physical page.

  • The system has two physical page pools to manage available kernel pages and user process pages respectively.
  • The system has a virtual address pool for the kernel and each user process has its own virtual address pool so each of them can access full 4 GB virtual memory.



mem::PhyMemPagePool::AllocPages and mem::VrAddrPool::AllocPages can allocate physical pages and virtual addresses respectively, but we have to map virtual addresses to physical pages using mem::VrAddr::MapToPhyAddr. For convenience, we can just use mem::AllocPages to allocate virtual pages, which is a combination of those steps.

  1. Allocate continous virtual addresses in pages using mem::VrAddrPool::AllocPages.
  2. Allocate arbitrary physical pages using mem::PhyMemPagePool::AllocPages.
  3. Map each virtual address to an arbitrary physical page using mem::VrAddr::MapToPhyAddr by creating a page table entry.
  4. Return the start virtual address to the user.
    participant Virtual Page Alloctor
    box Pools
        participant Virtual Address Pool
        participant Physical Page Pool
    participant Memory Paging
    participant User

    Virtual Page Alloctor ->> Virtual Address Pool : Allocate continous virtual addresses in pages
    loop For each virtual address
        Virtual Page Alloctor ->> Physical Page Pool : Allocate an arbitrary physical page
        Virtual Page Alloctor ->> Memory Paging : Map the virtual address to the physical page
    Virtual Page Alloctor ->> User : Return the start virtual address


We cannot directly use page allocation for small memory blocks, so a heap memory manager is needed for mem::Allocate and mem::Free using the following structures:

    class MemBlockDescTab {
        GetMinDesc(size) MemBlockDesc

    class MemBlockDesc {
        size_t block_size
        size_t block_count_per_arena

    class MemArena {
        size_t count
        bool large
        GetBlock(idx) MemBlock

    class MemBlock {
        GetArena() MemArena

    MemBlockDescTab *-- MemBlockDesc
    MemBlockDesc o-- MemBlock
    MemArena *-- MemBlock
    MemArena --> MemBlockDesc
    MemBlock ..> MemArena
  • Each page is divided into a number of small memory blocks (mem::MemBlock). They have different sizes from 16 bytes to 1024 bytes. When a user calls mem::Allocate and the required size is not larger than 1024 bytes, the address of a block is returned.
  • Each type of memory blocks has a memory block descriptor mem::MemBlockDesc as a manager. It contains a list of all free blocks of the same size in different pages.
  • The memory block descriptor table mem::MemBlockDescTab has an array of block descriptors of all sizes. It finds a suitable block descriptor for each allocation request.
  • The memory arena mem::MemArena is located at the beginning of a page, followed by a number of blocks or pages.
    • If the required size is not larger than 1024 bytes, the arena is a connection between a block descriptor and all blocks in a page. It records the number of free blocks in the current page.
    • Otherwise, the arena records the number of pages located after it.



When a user calls mem::Allocate, we check the required size. If the required size is larger than the largest block (1024 bytes), we directly allocate pages for the user.

  1. Allocate a number of pages that are large enough for an arena and the required size.
  2. Set the arena attributes at the beginning of the allocated pages.
    • mem::MemArena::large is true and the parent block descriptor mem::MemArena::desc is nullptr since it manages pages instead of blocks.
    • mem::MemArena::count is the number of the allocated pages.
  3. Return the start address of available memory located after the arena to the user.
// src/kernel/memory/pool.cpp

void* Allocate(const PoolType type, const stl::size_t size) noexcept {
    // ...
    if (size > MemBlockDescTab::max_block_size) {
        // Directly allocate a number of pages if the required size is larger than the maximum block size.
        const auto page_count {CalcPageCount(size + sizeof(MemArena))};
        const auto arena {static_cast<MemArena*>(AllocPages(mem_pool, addr_pool, page_count))};
        arena->desc = nullptr;
        // The arena is a large arena and the count refers to the number of pages instead of blocks.
        arena->large = true;
        arena->count = page_count;
        return reinterpret_cast<stl::byte*>(arena) + sizeof(MemArena);
    // ...


  1. The memory block descriptor table finds the smallest block descriptor that is large enough for the required size.
  2. If the block descriptor's free-block list is empty:
    1. Allocate a new page.
    2. Set the arena attributes at the beginning of the new page.
      • mem::MemArena::large is false and mem::MemArena::desc is the parent block descriptor since it manages blocks instead of pages.
      • mem::MemArena::count is the number of free blocks located after the arena in the new page.
    3. Add all blocks in the new page to the free-block list.
  3. Pop a block from the block descriptor's free-block list.
  4. Get the arena at the beginning of the page where the block is located in and decrease its free block count by one.
  5. Return the block address to the user.
// src/kernel/memory/pool.cpp

void* Allocate(const PoolType type, const stl::size_t size) noexcept {
    // ...
    if (size > MemBlockDescTab::max_block_size) {
        // ...
    } else {
        auto& descs {GetMemBlockDescTab(type)};
        // Get the suitable block descriptor.
        const auto desc {descs.GetMinDesc(size)};

        if (desc->GetFreeBlockList().IsEmpty()) {
            // Allocate a new arena if the free block list of the descriptor is empty.
            const auto arena {static_cast<MemArena*>(AllocPages(mem_pool, addr_pool))};
            arena->desc = desc;
            // The arena is not a large arena and the count refers to the number of blocks.
            arena->large = false;
            arena->count = desc->GetBlockCountPerArena();

            // Add all blocks to the free block list.
            const intr::IntrGuard intr_guard;
            for (stl::size_t i {0}; i != arena->count; ++i) {
                auto& block {arena->GetBlock(i)};

        // Remove a block from the free block list and return its address.
        auto& block {MemBlock::GetByTag(desc->GetFreeBlockList().Pop())};
        stl::memset(&block, 0, desc->GetBlockSize());
        auto& arena {block.GetArena()};
        dbg::Assert(arena.count > 0);
        return &block;
flowchart TD
    Start([Start]) --> check-size{The required size is larger than the largest block?}
    check-size -->|Yes| alloc-pages[Allocate pages for an arena and the required size]
    subgraph Page Allocation
        alloc-pages --> set-large-arena[Set the arena attributes at the beginning of the pages, recording the number of pages located after it]
        set-large-arena --> return-pages[Return the start address of available memory located after the arena to the user]
    check-size -->|No| find-block-desc[The memory block descriptor table finds the smallest block descriptor that is large enough for the required size]
    subgraph Block Allocation
        find-block-desc --> check-free-blocks{The block descriptor's free-block list is empty?}
        check-free-blocks -->|Yes| alloc-page[Allocate a new page]
        alloc-page --> set-small-arena[Set the arena attributes at the beginning of the new page, recording the the number of blocks located after it]
        set-small-arena --> add-free-blocks[Add all blocks in the new page to the free-block list]
        add-free-blocks --> pop-free-block[Pop a block from the block descriptor's free-block list]
        check-free-blocks -->|No| pop-free-block
        pop-free-block --> update-free-block-count[Get the arena at the beginning of the page where the block is located in and decrease its free block count by one]
        update-free-block-count --> return-block[Return the block address to the user]
    return-block --> End([End])
    return-pages --> End


When a user calls mem::Free with the virtual address vr_base, we get the arena at the beginning of the page where vr_base is located in and check mem::MemArena::large. If it is true, vr_base belongs to a large-size allocation, then:

  1. Get the number of pages located after the arena from mem::MemArena::count.
  2. Free the arena and pages.
void Free(const PoolType type, void* const vr_base) noexcept {
    // ...
    const auto block {reinterpret_cast<MemBlock*>(vr_base)};
    if (auto& arena {block->GetArena()}; arena.large) {
        // Directly free pages if the arena is a large arena.
        FreePages(mem_pool, GetVrAddrPool(type), &arena, arena.count);
    // ...

Otherwise, vr_base is a block address.

  1. Get its parent block descriptor from mem::MemArena::desc.
  2. Add the block to the block descriptor's free-block list.
  3. Increase the arena's free block count mem::MemArena::count by one.
  4. If all blocks in the arena are free:
    1. Remove all blocks from the block descriptor's free-block list.
    2. Free the page.
void Free(const PoolType type, void* const vr_base) noexcept {
    // ...
    const auto block {reinterpret_cast<MemBlock*>(vr_base)};
    if (auto& arena {block->GetArena()}; arena.large) {
        // ...
    } else {
        // Get the block descriptor.
        const auto desc {arena.desc};
        // Add the block to the free block list of the descriptor.

        // All blocks in the arena are free.
        if (++arena.count == desc->GetBlockCountPerArena()) {
            // Remove all blocks from the free block list.
            for (stl::size_t i {0}; i != arena.count; ++i) {
                auto& block {arena.GetBlock(i)};

            // Free the arena.
            FreePages(mem_pool, GetVrAddrPool(type), &arena);
flowchart TD
    Start([Start]) --> check-size{Check the arena at the beginning of the page where the address is located, it refers to a large allocation?}
    check-size -->|Yes| get-page-count[Get the number of pages located after the arena from its attributes]
    subgraph Page Deallocation
        get-page-count --> free-pages[Free the arena and pages]
    check-size -->|No| find-block-desc[Get the arena's parent block descriptor from its attributes]
    subgraph Block Deallocation
        find-block-desc --> add-free-block[Add the block to the block descriptor's free-block list]
        add-free-block --> update-free-block-count[Increase the arena's free block count by one]
        update-free-block-count --> all-blocks-free{All blocks in the arena are free?}
        all-blocks-free -->|Yes| remove-free-blocks[Remove all blocks from the block descriptor's free-block list]
        remove-free-blocks --> free-page[Free the page]
    free-page --> End([End])
    free-pages --> End
    all-blocks-free -->|No| End