Alleviating Filecoin's capital inefficiences through a novel Filecoin leasing protocol.
This is the GLIF Pools smart contracts repo.
In this project, we have conducted tests on several key functionalities. In the "test/echidna" folder, you will find three important files:
- EchidnaAgent.sol
- EchidnaInfinityPoolV2.sol
- EchidnaLiquidityMineLP.sol
These files contain systematically organized tests for different contracts in the project. Each focuses on a specific aspect of functionality, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
Next, we will provide detailed instructions for:
- Installing all necessary dependencies.
- Running each of the tests individually.
These instructions will allow you to replicate our testing environment and verify the results yourself, ensuring transparency and reproducibility of our testing processes.
Section | Description |
Installation | Setup and installation requirements. |
Init | Initial setup and build commands. |
Where to Find the Tests | Locations of different test suites. |
Testing Environments | Overview of testing environments: Echidna. |
Echidna Tests | Setup and execution of Echidna tests. |
Test Cases | Test Cases. |
To be able to use this repository, you need to have the following installed:
git submodule update --init --recursive
sudo forge build -force
You can find the tests in various folders:
- Echidna in the
folder - Echidna in the
folder - Echidna in the
- Documentation
- Properties
- echidna
- Echidna Tutorial: #2 Fuzzing with Assertion Testing Mode
- Echidna Tutorial: #1 Introduction to create Invariant tests with Solidity
- Echidna Tutorial: Use Echidna Cheatcodes while Fuzzing
- Echidna in the
folder - Echidna in the
folder - Echidna in the
echidna . --contract EchidnaAgent --config config.yaml
echidna . --contract EchidnaInfinityPoolV2 --config config.yaml
echidna . --contract EchidnaLiquidityMineLP --config config.yaml
# | Property | Tested | Pass |
1 | echtest_agent_borrow | borrow from pool | ✅ |
2 | echtest_agent_borrow_invalid_params | borrow with invalid parameters | ✅ |
3 | echtest_agent_borrow_not_owner | borrow by non-owner | ✅ |
4 | echtest_agent_borrow_expired_credential | borrow with expired credential | ✅ |
5 | echtest_agent_borrow_invalid_signature | borrow with invalid signature | ✅ |
6 | echtest_consecutive_borrows_update_liquid_assets | update assets after consecutive borrows | ✅ |
7 | echtest_agent_borrow_fails_with_reused_credential | borrow fails with reused credential | ✅ |
8 | echtest_agent_borrow_rewards | rewards distribution after borrow | ✅ |
9 | echtest_agent_borrow_update_accounting | update accounting after borrow | ✅ |
10 | echtest_agent_borrow_paused | borrow when pool is paused | ✅ |
11 | echtest_pay_interest_only | pay interest only | ✅ |
12 | echtest_pay_full_repayment | pay full loan repayment | ✅ |
13 | echtest_nonAgentCannotPay | unauthorized payment attempt | ✅ |
14 | echtest_cannotPayOnNonExistentAccount | payment on non-existent account | ✅ |
15 | echtest_distributeLiquidatedFundsPartialRecoveryNoInterest | distribute liquidated funds with partial recovery | ✅ |
16 | echtest_agentLoanAndLiquidationProcess | complete loan and liquidation process | ✅ |
# | Property | Tested | Pass |
1 | echtest_deposit_wFIL | deposit with wrapped FIL | ✅ |
2 | echtest_deposit_FIL | deposit with native FIL | ✅ |
3 | echtest_wFILTotalSupplyInvariant | wrapped FIL total supply invariant | ✅ |
4 | echtest_zeroDepositReverts | zero deposit reversion | ✅ |
5 | echtest_exceedingInvestorBalanceReverts | deposit exceeding balance reversion | ✅ |
6 | echtest_correctSharesAfterSecondDeposit | correct shares after second deposit | ✅ |
7 | echtest_investorSharesBalanceAfterDeposits | investor shares balance after multiple deposits | ✅ |
8 | echtest_previewDepositRoundingError | preview deposit rounding error | ✅ |
9 | echtest_tokenMintingOnDeposit | token minting on deposit | ✅ |
10 | echtest_depositRevertsWhenPaused | deposit reversion when paused | ✅ |
11 | echtest_depositRevertsWithInvalidReceiver | deposit reversion with invalid receiver | ✅ |
12 | echtest_multipleConsecutiveDeposits | multiple consecutive deposits | ✅ |
13 | echtest_successfulWithdrawal | successful withdrawal | ✅ |
14 | echtest_withdrawalAlternativeRecipient | withdrawal with alternative recipient | ✅ |
15 | echtest_withdrawUpdatesAccounting | withdrawal updates accounting | ✅ |
16 | echtest_withdrawRevertsOnInsufficientApprovedLiquidity | withdrawal reversion on insufficient approved liquidity | ✅ |
17 | echtest_withdrawRevertsWithInvalidReceiver | withdrawal reversion with invalid receiver | ✅ |
18 | echtest_withdrawRevertsWhenPaused | withdrawal reversion when paused | ✅ |
19 | echtest_multipleConsecutiveWithdrawals | multiple consecutive withdrawals | ✅ |
20 | echtest_withdrawFRevertsWhenPaused | withdrawF reversion when paused | ✅ |
21 | echtest_withdrawFRevertsWithInvalidReceiver | withdrawF reversion with invalid receiver | ✅ |
22 | echtest_withdrawFRevertsOnInsufficientApprovedLiquidity | withdrawF reversion on insufficient approved liquidity | ✅ |
# | Property | Tested | Pass |
1 | echtest_locked_tokens_increase | increase in locked tokens after deposit | ✅ |
2 | echtest_unclaimed_rewards_calculation | calculation of unclaimed rewards | ✅ |
3 | echtest_reward_debt_calculation | calculation of reward debt | ✅ |
4 | echtest_deposit_transfer_successful | successful token transfer on deposit | ✅ |
5 | echtest_locked_tokens_decrease | decrease in locked tokens after withdrawal | ✅ |
6 | echtest_unclaimed_rewards_update | update of unclaimed rewards after withdrawal | ✅ |
7 | echtest_reward_debt_update | update of reward debt after withdrawal | ✅ |
8 | echtest_withdraw_transfer_successful | successful token transfer on withdrawal | ✅ |
9 | echtest_harvest_rewards_update | update of rewards after harvesting | ✅ |
10 | echtest_reward_debt_after_harvest | reward debt calculation after harvesting | ✅ |
11 | echtest_withdraw_and_harvest_basic | basic withdraw and harvest functionality | ✅ |
12 | echtest_multiple_deposits_accrual | reward accrual with multiple deposits | ✅ |
13 | echtest_reward_cap_exceeded | behavior when reward cap is exceeded | ✅ |
14 | echtest_set_reward_per_epoch | setting new reward per epoch | ✅ |