R 3.6.3 or above is required. Pacakges including "dplyr", "reshape2", "gridExtra", "ggplot2", "ggsignif", "ggrepel", "ggbeeswarm", and "MatchIt" are needed. Please install them first before running the scripts.
datafiles/: Essential raw data for the analysis.
scripts/Rscript1: Raw dependency scores + Negative GI results
scripts/Rscript2: Meta analysis + Defining core negative GI pairs + Evolutionary analysis
scripts/Rscript3: Human developmental data analysis
scripts/Rscript4: TCGA data analysis. Because necessary input files are too huge to be deposited, the scripts cannot be directly executed.
Please enter the scripts/ directory and run Rscript1-Rscript2-Rscript3 sequentially. Figures and tables included in the maintext will be generated.